Aether Beasts

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

The suite was very luxurious and was by far the most expensive place I had ever stayed in. The main room was wide and full of comfy seats, a dining table on one side, and a few shelves of books on the clothes. There were three doors, one of which led into a large bedroom with a bed that dwarfed any other I had ever seen before. The others led into a large bathing room and what I could only describe as a game room. All in all, it was definitely worth the price, and Sandra and Misty both seemed very pleased.

"Happy?" I asked.

"Very." Sandra sighed as she leaned back on a pile of comfy pillows. "I just want to relax."

"I think that's fine," Zirani said as she manifested. "The expeditions aren't here so we can spend this time relaxing as things are going to be a lot more difficult when we get into the great scar."

I was about to argue when I realized that she was right and that there was no harm in taking a short break. Too much training would tire us out, and well we were heading into the great scar soon. I imagined we would have little time for relaxation when that happened.

"Then I'm going to go shopping," Misty said. "Do you guys want anything?"

"I do." I jotted down a list of ingredients I wanted on some paper and then handed it to her. "Gets these and any other ingredients that look interesting, oh and if you can buy a few higher-quality spatial rings."

"Don't," Zirani interjected. "Wait until the expedition arrives. They will have some high-quality products in stock, though if there are any from the green court then we won't have to pay for them."

"Your that high up?" Sandra asked.

ᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ɴ ᴏᴠᴇʟ 'My mother is basically queen," Zirani explained. "And I am jungle queen. There aren't so many of us."

Misty headed out with an eager smile on her face as I walked toward the bathing room.

"Wanna join me?" I asked Zirani.

She smiled and offered a hand which I took. "Lead the way."


All I got in response was a gentle snore. She must have been more tired than I had realized or she was taking this chance to sleep as much as she could. We didn't need much sleep, but that didn't mean we couldn't, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

The bathing room had basic enchantments to create water and heat it up which made things much easier. I stripped quickly and then sighed as I lowered myself into hot water. It was probably too hot for a normal person, but at level three, it was comfortable for me. The warmth seeped through my body that was more tired than I had realized. I allowed myself to go limp and simply relax. It had been so long since I'd had a normal baht, and it felt odd because my body kept expecting pain, but none came. Just pleasant warmth.

I closed my eyes and let all my thoughts and worries drain away until there was nothing but the warmth and silence. My life had been chaotic, to say the least ever since I had left West Vale and the only time besides moments of rest that I had been allowed to relax had been in moments of pleasure and sensual bliss, but even in those times, it hadn't really been like this.

I probably would have drifted off right then and there if not for the warm body that pressed against my side and the head that leaned on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and glanced over at Ziatni who had a gentle smile on her face

"Nice isn't it?"

I nodded. "I didn't realize just how simple and peaceful life had been back before all of this."

"Do you regret leaving?"

I shook my head. "Never. I'm beyond grateful I met you and the others, and while I do miss these moments, I wouldn't trade the time I had and will have with you for them."

"For someone who says he isn't good at talking, you sure do have a way with words."

"I just speak what I think," I said with a shrug. "And I never said that. I just said I'm not really good with most people or strangers. You are not a stranger, and I know you don't care how eloquent I am."panda novel

"True enough." She chuckled. "Are you nervous about crossing the scar?"

"Not really," I replied. "At least not in the way you think. I'm more worried about what your mother and people will think of me. What if she dislikes me and, as you said, tears you from me. Would I survive that?'

Zirani sighed. "My mother is an understanding and kind woman. She will give you a proper chance and I don't think she will be disappointed with what she finds. Just make sure you are honest with her. She despises liars and those who speak falsities. The green court prides itself on being united and those who would spread false rumors to try and break it are dealt with quickly. She has two sides to her. We need to make sure she sees you as family, then we will have no problems at all."

"And the others?"

"That will be more difficult," she said. "It's not that humans and the green court are enemies, in fact, there are members of our court who are humans who have joined or defected from other factions. It's just that a bond like ours is generally looked down upon and many see it as a form of slavery, not to mention there will an outcry of people asking for me to be freed even if I say I'm not trapped. We will get past together."

We spent what must have been a few hours in the baths as Sandra joined us at one point, looking refreshed and like she had just won a million crystals. "That was the best sleep I've had in a while."

"Don't get used to it," Zirani said.

"I won't" Sandra shook her head. "I've learned my lesson in that regard. You want to get something to eat after this."

"Sure," I answered. "I like cooking, but I cannot be bothered right now. I'll go call something up for us unless you want to eat downstairs?"

Both ladies shook their heads so I stood and dried off before heading out to the living room. There was a small bell and circular object which I could use to contact the reception. I pulled and order three servings of their most expensive meal up with two bottles of their finest wine and some dessert. If everything was on the house because of our deal then I was going to use it to its fullest.

Zirani and Sandra were dry and dressed by the time the food was delivered. I set it down on the dining table and filled three glasses up. We dug in and I had to admit that it was some of the best food I'd had. It was steak in some sort of gravy with egg-fried rice, roasted potatoes, and to my surprise, a side of potato skins covered in melted gooey cheese. Paired with the wine, we quickly devoured it and move on to the dessert which was a red velvet cake. I was on my second slice when the door banged open and Misty stormed in with a pissed-off look on her face.


"Those lecherous pigs!" She looked like she was about to explode so I sent camping and soothing feelings down our bonds.

"What happened?" Sandra asked.

Misty sighed and composed herself before walking over and taking a seat. Her eyes momentarily stopped on the cake, but she didn't grab a slice, instead, looking back up at us. "I was doing some shopping in the market when a group of sect arcanists walked up to me and started hitting on me. I ignored them and rejected their offers, but apparently, that wasn't enough and one of them got handy."

"Is that so," I growled.

"I took a few fingers from him," Misty continued. "And would have beaten him right then and there if some of the city guards hadn't intervened. What annoyed me though is that they took their side, and one of them even told me that I should be grateful to have the attention, I left before I could do something I would regret."

I set down my half-eaten slive and took a deep breath to calm and stop myself from heading to the market to find the bastards who had dared try and touch Misty. She must have noticed as she reached over and grasped my hand. "I'm fine, Aiden, just really pissed."

"Did they not see your cores?" Sandra asked.

"They did, but they didn't seem to care," Misty replied.

"Well they will next them," I said angrily. "They'd had better hope I don't run into them, because I don't care how many guards they send. I will beat them bloody, and we'll see how cocky they are when the expedition arrives. If someone from the green court is there then I don't imagine this city would risk angering an ally of theirs."

Even if there wasn't, they would be hell to pay if I saw them.

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