You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!Lin Ruoran lay lazily on the big bed, feeling a little physically and mentally exhausted.

Just a little sleepy, the phone rang.

Agent Chen Lin is calling.Lin Ruoran quickly answered, her voice brisk, "Sister Chen, what's the matter?"

Chen Lin's voice over there was joyful: "There is a private banquet in the evening. You will have a chance, and the specific address will be texted to you later. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. You are good."

Chen Lin seemed to be very busy, and before Lin Ruoran could express her opinion, she hung up the phone.

Lin Ruoran was a little speechless looking at the content of the mobile phone text messages.

Still can't escape the fate of socializing.Maybe it's the same as an artist.Can't help but sigh in my heart.

Chu Mingxuan seemed to have something to do at night, and when Lin Ruoran packed up and went out, he would no longer be in the villa.

Chen Lin arranged the car. Lin Ruoran took a taxi to the city first, waiting for Chen Lin to pick him up.

The banquet was in a private villa. Lin Ruoran asked several times about the theme of the party, but Chen Lin never mentioned it.

At the entrance of the villa, the sky was completely dark, and Lin Ruoran looked up at the luxurious villa in front of him, feeling a little confused.

The people who live in such villas are all top rich.Lin Ruoran, a rich man, has also come into contact a lot, but they all have more or a little special hobbies. She clasped her arm tightly: "Sister, who are these people here, can you refuse?"

Lin Ruoran was really scared. She couldn't afford to offend someone with money. I heard that something would happen to this kind of private banquet. There was something really wrong and no one could save her.

Chen Lin looked at Lin Ruoran seriously: "From the moment you stepped into this circle, you should know what you need to do long ago. You have nothing, you have to hug a thick enough thigh. Knowing that fighting is useless. Whether you like it or not, as long as you want to continue mixing in this circle, you have to accept it and quickly take off your coat."

Lin Ruoran pressed her lips tightly, and recently talked to her home. Her father's illness got worse and he couldn't stop the medicine every day. The average family couldn't afford it.

Just based on her current qualifications, how many tricks and supporting roles she has to earn to earn.

Both parents are honest rural people, the father is sick and can't do heavy work, the family land is contracted to others, and there is not a lot of money throughout the year. It depends on God to survive.

At least 10,000 yuan a month for the family, father’s medical expenses, sister’s tuition, and family living expenses.Lin Ruoran wants to rent a house, buy clothes and cosmetics.

The people around him climbed up one by one, but she didn't see any improvement. Lin Ruoran knew what they were relying on.

The cold wind blew, Lin Ruoran, who took off his jacket, subconsciously hugged herself tightly.

Lin Ruoran didn't want to attend this kind of gathering, who knew what would happen.

Chen Lin's phone rang, took a look at the caller ID, and quickly connected: "I have arrived, I will go in immediately, wait a moment."

Lin Ruoran shook her head and smiled helplessly as she watched Chen Lin humbly on the phone.

Chen Lin hung up the phone, turned and walked to the villa: "In fact, you don't need to worry too much. You are now an artist of Lin Zhen's company, and ordinary people don't dare to do anything to you. But don't come here in vain. Hold it quickly."

Lin Ruoran lowered his head to follow behind Chen Lin, and it took ten minutes to see the brightly lit villa.Lin Ruoran looked at it and couldn't help laughing at herself: "It's really the life of a rich man, I really enjoy it. Who knows what dirty trades are going on in this gorgeous villa, and which star will suddenly become popular tomorrow? ."

Lin Ruoran walked into the villa and looked at the star lineup here, it was like an international awards ceremony, with all kinds of big-name stars.No one will notice if a small character like yourself is thrown into the crowd.

Luxuriously decorated villas, men and women in Chinese clothes, Lin Ruoran seems to have been an ugly duckling, pale in comparison.The temperature difference in the room was severe, and Lin Ruoran, who had just entered, felt uncomfortable like needles.

"What are you going to do in a daze, hurry up with me, there can be nothing wrong with today."

Lin Ruoran Yu Guang saw an actress, like Chen Bing. At this time, the international actress has always been her idol and the goal of her efforts."My God, who the hell is this party organized by such a big show.

Lin Ruoran was amazed in her heart. Hearing Chen Lin urging herself, she quickly raised her head, but saw a man who looked like Chu Mingxuan standing in front of her, looking at herself deeply.

Lin Ruoran took a step back in fright and happened to bump into the waiter passing by. The clear voice was thrown all over the ground. Lin Ruoran squatted down to pick up the glass, saying, "Sorry, sorry."

The people around heard the sound and looked over curiously. Chu Feng half-squinted his eyes and said cynically, "Who are you? You came here to smash my place?"

Lin Ruoran was picking up the glass in a panic, she was frightened when she heard Chu Feng's words, and quickly stood up, bowing at Chu Feng with a flustered expression: "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it."

When I was nervous, I clenched my hands subconsciously, and rushed to a tingling pain. I was too anxious. I forgot the glass in my hand. It must have been cut.Literary Theory

"Oh? Is that intentional? To get my attention?"

Chu Feng was wearing a loose knitted sweater with a pair of jeans, and his hair was unregulated. It seemed that his clothes had just woke up. Under such a scene full of Chinese clothes, he seemed a little out of place.

Lin Ruoran shook his head: "I'm sorry."

"Your hand is bleeding." Chu Feng's eyes fell on Lin Ruoran's bleeding hand."Is this to win sympathy?"

Lin Ruoran looked at the idiot, staring at the person in front of him. Chen Lin whispered to Lin Ruoran, "He is Chu Mingxuan's younger brother. Today's master, please apologize quickly and make no mistakes."

Lin Ruoran suddenly realized, no wonder she looks so similar to Chu Mingxuan, but she can’t afford it, so she quickly lowered her head, squeezed his hand, and handed the glass to the waiter: "Chu, let’s fall behind, if the blood drips on the carpet It's not good to go up."

Chen Lin stared at them for a while without thinking: "Mr. Chu, I will take her to the bathroom to deal with it."

Chen Lin didn't know what Chu always meant, but to say that he liked Lin Ruoran, it was really a fantasy. This President Chu was famous for his cynicism, and his temper was yin and yang.

"You can leave here first."

"Mr. Chu, what do you mean?" Chen Lin wanted to say something more, Chu Feng looked back at Chen Lin's eyes, "Huh?"

"Okay President Chu, you are having fun, I will leave first."

Lin Ruoran wiped the blood off her hand with a tissue to see the wound. It turned out that she made a deep stroke on her palm and kept bleeding.

Lin Ruoran had ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping.Chen Lin left herself just like that, but as soon as Chen Lin left, Lin Ruoran's phone rang the sound of a text message, she quickly took it out and took a look: Don't worry, I'll move the rescuer.

Fortunately, Chen Lin didn't really throw her here. The man in front of him felt a bit perverted no matter how he looked.Chu Mingxuan is also considered a talented person, why is his younger brother so weird.

Looking at the bleeding wound, Lin Ruoran frowned in pain and could only hold on tightly.

"Mr. Chu. I'm sorry, I need to go to the bathroom."

Chu Feng nodded, recruited a waiter, and left with Lin Ruoran.

The waiter did not take her to the bathroom, but instead took her to a room.Then he left without saying anything.

Lin Ruoran couldn't stop the blood in the palm of her hand. She had no choice but to open the door and ask the person who brought her for help: "Excuse me, can you help me with some medicine and gauze?"

The waiter was wearing a black suit, standing there straight, cold and expressionless: "Sorry, President Chu hasn't told you."

"Can you help me? Otherwise, it won't be good if the blood drips on the stall. You say it is not." Lin Ruoran lowered her posture unconsciously.

The waiter looked at her hand and hesitated: "Well, wait a minute."

Lin Ruoran stood there for ten minutes without seeing anyone.Walking idly by the window, here is the third floor, floor-to-ceiling windows can see the entire garden.It's so pretty.

Lin Ruoran's curiosity was driven by a pair of men and women in the garden. She almost lay on the glass, squinting his eyes to look over there.

In the corner of the garden, there was a woman with half exposed breasts, kneeling on the ground, and sitting on the chair next to him was a man wearing a black suit with an open shirt collar, showing her collarbone. This woman is really not afraid of cold, almost half naked. Something was said on the man's lap, his posture was enchanting.

Lin Ruoran is clever, this is a live broadcast.It's too hot.

I don’t know what they said, the man suddenly got up, he was tall, he threw away the woman who was lying on his lap, and the woman who was caught off guard exclaimed, the skirt on his body was almost pressed under him, basically half naked. .

Lin Ruoran saw clearly, "Oh my God, it turned out to be Chen Bing!"

Lin Ruoran was sure that he was not mistaken, that person was Chen Bing, the queen, and the man looked a bit familiar and didn't dare to look carefully.Stand back quickly away from the glass, for fear that people outside will see you.

The international movie queens attempted to hook up with the rich. This is a big headline news. If that person knows that he sees it, it will really be a disaster.Lin Ruoran clutched her chest and squatted on the ground.

The waiter just walked over and saw Lin Ruoran, who was squatting on the ground, reaching out to give her a band-aid: "Without President Chu's instructions, don't walk around."

Lin Ruoran took the band-aid and nodded quickly: "I see, thank you."

After putting the band-aid, he looked up and found that the waiter was still looking at himself: "What's wrong?"

"Okay, follow me downstairs." The waiter was a little impatient.

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