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As for whether Lin Zhen as the boss promotes his employees or Chu Mingxuan's operation, then it is unclear.

Xu Jianing felt that she was a complete loser at this time. If Yang Xiezhi replaced her, it would be understandable.But Lin Ruoran suddenly took her endorsement, which really made her feel unbalanced.

Although Lin Ruoran has acting skills, he is still a fledgling newcomer in this circle.Once I got the endorsement easily from others, how could I not let others be jealous.

"Carning, we didn't get this opportunity this time, it doesn't mean we don't have it next time. You see that you look good, and you are considered an old man in our company. If the company has any benefits in the future, I will definitely think of you. Ruige knows You have been wronged this time, and I feel uncomfortable for you in my heart. Don't be overly sad. It will never be the same next time.

Zhang Rui leaned close to Xu Jianing's side, using this to gently press Xu Jianing's shoulders.

Zhang Rui's remarks stung Xu Jianing's heart more deeply. She was indeed an "old man" in the company.But even so, the endorsements that came in hand are not lost in vain. Who knows if this example will happen again next time.

Xu Jianing is really scared, how much youth can an actor have.It is to rely on the beautiful face to get the favor of the brand when you are young.If you wait any longer, no endorsement awaits her.

Suddenly, Xu Jianing cast a sharp gaze over, and Zhang Rui retreated again and again in fright, and quickly withdrew his hand.

"Oh my god, you scared me to death." Zhang Rui stroked her chest, "Carning, what's the matter with you! Did this news hit you too much and caused you to be stimulated? ."

"No, how can I do it?" Xu Jianing evoked a smile again, "Rui Ge, don't worry, I'm fine. I don't blame you for this matter, it doesn't matter, I can wait for the next chance."

Zhang Rui said with lingering fear: "That's good, do you know that you were about to scare me to death just now. Put your mind right, and you will definitely have a chance next time. Anyway, I will also bring it, and my mission is complete. Then I will leave first."

"Brother Rui, take care!" Xu Jianing watched Zhang Rui leave, but when Zhang Rui left, Xu Jianing immediately lost all expressions.

Xu Jianing sat in front of the mirror without saying a word, looking straight at her.I don't know if she is looking at herself or looking at the person who is thinking of her at the moment.Mengsheng Novel

In short, his eyes were harsh and gloomy.This is Xu Jianing who has never been seen before, and of course she will not show it in front of everyone.

Xu Jianing picked up the eyebrow pencil next to her and held it tightly in her palm.As if this eyebrow pencil was her enemy at that moment, she turned all the anger into the power in the palm of her hand, all pouring on it.

"I will definitely snatch you from me and let you vomit all of them. I will definitely, since you keep pushing me, then don't blame me for being rude." Xu Jianing gritted his teeth and spit out these words.

With a "click", Xu Jianing's eyebrow pencil broke.I don't know how much Xu Jianing hates, but with so much energy, the sharp edges and corners of the eyebrow pencil are exposed, deeply embedded in Xu Jianing's hands.

When the sting came, Xu Jianing didn't seem to feel it.Slowly open the palm, and then you can see that the delicate skin has been cut, and a bloody trace is outlined.There was also a small white piece of wood, which was inserted straight into the palm of his hand.

Xu Jia quietly looked at her palm, but did not utter a shout, and she did not want to deal with her wound.

Xu Jianing looked at herself in the mirror, but there was a faint smile on her delicate face, which made people a little scared.

"Boom", the door was opened again.Xu Jianing caught a glimpse of Yang Xiezhi’s voice from Yu Guang. She was looking down at the phone and walking forward. Xu Jianing immediately hid the broken eyebrow pencil in her bag and put her right hand on her side to prevent Yang Xiezhi from finding anything abnormal.

Yang Xiezhi sat peacefully, and then asked lightly: "Caring, what did Brother Rui tell you?"

"Oh, nothing." Xu Jianing smiled and shook her head, and answered nonchalantly."It's just some small things at work that have been resolved."

Yang Xiezhi gave a soft "um" and then began to focus on his phone again.

"Does she know?" Xu Jianing asked secretly in his heart, after all, this matter was also related to Yang Xiezhi.It is very likely that Zhang Rui had already told Yang Xiezhi when he went out just now.

But why, Yang Xiezhi's expression looked so natural, so calm, it seemed that nothing really happened.Maybe Yang Xiezhi really knew it.

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