Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 528 Arrival

But the situation was obviously not as simple as Xiu thought. The bus went around several places in Nibi City and picked up more than ten people one after another.

"These are all top students from several schools in Nibi City, but I don't know the details." Xiaogang's voice suddenly became much lower, and he leaned close to Xiu's ear to introduce, "This kind of thing happens frequently, and participating in it is beneficial for them to accumulate qualifications."

Xiu was a little speechless when he heard this...

Xiu didn't understand why a bus was needed to transport these people before, and there were smaller cars in the backyard.

And when they got on the bus, there were obviously so many empty seats, but those researchers were very particular about sitting in the front row in pairs, and then lined up in order.

It wasn't until these students got on that Xiu understood what was going on.

Led by two teachers, a middle-aged man with a somewhat plump appearance, and a young man with glasses, and they all had Poké Balls on them.

Ten students, seven boys and three girls, all wearing school uniforms, it seems that they are all trainers, and they have at least one Poké Ball on them.

Because the schools here are very strange, there is no unified school year.

Some are three-year programs, some are four-year programs, and some are even five-year programs, so Xiu doesn't know their exact ages.

But judging from their appearance, they should be young people around thirteen or fourteen years old.

The middle-aged teacher sat in the front with Dr. Endo, while the young teacher sat alone next to Xiu and them.

Because Xiu and Xiaogang's row of seats was just at the end of the researchers, and vice versa, it was in front of the students.

With twelve more people, the car suddenly became lively.

"I heard that we are going to investigate the ruins this time!"

"I don't know what the ruins are. It would be great if there are treasures~"

"Tsk! You think too much. If there are such ruins, we have to wait for us to go?"

"Yes, let's think about how to write related papers~"

"But I heard that it's fun to enjoy the snow-capped mountains."


The students are always very energetic. Compared with the lifeless front, the voices in the back are one after another. They have never stopped since they came up, and some people have released the elves and held them in front of them.

Fortunately, most of these elves are very small and have no effect on the car.

Seeing Xiu was a little irritated, Xiaogang comforted him:

"These routes are maintained by people, and there is almost no chance of problems. I have traveled so many routes, and the most common problems are human problems."

"I'm fine~" Xiu shook his head slowly. He was not afraid of these, but there were so many people suddenly, and the atmosphere in the car was a little noisy, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Not long after, Xiaogang, who was sitting by the window, was leaning back in his chair to rest.

Don't forget that he still has to prepare breakfast for his younger brothers and sisters and take care of the housework...

It seems that he paid a little price to come so early in the morning.

The car shook from time to time, which made it difficult for Xiu to read, so he took out a pen and paper to draw.

Those students didn't get angry with him, so it didn't matter if they were noisy.

Originally, Xiu had been preparing in the car for several hours, but he still underestimated the distance.

Because there were so many people pulling a car of supplies and the route was not very familiar, the driver was very careful, but the speed of the car could not be increased.

The car drove for almost half a day. Except for an hour stop for lunch and rest, the rest of the time was spent on the journey.

The enthusiasm of those students was also completely worn out by the journey. At the beginning, they were full of passion, but now they seemed to be withered, sitting in a daze or closing their eyes to sleep.

Xiu was similar, which reminded him of the experience of taking a long-distance bus in the past.

It was just that there were mobile phones to play with and listen to music at that time, and there were many more entertainment activities to kill time. Unlike now, it is uncomfortable to do anything and can only sit.

Without mobile phones, perhaps MP3, MP4 and other transitional products can be made...

The car started at nine in the morning and arrived at Bohe Town at more than four in the afternoon.

Xiu only realized now that those researchers were really experienced.

As soon as they got on the bus, they lay down and died. Obviously, they were used to this kind of long-distance driving.

"Finally arrived~"

"This is the first time I've been on a bus for so long. My waist is so tired!"

"Stop talking. I just want to get off the bus quickly."

The students couldn't wait to get off the bus. Only then did the researcher slowly get up and get off the bus in an orderly manner behind the teacher.

Xiu and Xiaogang walked at the end.

Xiaogang, who had slept all day, looked quite energetic.

This long distance is a test for young people, let alone Dr. Endo, who is already an old man.

Although he was familiar with this experience, his face was still a little pale when he got off the bus.

The car stopped in front of a building, five stories high, with a pastoral style. It looked quite good from the outside, but I didn't know what was going on inside.

Why did Dr. Endo and his team choose to come at this time in the summer?

In addition to the reasons mentioned before, there is another reason, that is, there are the least number of tourists coming here at this time, which is convenient for them to do things.

For example, they directly booked half of the rooms in this hotel. If it was the peak tourist season, they might not be able to get so many rooms.

Dr. Endo led the team to stop at the entrance of the hotel and said, "Everyone is tired today. Let's take a rest for a night. We will go for a field survey tomorrow."

As he said this, his tone changed and he warned: "But remember not to run around and make trouble, otherwise you will bear the consequences yourself, don't come to me."

After speaking, he glanced at everyone, and then continued: "Disband."

In fact, everyone could hear that Endo's words were directed at those students.

The researcher has been traveling around with Endo for so many years, and those who understand will understand, and will not do those stupid things.

And Xiu and Xiaogang are obviously not to be worried about.

The only ones left are those uncontrollable students.

But now those students are in a daze, and I'm afraid they won't cause any trouble.

The crowd dispersed. The two sides are different. The researcher's side is reimbursed for expenses, while the students are responsible for themselves, so they are calculated separately. The two teachers are handing over at the front desk.

And Xiu and the others have already taken their keys upstairs.

All are single rooms. After all, they are all reimbursed, so there is no need to do anything fancy. It's best to go up and be done with it.

This is the treatment for business trips~

This place is famous for tourism. The hotel quality is quite good, and the style is well matched with the overall style. The room is fully equipped, basically comparable to the single room in the Elf Center.

It's a pity that there is no computer, but there is a public one in the lobby below.

After putting the things away, Xiu opened the curtains and pushed open the window.

Since this place is mainly about snow scenery, the hotel naturally has relevant arrangements.

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