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"This...what the hell is going on here, how can it be like this? I know that if I am away, something will happen." Song Yingru covered his mouth in surprise and looked at Yang Xiezhi. The clothes seemed like a disaster.

Yang Xiezhi finally stopped being arrogant and domineering, but in a blink of an eye he became an unknowing clown.With drooping eyelids, even the color of the eyes is not so clear.

Lin Ruoran looked at this very embarrassing atmosphere and took the initiative to make a round."Director Song, I'm sorry. Yang Xiezhi just came after the filming, so she has some swelling, and she doesn't seem to be in a particularly good condition. Please forgive me."

"That can't be swollen like this." Song Yingru pointed to Yang Xiezhi in surprise. She hadn't seen this kind of swelling.This excuse is not clever at all, I'm afraid this is not pure fatness."It's better to change into a suit, hurry up."

"No, I'm going to wear this one. This one suits me best. The others are not suitable. Don't waste time and effort." Yang Xiezhi retorted, clutching the corner of his clothes desperately, and resolutely refused to let this. A piece of clothing was taken off her.

Song Yingru also has worries. If the effect is still the same after changing to other dresses, wouldn't it be worse?Red looks a bit more energetic, and can conceal Yang Xiezhi's shortcomings, and there is not enough time anymore.

"Director Song, can't you start now? When will I have to wait? I'm still waiting for the work to finish." The photographer's complaint came from behind.

"Okay, let's go. Red is red, so let's go." Song Yingru said, "Everything really went wrong today. Everything came together. Nothing went well, alas, no I know what's wrong."

"Let's start shooting, everyone is ready. Now the shooting has officially started, and I have been in a state of mind, giving me the spirit of twelve points." Song Yingru directed the work one by one, still frowned.

With a soft "da", the light next to it turned on suddenly.Lin Ruoran's eyes were dazzling, and she kept covering it with her hands.This intensity far exceeds the light intensity of the crew, and it is urgent to not accept it for a while.

However, Yang Xiezhi was experienced and quickly adapted.After all, Lin Ruoran lacks experience in this area, and many things are still very jerky.Therefore, we can only try to be as elegant as possible, reduce the range of movements, and maintain a decent smile, so as not to be seen through by others.

Yang Xiezhi skillfully picked up a bottle of Magnolia cream, held it in his hand, and smiled.Lin Ruoran took a look and took pictures of cats and tigers, and she also learned a lot.187 Novel

One red and one white, with contrasting colors and lighting, strikes out different sparks.Lin Ruoran is the cold and holy white lily, and Yang Xiezhi is the graceful red rose.One is passionate, the other is charming.

Song Yingru was only slightly satisfied when he saw these, and the previous mistakes can finally be made up for.The photographer kept pressing the shutter, and one picture after another was recorded.

"Come on, the two beauties get closer and keep smiling. Yes, that's it." The photographer kept changing positions and capturing the picture.

Lin Ruoran and Yang Xiezhi are like real sisters, with sweet smiles.The actions are tacit and the cooperation is perfect.

"Huh, Lin Ruoran. You imitated my actions, don't think I don't know, you don't know how to make a film. Wait and see, let my sister show you a hand." Yang Xiezhi said between his teeth. , To lift the apple muscles on the face.

Not to be outdone, Lin Ruoran turned and leaned on Yang Xiezhi's shoulders, and through this contrast, he highlighted his slender posture.

"So what, Yang Xiezhi. I advise you to stay on track. This is a huge crowd. It's shooting. The overall picture is the most important thing. You should put away your intestines, don't fix so many moths, otherwise You are embarrassed."

Song Yingru looked at the movements of the two of them fairly well, but felt that there was something lacking in them, not so perfect.

"Wait a minute, let's pause for a while." Song Yingru stopped filming, just like the director called out a card when filming a TV series.

However, Lin Ruoran and Yang Xiezhi were at a loss, their expressions stagnated.Judging from previous experience, there must be a bad situation, so the shooting was stopped. Intuition tells Lin Ruoran that this may not be a good thing.

Song Yingru slowly came to the two of them, looking left and right.With one hand on his chest, the other hand resting his chin, lost in thought.

"In this way, you stand and try like this." Song Yingru swung Yang Xiezhi's body and asked her to face the camera sideways.

Yang Xiezhi glanced, but suddenly felt unhappy.If you stand on the side, there will be fewer shots, so no one can see clearly.Isn't the purpose of making commercials to let the audience know themselves?So what's the use of this.

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