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The curtain settled down at Yang Xiezhi's feet, still exhausting his life burning.Yang Xiezhi hurriedly brushed his sleeves in a panic. Although he was wearing an asbestos shirt, he was afraid of getting a little spark.

"It's on fire, it's on fire, come and put out the fire soon." Lin Ruoran can no longer control the development of things, the fire in the house is getting bigger and bigger, if it is not contained, then it is likely to endanger the lives of the three of them .

The two-sided attack made Lin Ruoran miserable, and the thick soot rushed to her mouth and nose.

This time the accident is really too big, it's no worse than the previous one.It's just that the last wrestling incident was just a pain on the skin and flesh, and many staff were nearby, so the rescue could be more timely.

But this time is different. If too much smoke is inhaled, it is likely to cause suffocation.Moreover, the door couldn't be opened for a while, and people outside couldn't come in and couldn't put out the fire. It could only be in a hurry.

"Lin Ruoran, Lin Ruoran, what's the matter with you. Please answer my words quickly. Be sure to stay awake and don't slacken." Luo Shu patted the door frame vigorously and communicated with Lin Ruoran with faint hope.

When Chu Mingxuan heard Luo Shu calling Lin Ruoran's name, he felt that something was unusual and hurried over.Chu Mingxuan threw the lock vigorously. It was very strong and might not be able to open it for a while.But Lin Ruoran couldn't wait any longer, every point was betting with her hope.

"Bang", Chu Mingxuan slammed his fist on the door frame, staring at the situation inside.Lin Ruoran was very embarrassed, her fair skin and face were tarnished by strong black smoke, her hair was messy, her face was haggard and fearful.

"Lin Ruoran, if you come back to me soon. Even if you have exhausted the last bit of strength, you have to stick to it, you know?" Chu Mingxuan's tone is very strong, even at this critical moment, there is no slight softness. Breath.

"Okay!" But this indisputable tone gave Lin Ruoran an inexplicable confidence, and Lin Ruoran uttered a word with difficulty.

"I will definitely stick to it, but I am so uncomfortable, so painful. Please hurry up, there are other people here, we are all scared."

"Boom" echoed, only to see a thick round wood stained with countless flames falling down, it should be a beam.It really frightened everyone, not knowing what would fall in the next step.

Yang Xiezhi clung to Xu Jianing and Lin Ruoran's side, for fear that he would be buried in the fire by an accident.

Lin Ruoran moved slowly to find a safe place.It is not only dangerous to get closer to the source of fire, but oxygen will be consumed very quickly.Hot search novel

"Ruoran..." Xu Jianing couldn't help calling out as Lin Ruoran moved to the side.

"Ah!" Lin Ruoran looked back and didn't pay attention, only to stagger to the ground.Then he moved his body slowly, struggling to get up quickly.

"Ruoran be careful!" Xu Jianing reminded, watching the small piece of wood on top of Lin Ruoran's head teetering, and the other end had already begun to tilt.

I'm afraid it's too late, Lin Ruoran looked up and saw this scene.The wood made a "crunching, crunching" sound, and it dropped little by little.

When everyone was too late to predict, a round piece of wood fell down, and the tongue of fire on it was still flamboyant.He was unbiased and hit Lin Ruoran's back straight.

"Ah..." The sudden pain invaded Lin Ruoran's whole body, and Lin Ruoran turned over with all his energy.Finally the hot piece of wood was removed from the body, but the pain did not abate at all.

"Ruoran..." Xu Jianing hurried over and helped Lin Ruoran to her side."If so, how are you? Come here, come to us, it's too dangerous over there."

The big beads of sweat couldn't stop rolling down from Lin Ruoran's face. For a moment, Lin Ruoran lost all his complexion and his lips turned pale.Weak and weak, Lin Ruoran dragged his body and followed Xu Jianing to the door, leaning weakly on the side.

Chu Mingxuan watched Lin Ruoran get hurt, his hands were tightly clenched into a fist, his eyes were cracked.

"Hurry up and save people, what are you doing here in a daze. It's all because of your chirps, that's why she was hurt." Chu Mingxuan grabbed Wang Jie by the collar and accused him viciously.

"Okay, okay..." Wang Jie replied, shrinking, not even daring to look at Chu Mingxuan's eyes."I will be able to open the door immediately, very soon."

Wang Jie tremblingly slammed the lock with a big rock, and slowly, the lock ring began to loosen slightly.

But Chu Mingxuan still felt it was not enough. While watching his woman suffer in it, while watching Wang Jie's awkward movements, he was really anxious and couldn't stand it for another second.

"Lin Ruoran, you must not sleep, just hold on." Luo Shu said lightly.

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