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Zhou Cheng recalled all the past, Lin Ruoran had suffered so many grievances.As the chief director, Zhou Cheng has experienced so many pains for a little girl like his family. This is his negligence in his job, and he immediately felt ashamed of her.

"Well, I remember that you were still injured in the fire scene before. How is it now, are you healed?"

Zhou Cheng now finds that he has paid too much attention to shooting, handing over the handling of other things to others, indirectly ignoring many things.After all, even he doesn't care about things, so how can other people pay attention.

"I, I'm much better now." Lin Ruoran felt a whimper in her throat, Zhou Cheng's words once again evoked her sad memories, and scenes of the past resurfaced in her mind.

Zhou Cheng glanced at his watch, and it was almost time."Let's do this first. Since the filming is over, you should go back and take a rest early and take a good rest. I have other things on my side, I'm afraid I can't talk to you more."

"I see, thank you director. Then I won't disturb your work, I'll leave first." Lin Ruoran said goodbye. It is a great honor to be able to communicate with Director Zhou Cheng so much.

After Lin Ruoran left, Zhou Cheng returned to the busy state just now.Lin Ruoran is also busy with her own affairs. After all, she is going to shoot an advertisement tomorrow. Time is indeed urgent.

Shooting commercials is no better than shooting TV series. Once the state is not good, all of the shortcomings will be exposed to the camera.Facial fatigue, dark circles, acne, these are the most taboo when shooting.The lights hit, revealing everything.

Don't think about avoiding, all the focus is on you, any imperfections will become flaws.When filming a TV series, it is better. After all, it is often necessary to shoot panoramic views, so it can be well "hidden".

"Oh, it's terrible." Lin Ruoran almost stuck in front of the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror, even dissatisfied.Although the foundation is good, the whole person looks extremely lacklustre.

Lin Ruoran kept making gestures on her face, and found many problems.The complexion is a bit dark yellow and haggard. This is a good solution. You only need to apply a little more foundation and concealer.Eighth Book Bank

But what should I do with the sagging skin? Lin Ruoran squeezed her face.Although it is still so delicate, but not delicate at all.If the photos come out tomorrow, Lin Ruoran will definitely not be in good condition.

"My goodness, what can I do now. I'm going to film tomorrow. If I wait another week, then I'll be able to recover. And my eyes have so many red blood streaks and dark circles. , There is a slight swelling. How come all these things have arrived now, are they testing me?"

Lin Ruoran touched her eyelids. They were loose, but the eyelids were the most exposed place.However, the state of these eyes is far from Lin Ruoran's age.

I've been busy filming these days, and I don't have the time and mind to manage my skin properly.In addition, I was admitted to the hospital once and twice, and I didn't have enough energy and blood to replenish my body. As a result, all the problems broke out.

The commercial was shot with Yang Xiezhi. She pampers herself all day long, so naturally she doesn't have to worry about this issue.Lin Ruoran is miserable. If two people are in the same frame, it is inevitable that they will be separated.

"No, I will definitely not be able to be compared by Yang Xiezhi." Lin Ruoran strengthened his conviction, and no matter what, he must shine in the first advertisement.Only in this way can the popularity be opened, and more directors will recognize her in the future.

But how to overcome all the difficulties in front of him overnight, "Mask! By the way, mask." Lin Ruoran said to himself in surprise.

Indeed, to quickly return the skin to its previous state in a short period of time, then there is only one trick to apply a mask.Although it was also a way out of the box, at least it is better than no way.

"Cengceng..." Lin Ruoran immediately took out a piece of mask from her bag and put it on her face.There were too many trivial things and a lot of troubles, so I didn’t have time to take good care of my skin.Now that I am free, I must make up for these supplies.

"Mask, mask, please give me strength. I must make my face radiant in the shortest possible time and return to the peak of beauty. I rely on you for this face. I will be fine when the commercial is finished. Take care of my skin."

Lin Ruoran poured all the essence in the mask bag into the palm of his hand, which is absolutely not to be spared.Then apply the essence to the skin on your body.

Lin Ruoran slapped her cheeks with a skillful technique, allowing the essence to penetrate into the skin as quickly as possible.She couldn't compare to Yang Xiezhi who could go to the beauty salon. Right now, she could only use this method to help.

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