You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!Lin Ruoran sat in a dignified posture, shaking her slightly sore shoulders occasionally to relieve fatigue.Mobilize the muscles on his face and bring up a flawless smile.

But even if he felt tired from such a monotonous behavior, Lin Ruoran still liked the moment more.It's better than running around with Lin Zhen on high heels and constantly drinking.

The world in front of him was a scene that Lin Ruoran had never touched before. All kinds of people with heads and faces were dressed in bright clothes and smiled.Talking and laughing, arrogant, so happy.

But under these beautiful faces, Lin Ruoran might still be unable to know what is real.

Suddenly something caught Lin Ruoran's eyeballs, and Lin Ruoran's eyes widened, dizzy.

Lin Ruoran patted Chen Lin's shoulder hastily, pointing to the distance and exclaiming: "Sister Chen, look at it."

"What's wrong, Ruoran, what's the matter?" Chen Lin immediately followed Lin Ruoran's gaze.

How could something happen to such a big banquet? I am afraid that Lin Ruoran, as a newcomer, is not particularly familiar with these things.

Lin Ruoran was short of breath, and said timidly with her throat: "Sister Chen, is that person Chen Bing, the famous actress?"

Sure enough, under the colorful lights, everyone crowded around a woman.Gradually, the crowd began to spread out and lined up on both sides.So a beautiful woman appeared.

Wearing a high-quality custom-made black tube top tugs on the floor evening dress, aroused the envy of all beings.The skirt is slightly split, revealing the long white and smooth legs.Step by step forward, sultry, aroused an inexplicable desire.

The waist in the middle makes the upper circumference more upright and plump, and the bust is half exposed, making people hungry.The faint cleavage appeared in front of everyone with the bumps of the pace.

"It's Chen Bing, look, it's the international actress, my goodness."

The crowd next to him made a little restlessness from time to time, and the others cheered, rushing to the ground to see the beauty, and suddenly Chen Bing was surrounded by water.

As if this kind of courtesy was sparse and commonplace, Chen Bing's face was not half excited, and occasionally fiddled with the long hair on his shoulders.Spreading his lips, a sweet smile appeared.Stretched out his slender arms and waved gently.

What an exquisite beauty, who provokes compassion for all beings with every frown.What kind of character is this, so beloved.

Although Lin Ruoran can be regarded as a beautiful beauty, she can't compare with others at all.It can be charming and innocent, which is not something a small supporting role can do.

Chen Lin looked at the dazzling Chen Bing, and then said lightly: "Well, it's Chen Bing, that queen, there is nothing to be excited about."

Indeed, in this banquet, everyone has an extraordinary identity.Even if Chen Bing is here, it depends on the face of the person, and only a small person like Lin Ruoran can have the opportunity to catch up on the heat.

"You will continue to climb up in the future and become a figure with a head and a face."

Lin Ruoran didn't listen to what Chen Lin said, she was startled, staring at Chen Bing intently, frowning slightly.

This is the Chen Bing in the courtyard that Lin Ruoran saw on the third floor just now, the same dress with a half exposed chest.

But, but... Lin Ruoran really couldn't figure out some things.

Why did Chen Bing kneel on the ground before being slapped by a man? Who is that man?There is always such a right, Chen Bing is the queen of the movie.Seven Realms Novel Network

A closer look at Chen Bing's face indeed still has some marks, but it is covered a lot by foundation and blush, which is not obvious.

"Quick, get up quickly." Chen Lin nervously pulled Lin Ruoran's arm, urging her to stand up.

"Ah, what's the matter."

When Lin Ruoran stood up in a hurry, Chen Bing had already arrived in front of them.Chen Lin bowed with a standard danger, while Lin Ruoran was shaking her tongue, not knowing what to say.

In the end, I could only squeeze out "Hello, nice to meet you, I have watched a lot of your movies." Hastily, but Chen Bing didn't care at all.After giving a slight gesture, he walked towards the others.

"Hey, I really don't understand. Even though I'm a newcomer, I don't understand the etiquette."

Chen Lin sighed and glanced at Lin Ruoran with her left light, obviously not satisfied with her performance just now.

"Oh, I didn't mean it." Lin Ruoran pursed her lips and murmured, she didn't want to be so embarrassed.But the incident was really urgent just now, it was too sudden, and she was not ready at all.

"Hello, beautiful Chen Bing." Chu Feng sprang out from nowhere, holding two glasses of champagne in his hand, interrupting Chen Bing who was chatting with his friend.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Chu Feng was a bad person, his eyes narrowed into a small slit, and he looked at Chen Bing improperly.From top to bottom, and then focus on the chest.

"Are you interested in wanting to have a drink with me? If you see my kind invitation, will you have the heart to refuse?"

Indeed, Chen Bing couldn't refuse. Chu Feng was the young son of the dignified Chu family.Controls half of the power of the group, and is loved by the old man.

If you offend him, then you are openly opposed to the gold master.

Although Chen Bing is already a movie queen, he has a reputation.But in the actor industry, no matter what achievements you have achieved, you are still an actor.

"Okay, since Chu whispered so kind hospitality, then how can I not appreciate it? I really appreciate it."

Chen Bing smiled, took the wine glass in Chu Feng's hand, and took a sip.

"Miss Chen really knows the general situation. No wonder you acted so well." Chu Feng praised with a cynical tone.

Lin Ruoran secretly sneered at such people, but even if she was dissatisfied with these attitudes, she could not even show her half.

It turns out that it's the same in this circle, and dealing with people of all colors is the most basic.It was almost the same when I accompanied Mr. Wang before, except that the exchange of terms was more private.

"Guru, Guru."

Suddenly, there was a noise from Lin Ruoran's lower abdomen. It turned out that he was hungry after standing for a long time.Although the sound was not enough to attract other people's attention, Chen Lin still heard it clearly.

Lin Ruoran held her abdomen unconvincingly, lest it cause any more embarrassment to herself.

"Sister Chen, I'm a little hungry, I want to eat something." Lin Ruoran couldn't help complaining.

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