Episode 138. Incident

Early in the morning, before dawn.

Before I had time to panic at the sudden visit, she recklessly entered my room.

Strangely, Lemon and Rachel, who woke up early, followed suit as if it were natural.

“What are you doing at this hour?”

Ms. Laura glanced at Lemon and Rachel standing behind her, then opened her mouth to me.

“What about the alchemist?”

“Oh, Michael isn’t here right now. He goes back to his house every day.”

Michael returns home at night saying he always has something to do.

I don’t know if I have a pretty wife hidden at home or if I need some alone time, but it’s the same every day.

She is very different from Rachel, who abandoned her own house and always clings to our dorm.

“Did Michael have something to do?”

“No. It’s not like that. Whoa… Can I sit down for a moment?”

“Ah! Yes, you are.”

I took out a chair from my inventory and handed it over.

I tried to take out the others, but the two women sat on the bed I was using as if it were natural.

In the end, I decided to use the new chair.

“What happened?”

Placed four cups of appetizing herbal tea on the table and sat down in a chair.

Up to this point, I wasn’t too shaken.

Laura’s expression was quite different from usual, but she was in the mood of ‘what’s wrong?’

Since all my attention was focused on the demonic invasion that was just a week away, I didn’t pay much attention to other minor problems.

Would it be more appropriate to say that I am not interested?


Since we had already planned which dishes to produce and how to distribute them, and the children were growing smoothly, there were no major concerns.

Maybe that’s why my attitude was naturally relaxed.

“Honey. This isn’t the time to be so relaxed.”


“Do you know how things are going?”

A cynical tone that is not like her usual.

“This is information that is not known to anyone yet. You must keep it a secret, even yourself.”

“What the hell is going on? Laura-san came to see me, so I’m guessing to some extent…”


Instead of the man who came every morning to get 10 servings of food as promised, Laura came to our lodging today.

I know he is an unusual situation in and of itself.

She let out a long sigh and looked at the two women sitting on her bed again.

“I’m sorry, but can you two go out for a while?”

“Sister, me too?”


“Oh, okay! You can leave…”

Rachel expressed her friendliness, but she immediately stood up at Mr. Laura’s cold eyes.

Lemon, on the other hand, stared at Laura’s face for a while, then suddenly turned her head and shot a laser at me.

She flinched and I defended her straight away from her.

“Does it have to be like that? First of all, they are all colleagues, and these two are the people I trust the most.”

It’s about Lemon, but Rachel was listening too, so she said:

First of all, he is also a member of our party.

“I’m sorry, but even this is not enough. I will be in great trouble if it is known that I passed the information on to you. That’s what I’m going to say. Perhaps someone is already monitoring me… It’s to the point where I don’t want to take this risk unless it’s a promise I made with him.”

She is more confident than anyone else and has the spirit of a journalist. If she said this, something really serious must have happened.

It wasn’t like this the last time I heard that the king of outlaws had died through writing.

What the hell just happened?

Feeling the seriousness of the situation, I had no choice but to send the two out and lock the door.

Not because I don’t trust them, but because if I don’t do this, Laura-san won’t open her mouth at all.

Just the two of us left.

On the table was placed a small jewel that was tinged with purple.

As a kind of magic tool, it has the effect of preventing our conversation from leaking out.

‘I have to use this…’

Silence dominated the space for a while, and Laura-san’s mouth, which had been silent all along, finally began to open slowly.

“Baby. Do you know Noh Yoo-seok?”

“Roh Yoo-seok? Who is that?”

“Haa… I’m the executive of Demon Slash.”

“Yes… But why is that person…?”

Laura shook her head in disgust.

“Didn’t you raid the high orc priest a while ago?”


“Roh Yoo-seok was one of the four people who were caught trying to sabotage them then.”


I barely know who he is.

Three of those four were my damn ex-fellows.

The other person said he was an executive of Demon Slash.

“Do you remember?”

“That person…”


“He’s dead.”


“The man named Roh Yoo-seok is dead. I think he was murdered.”


The story that flowed from her mouth made me unable to get out of shock for a while.

“Go, why all of a sudden…”

“I just told you. I think I was murdered.”

“To be killed… Are you a demon slash executive?”

“I’m sorry, but please don’t make me repeat the same thing.”

Is he dead?


Suddenly why?

Did you usually buy grudges from people?

“Then maybe someone…”

He is the leader of Demon Slash, the strongest guild in existence.

Personal strength can be counted on one hand, but above all, it is worthy of the name Demon Slash.

Who would dare lay a hand on a member of the strongest guild, even an executive.

If life is not a waste.

“I don’t know that much. It happened just yesterday, and Demon Slash is thoroughly hiding it. Of course, I don’t know how it will change today after a day has passed.”


I just swallowed dry saliva in silence for a while.

Then I asked a question.

“Why is Demon Slash keeping it a secret? If it’s certain that someone has been assassinated, they’ll find the culprit quickly, so isn’t it natural to publicize it and collect information?”

“I don’t know the details either. All the sources that contacted it have been cut off. But…”

She blurts out her behind-the-scenes talk.


“…Don’t you know why I rushed here as soon as I got this information?”


His head spun rapidly.

The nuance of Laura’s remarks so far, and the circumstances of the recent incident.

When she put it all together, she had a vague idea of what she was trying to say.

“Could it be that we are under suspicion?”

“To some extent. Of course, there are people who are more suspicious than I am.”

“Angelic Slime…”

“Yeah. Something like that happened at Pixel not too long ago.”

Demon Slash is suspicious of Everett Lowell and his guild.

“Everett Lowell isn’t one of those people.”

“I know. But that’s the situation. What would he do if he were Kang Dae-san?”

“We will thoroughly investigate suspicious people.”

“That’s what I think. It’s probably like that right now. It’s quiet externally as if nothing happened, but it’s sure to be busy internally.”

Then what if you find something related to Angelic?

‘Guild Wars…’

Right now is really bad timing.

Now the demonic invasion is only a week away.

“First of all, thank you for coming.”

“It’s enough to know. Above all, a contract is a contract.”

A contract to hand over dishes and receive information.

I never dreamed that I would be helped in this way thanks to that little deal.

It’s dizzy to think that I ran into the demon slash gang without knowing this at all.

Even if it’s not so, didn’t you rob a lot of the officers and guild members just a few days ago?

“Be careful. There are already rumors going around that you might be attached to the Angelic Slime side.”

“It’s not like that at all…”

“Anyway, we ran the World Boss Raid together. People who don’t know will think there was some kind of deal, even if they’re not colleagues.”

“I guess so.”

There was actually a transaction.

Thanks to that, I also benefited greatly.


“Anyway, be careful about contacting Angelic for the time being. If Demon Slash decides to move, no one will be able to handle it.”

“I know.”

“No, he has to think much more seriously than he thinks.”

“Yes. Laura-san, be careful too. Don’t get caught with me for coming to see me.”

My head is complicated.

‘Should I inform Lemon?’

Now the choice is mine.


It’s not that she doesn’t trust him.

But, should I say that I am anxious because I think something will happen if I say it for nothing?

After observing him for a few days, he is a nice guy, but he’s the type to say he’s missing a screw, and he’s the type that doesn’t want to reveal his secrets.

Isn’t it?

Rather, is there a chance of getting into an accident because you don’t know anything?


The more I think about it, the more my head hurts.

From noble mtl dot com

‘Apart from Rachel…’

Then what should Michael do?

He asked if it was better to tell him or not.

Anyway, it’s the same thing that both of them are parties to this case.

He is still in a party with me and going in and out of dungeons every day, and he also participated in the raid in question.

He was a kind of victim comrade who had faced a dangerous juncture together because of their interference.

‘That’s why a grudge relationship is established with the person who is said to have died, and that’s why it’s a problem that he’s being suspected.’

If it was Kangdaesan, we would all be suspicious.

I would have done the same.

Based on my common sense, I began to consider who would be the culprit and who would be most suspicious.

Then a question began to arise.

“It’s as if someone is instigating a fight between two giant guilds, doesn’t it?”

“That’s what I think. The timing is also like that, right? Just in time for the invasion of the demon legion.”

Of course, angelic slime could be the real culprit.

According to rumors from the past few days, the reputation of Everett Lowell and Angelic Slime has been plummeting day by day since the incident in front of the Pixel Temple.

Being interrupted during a raid.

In other words, the victims are themselves, but public opinion is completely leaning towards the other side.

Could there be anything worse than this?

It’s just going crazy and running wild.

But if you think differently, it doesn’t even make sense to commit crazy things like murder in this situation.

Of course, you will be the most suspicious, but why?

If you are going to go to war anyway, it is better to declare war proudly.

If this is the case, the reputation that has been falling for nothing will only hit the bottom.

‘That gisaeng brother-in-law is not an idiot, as expected, someone else is playing this game…’

If there is another person behind all of this.

Why and what did he aim for?


Suddenly, goose bumps all over my body.

No matter how you think about it, it was clear that he would never be a sane guy.

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