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Lin Ruoran felt very painful when he thought of the life he would be dominated by Chu Mingxuan at will.It also needed to take care of the heavy filming tasks at the same time, which was not mentioned in the marriage agreement at that time.

"Well, it's already late. I need to sleep, turn off the light." Chu Mingxuan directed to Lin Ruoran.

"But I haven't finished reading the script yet..." Lin Ruoran said helplessly while looking at the script spread out on the table."I have to look at it for a while, or you can go to sleep first..."

"Hmm..." Chu Mingxuan did not speak, but cast a sharp gaze at Lin Ruoran, and looked at her meaningfully.

Lin Ruoran knew what Chu Mingxuan meant. If he didn't agree, then he didn't know that Chu Mingxuan would use various reasons to coerce her.

Forget it, in order not to have more dreams after the night.Pretending to obey is still the best way. The first task is to stabilize this young master.

"Okay." Lin Ruoran smiled reluctantly, "I can read the script again tomorrow, and I will do my best to meet your requirements."

Lin Ruoran went forward obediently and closed the window, and the curtain was pulled back.The light flashed, and there was still a trace of light.Finally, no more struggles, and the whole room fell into darkness.

When the next day just came, the sky was not yet completely clear.Lin Ruoran glanced at Chu Mingxuan, who was sleeping peacefully beside him. Yinglang's facial features looked so soft at night, not at all like the aloof president during the day.

"Obviously so good-looking, why do you have to pretend to look cold? Oh, it's really a pity. If you change your personality, then I don't know how many fans will be crazy." Lin Ruoran secretly Muttering.

Chu Mingxuan let out a uniform and gentle breathing. Lin Ruoran observed for a while and confirmed that Chu Mingxuan was still asleep, and he was completely relieved.

Then Lin Ruoran carefully lifted the quilt up and tiptoed past Chu Mingxuan.Keep the movements as light as possible to ensure that Chu Mingxuan will not be disturbed.

Lin Ruoran came to the table with her back, and gently opened the script that had not been finished.Even the script was so cold, Lin Ruoran's hand felt cold and bitter.

"Fortunately, fortunately, he hasn't woken up yet." Lin Ruoran looked back at Chu Mingxuan, he didn't make any strange behavior."Chu Mingxuan, you think you tortured me in this way. Will I surrender to you unconditionally? It's impossible, I have my own way."

Lin Ruoran turned on the flashlight of the mobile phone and struck the script with a faint light.It can only be compensated by this method, one by one, the small characters jumped into Lin Ruoran's eyes.

The sunlight came on stage slowly with the passage of time, Lin Ruoran rubbed his eyes and yawned heavily."Finally finished reading it, great, I can complete the task today. Okay, now I can start work."

By the time Chu Mingxuan sat idly by the bed, Lin Ruoran had already put on her beautiful makeup, and packed up today's things.

" woke up." Lin Ruoran turned around, and the hair on her shoulders followed by a graceful arc.He lifted his lips slightly, revealing a sweet smile.

"Good morning." Chu Mingxuan yawned secretly, and then straightened his hair with his fingers.Just two strokes made the fluffy hair come to life last night and immediately showed a wise and handsome hairstyle.Search Novels

"If so, how are you? We are going to get ready to go, hurry up." Chen Lin's familiar call sounded outside the door.

"If so, hurry up. I have to go earlier today, don't let others wait in a hurry." Wang Zhener also joined the voice.

"Okay, come right away." Lin Ruoran agreed and put the things in the bag."It's going to be done soon, don't hurry up."

Chu Mingxuan wandered around the room aimlessly, Lin Ruoran didn't care where he was going.It was just that Chu Mingxuan was walking towards the door with a peripheral glance. Did he want to open the door?

If the door is opened, everything will be made public.Especially outside the door are Chen Lin and Wang Zhen'er, who she will get along with often in the future, don't even think about how embarrassing it will be.

"Wait a minute, I'll come." Lin Ruoran shouted anxiously, and then rushed to the door at a speed of 100 meters.When Chu Mingxuan was about to open the door, he took the lead in holding down the door handle and stopped Chu Mingxuan's next move in time.

"How can you do this kind of rough work like opening the door? Let me do it. You don't seem to sleep well. Go and sleep for a while." Lin Ruoran whispered, showing a mischievous smile.

"Okay!" Chu Mingxuan released his hand and revealed a wicked smile.Whether Chu Mingxuan was well-intentioned or intentional, the reason is unknown.

Chen Lin heard the murmurs and approached the door to hear clearly."If so, what's the matter with you, who are you talking to?"

Lin Ruoran retreated and opened the door leaving a small gap."No, Sister Chen Lin. I'm the only one, you may have misheard it. Wait a while, I'll come out immediately."

After speaking, Lin Ruoran closed the door heavily and sighed lightly.Good risk, good risk, fortunately I was not discovered.It's really hard to hide such a big secret at this close distance.

Lin Ruoran took the bag and whispered softly in Chu Mingxuan's ear."I'm leaving, remember not to go out casually. This is for me and for your good."

"Boom..." Lin Ruoran left a light lip mark on Chu Mingxuan's cheek.

The heat stayed on the skin for a short time, and then slowly penetrated into Chu Mingxuan's heart.

"Okay, I've done it. Sister Chen Lin, let's go quickly, don't be late." Lin Ruoran used her body to block the door strictly to prevent others from detecting it.Then he took Chen Lin's hand and walked straight ahead.

Lin Ruoran turned her head quietly and looked at her room, feeling very uneasy, but unable to do anything.I can only pray from the bottom of my heart that Chu Mingxuan will not do anything excessive.

Chu Mingxuan touched his face and smiled involuntarily.This was the first time that Lin Ruoran actively kissed him.

"Ruoran, did you sleep well yesterday? Your eyes are a little swollen." Chen Lin asked suspiciously, looking at the black eye bags under Lin Ruoran's eyes.

"Is there?" Lin Ruoran stroked her cheek still with a spring breeze."No, I slept peacefully yesterday. Thank you Chen Lin for your concern."

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