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"Huh!" Chu Mingxuan sneered, thinking that Luo Shu's thoughts were very ridiculous."If I want to do anything, I can do whatever I want with my ability, so why wait until this time."

So it sounds like what Chu Mingxuan said is indeed reasonable. The Chu family is considered a famous family in the market, and it shouldn't make those tricks do anything to Lin Ruoran who is still lying in the hospital bed.

Luo Shu stared at Lin Ruoran, very unwilling to leave.Before he left, Lin Ruoran hadn't opened his eyes, so how could he be relieved.

"Director Luo." Chu Mingxuan increased his tone, "Even if you were here, I would doubt that you would do anything shameful. But I believe you are a gentleman, so I also invite you Trust me, okay?"

"Okay..." Luo Shu slowly said, looking at Lin Ruoran reluctantly, moving slowly, and walking out of the ward for a long time.

Finally, only him and Lin Ruoran were left in the room. Lin Ruoran was so thin and pale in a thin hospital gown.Even if the bloated quilt hurts the body, it will not increase the plumpness.

The sound of "tick-tick..." from the machine made people panic.Without other sounds, the whole environment was as dead as stagnant water.

Chu Mingxuan slowly took out Lin Ruoran's hand from the bed, still so cold and pale.Chu Mingxuan can grasp the small and skinny one in his hand with just one click.

"Lin Ruoran, wake up quickly, okay?" Chu Mingxuan's voice gradually became sad, approaching prayer."Why do you do such a dangerous thing? Do you know that you have fallen into the abyss with my heart. It's not just those you love who love you, but also me, don't you know? ?"

If the last time Lin Ruoran fell was frightened, then this time was no less painful.Seeing Lin Ruoran suffering inside and struggling with his own eyes, he was unable to give any help outside.

Chu Mingxuan pressed Lin Ruoran's cold hand tightly to his face, each piece of coldness penetrated every inch of Chu Mingxuan's skin, reaching the depths of his heart, very suffering.

"Sorry, if I protect you well, then there is no need to suffer such suffering for you. The fire is so hot, so painful, you still endure it. I would rather all this happen to me, I am willing to do it for you Bear all the suffering."

Chu Mingxuan's black eyes gradually moistened, his expression dimmed, and his words were no longer so cold, sharp and aggressive.Happy novel

Chu Mingxuan was lying beside Lin Ruoran's bed, his broad and stalwart body was deeply buried in the quilt.Only at this moment, when Lin Ruoran is asleep, can she let go of all the restraints and become a true self.

Here he no longer has to pretend to be strong, remove the hard and annoying shell, and reveal his softest part.

Why can't he be weak? No one is born strong, but he chooses this way to protect himself under various pressures.

Chu Mingxuan lost his parents at an early age. Before he could fully enjoy the care of his parents, he had to learn to take on family responsibilities.And to be with the one he loves, this is his only wish.

Even if Lin Ruoran can't remove all the pretense here, then he can get the greatest physical and mental comfort.

Suddenly, Chu Mingxuan felt that something was actively touching his skin, hitting him with a cold feeling little by little.

Chu Mingxuan had a kind of intuition, and he confirmed it, he raised his head sullenly and looked at Lin Ruoran's hand.

Even if he was held by Chu Mingxuan, his fingertips could still move flexibly.The slender fingertips also carry transparent nails, trembling slightly, the frequency is fast and slow.

Chu Mingxuan rubbed his eyes deliberately, to confirm that he was right.After a while, Chu Mingxuan finally determined that Lin Ruoran was conscious and she was about to wake up.

Under the bright light, Lin Ruoran's hand looked particularly eye-catching.Although the frequency and frequency are not so stable, I can still clearly see the fingertips shaking.

"Lin Ruoran, did you wake up? I have sensed your awakening. Please open your eyes quickly and look at the world. There are countless people waiting for you. Wake up quickly."

Chu Mingxuan was overjoyed and called to Lin Ruoran, although Lin Ruoran had not opened his eyes.However, Chu Mingxuan firmly believed that Lin Ruoran was eager to wake up and was ready, but it was just short of time and time.

"Lin Ruoran, have you thought of your parents? And your sister, if they know you are out of danger, they will be very happy."

Chu Mingxuan knew that Lin Ruoran cared most about her family, and only with Lin Ruoran's most precious things could she awaken her potential consciousness from deep in her heart.

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