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"Chen Lin specifically confessed to me and asked me to send you to the studio in the advertising area. Not far from here, I will wait downstairs. When are you ready, you can come down." Zheng Xin said .

"Oh, that's the case." Lin Ruoran felt strange before, she had already finished.It stands to reason that the crew has nothing to do with her, but now she has to trouble others again, which is really embarrassing.

"Okay, thank you Zheng Xin. I'm ready, and I will go downstairs right now." Lin Ruoran hung up after speaking.

Although this is not a big deal, it contains a kind of favor after all, so it is really bad for people to wait outside.

Lin Ruoran wrapped her overcoat quickly, picked up her bag, and ran downstairs quickly.It's finally going to be taken. She has waited a long time since the morning.

"Da da da..." Lin Ruoran stepped on a crisp sound of leather shoes and went downstairs.After waiting for the first floor, Lin Ruoran slowly lightened his steps again, trying to keep the lady's decent manner and gentle smile.

I saw a white van from a distance. It should have been Zheng Xin's car. I saw Zheng Xin driving this car to pick her up.

There was a person in the car waving towards this side, and Lin Ruoran could clearly see Zheng Xin as the outline.

"Hi, here I am." Lin Ruoran also waved toward the car window.Today I encountered such a lucky thing. Someone sent her to the studio. Today's shooting mission should be very smooth.

Lin Ruoran sat in the car, Zheng Xin was holding the steering wheel intently, with a work badge hanging on his neck.

"Big Brother Zheng Xin, thank you so much. Your crew is so busy, and you want you to send me off. I'm sorry to trouble you." Lin Ruoran bowed slightly to Zheng Xin with a warm smile, very polite, and Same as before.

"Ah, it's okay." Zheng Xin said in a very relaxed tone. "It's just to drop you off, where it can be troublesome and not troublesome. Besides, if you go by yourself, you don't know the way, so don't I know how long it will take."

"Hmm..." Lin Ruoran nodded slightly, and Zheng Xin was right. It is indeed a good thing to be more convenient.

Lin Ruoran sat in the car and slightly raised her head to look outside.She didn't know where the studio was. She did an advertisement for the first time in her life. She didn't know what it was like. She was a little nervous and curious.Novels

Lin Ruoran closed her mouth tightly and shook her hands uneasily.It's more uneasy than when I first filmed.

Zheng Xin saw Lin Ruoran's appearance in the mirror and asked curiously: "Miss Lin, are you nervous? I think your eyes are looking outside unnaturally. Is this the first time you shoot commercials?"

Zheng Xin's words were true, and he guessed it all at once.And Lin Ruoran's palms were full of sweat, and her little heart was beating.

"Hehe..." Lin Ruoran smiled honestly, "Yes, in fact, it's the first time I shoot an advertisement, and I don't know what happened. I don't know if I can meet other people's requirements or not. It will be as strict as filming."

It's just that Zheng Xin might not take any notice of Lin Ruoran's actions, or even think it made a fuss.There are too many artists in the studio to shoot commercials, and there are too many to count.

Almost no one is as uneasy as Lin Ruoran, so serious.In contrast, Lin Ruoran's worry was somewhat simple.

No wonder, after all, Lin Ruoran's family background is not optimistic.If luck comes suddenly, it will mean that Grandma Liu is visiting the Grand View Garden.

"Oh, I told you it's okay." Zheng Xin said lightly, "Isn't it just shooting commercials, you can put a few poses in front of the camera, and change your posture after a while. At least it's better than acting." Well, sometimes it has to be retaken dozens of times."

What Zheng Xin said is indeed true. The advertisement is the cooperation of the eyes and the body, and it does not need to change emotions like acting.Once it is not well mastered, then it is inevitable to come back over and over again, maybe there will be a scolding from the director.

If it is really bad, it doesn't matter.The commercials are exquisite, the big deal is that PS can save everything.

That is to say, Lin Ruoran had a good relationship with others on weekdays, and Zheng Xin said a few comforting words with this affection, otherwise it would be too much to say half a sentence.

"I hope it's like this." Lin Ruoran let out a long sigh, her mentality much calmer than before.

"Don't worry, I will send you to the studio safely and quickly." Zheng Xin squeezed the steering wheel after speaking, and stepped on the accelerator under his feet.

The car was speeding on the road, and the scenery outside the car window began to change constantly.In the early spring, there were small green leaves on the branches, swaying in the wind, and passing away again in an instant, changing into tall pavilions.

The breeze carried the breath of grass and flowers, slowly filling the car through an open gap.

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