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"Mom, I promise you that I can only eat obediently, please don't sleep anymore, get up quickly, and take Mingxuan back quickly." Chu Mingxuan almost exhausted all his energy to pray for his parents to be able to Waking up, but nothing happened.

I don't know how long it took, and finally someone patted Chu Mingxuan on the shoulder from behind.

"Mingxuan, let's go back. It's time to go home. Mom and Dad have left, so don't think about it anymore. Go home with grandpa, good grandson."

Chu Mingxuan looked back and saw a kind and kind face.That was Chu Jiacheng, who had already become a grandfather. He was not as old as he would later be, but still very tough.Just as a white-haired person giving away a black-haired person, there was a lot of silver thread on his head overnight.

Chu Mingxuan looked at Chu Jiacheng obediently, then used his little hand to hold Chu Jiacheng while pointing at his parents and said, "Grandpa, you hurry up and wake up father and mother. They have been asleep for a long time, but They just refused to get up. No matter what Mingxuan called, they wouldn't talk to me. They love Mingxuan the most, so why ignore Mingxuan? I want to go home with my parents."

Chu Jiacheng looked at the cute and simple Chu Mingxuan and sighed heavily."Mingxuan, your parents have passed away, and they won't be able to survive again. Don't call anymore, go home with grandpa."

Chu Mingxuan's entire face was stunned, and his small mouth opened wide, looking at Chu Jiacheng helplessly.When Chu Mingxuan was four years old, Chu Zhenting and his wife were killed in a car accident, but how can one child accept that his parents have passed away.

Chu Mingxuan didn't remember how he spent that day, anyway, suddenly he knew what he had lost.Lost the person he loved the most, and the person who loved him most.They will never come back. For a moment, Chu Mingxuan felt that his heart was empty, as if he had lost the whole world.

Chu Jiacheng's mood was no better than Chu Mingxuan's. What he lost was his only son.The future heir of the Chu Style Group passed away at such a young age, and Chu Jiacheng was even more worried.But as an elder, he always needs to bear more responsibilities.

It needs to be considered for the future of the Chushi Group, and the young Chu Mingxuan should be cultivated as a new heir in the future.Get rid of the ghosts and thoughts of those who are staring at the Chushi Group.

Chu Jiacheng took Chu Mingxuan's small hand and tried to drag him away with greater strength.v3 Academy

Suddenly, Chu Mingxuan cried loudly with a "wow", and still sat on the ground and refused to leave.

"No, I don’t want to go. I want to be with Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad are not dead, they are not dead. They just fell asleep, and soon they will wake up. When they wake up, they will bring Go home with Mingxuan. Grandpa, wake them up, let's go home together. Grandpa, please."

For a while, Chu Jiacheng couldn't help crying, this blow was really too big for Chu Mingxuan.But there is no better way to resolve it.

"Let's go, Ming Xuan obediently, let's go." Chu Jiacheng ignored Chu Mingxuan's cry and pulled vigorously."Mingxuan, Mom and Dad went to heaven. They will live happily together forever. Come back with me."

"I don't, cough..." The little Chu Mingxuan exhausted all his energy to stop Grandpa, but to no avail.With such a small strength, how could he stubbornly hold Chu Jiacheng, or he was dragged away mercilessly.

Chu Mingxuan spread his little hand, looking at his parents' white bed, taking two steps, getting farther and farther.Chu Mingxuan's vision was blurred, and even his crying was constantly weakened because of his hoarse voice.In the end, Chu Mingxuan was taken away.

After four years of happy life, Chu Mingxuan then ushered in his most painful twenty years.He was forced to mature early, gradually become familiar with the affairs of the Chu family, and then successfully took over the Chu-style group.Everything is developing in accordance with the plans and expectations of Chu Jiacheng, and the steps are not bad.

But Chu Mingxuan was not happy. Soon after, Chu Mingxuan welcomed an unknown stepmother with a younger boy. She said it was his father's illegitimate child and his brother.

how is this possible?Chu Mingxuan couldn't believe what was in front of him, his mother and father were so affectionate.How could a father have an illegitimate child, but the fact is that Chu Mingxuan had to obey him on the surface.

In the middle of the night, Chu Mingxuan fell asleep in a daze on the large bed.A few cold moonlight hit his face, drawing out delicate facial curves by the way.

But Chu Mingxuan didn't sleep peacefully. Although he closed his eyes tightly, he moved around on the pillow anxiously.

That was a nightmare just now, and Chu Mingxuan dreamed it again.Even if more than 20 years have passed, the previous situation is still vivid.That lingering uneasiness hung over Chu Mingxuan's body until now.

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