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"Who are you? What do you want?" Lin Ruoran grasped the straps of the bag tightly. Only now has he discovered that the group of people have bad intentions, but they still don't know what their true purpose is.

The two sturdy men in front of them didn't answer, their mouths drooped and their eyes were fierce.

Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Ruoran turned around quickly, trying to escape from here as fast as possible.Unfortunately, Lin Ruoran was still outnumbered after all, and was caught by two men in black before taking two steps.

"Help, is there anyone? Someone has robbed, there are gangsters here..." Lin Ruoran shouted hoarsely, hoping that someone would see him and help her at this moment.

Dare to rob openly in this broad daylight, it seems that the courage and evil intentions of this group are also extraordinary.

Lin Ruoran yelled a few words and was dragged into the car by the gangster.Even so, Lin Ruoran still struggled, unwilling to give up, and stayed in the car, struggling to pursue the bright outside.

The women in the last row were very dissatisfied to see Lin Ruoran so difficult."Block her mouth and don't let her talk anymore. Get her up quickly, and we will leave immediately. This matter must be resolved quickly."

After speaking, a person next to his accomplice brought a soaked towel and covered Lin Ruoran's nose and mouth.

"Who are you guys who rob me? I want to call the police...I want to..." Before Lin Ruoran said a few words, she felt a very strong smell in her mouth and nose, and immediately became unconscious.

After seeing Lin Ruoran not making a sound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly placed her in the back seat and galloped away.

The sun began to slowly descend to the west, drawing the shadows of the trees very long, and the air became quieter...

Chu Mingxuan drew the thick curtains, and the whole room was kept bright only by the remaining light.Slowly... a little light began to rise in the darkness.It is warm yellow, and the pointed tip is shining slightly red.

One, two... About a dozen faint but bright candlelights rose up, swaying and dancing slightly in the air.

The line of sight followed the light to the side of the bed, surrounded by two candlelights, forming a path.360 Literature Network

Chu Mingxuan blew out the flame of a candle and squatted on the ground.Looking at these little cute candlelights quietly, his eyes bend into a half moon.

"The time is almost up, so when Lin Ruoran comes back, it's just right." Chu Mingxuan looked at the time on the watch and calculated Lin Ruoran's more accurate return time.This is everything he carefully arranged, with extraordinary significance.

On that big bed, there were some rose petals scattered around.A heart-shaped pattern crookedly formed, of course this is also Chu Mingxuan's masterpiece, although it is a bit clumsy.

After everything was ready, Chu Mingxuan slowly closed the door and opened it again. I am afraid it was time to wait until Lin Ruoran came back to welcome the surprise together.

"Master, why have you come down? We are preparing for it. It's almost done. Take a look. What's missing." The butler saw Chu Mingxuan go downstairs and quickly introduced him to his work.

I saw dozens of dishes have been placed on the large table, faintly steaming upward, and the color matching was very attractive.The maid Li Qiao was still busy in the kitchen and never stopped.

"Hmm..." Chu Mingxuan looked at the tempting food, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, making a pleasant voice.Chu Mingxuan grew up among the wealthy, and has long been accustomed to these dishes.It's just that somehow, I am particularly interested in these ordinary dishes today, probably because of a joyful mood.

"It's so fragrant, so many dishes have been prepared in a while, but it's really fast."

Li Qiao poked his head out of the kitchen, but his movements did not stop at all, and he continued to stir the food in the pot.

"Thank you, Master, for your compliment. This dish can’t bother me at all. Didn’t I hear that the young lady is coming back? I think she must have lost a lot of weight because she worked so hard on the other side. So make more dishes, good Consoling her, these dishes are what the young lady likes to eat. There is also a soup, which will be simmered in a while."

Chu Mingxuan looked at these rewards very tastefully, and Lin Ruoran had just arrived here not long ago.It is such an honor that she has won the love of so many people, and even deliberately picked up the dust for her.

Of course, Lin Ruoran was able to get these treatments because she was Chu Mingxuan's wife.

"Oh, I don't usually receive such treatment when I come back from a business trip. How come these ostentations are better than me when Mrs. Young comes back."

Li Qiao replied, "Master, you are jealous. You can't blame us. Usually you go to bed as soon as you come back. We don't have a chance to do it."

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