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"Eat, don't thank me, I'm just pitying you." The fat man threw a word proudly, and then left happily.

"Thank you!" Lin Ruoran deliberately said loudly, and when he left, he deliberately made a grimace and stuck out a tongue.

"Who would be grateful to you, a little bit... and pity me, huh... Then why did you arrest me here, why can't you release me? I must check it carefully, in case it is poisonous Isn’t it just being fooled by your kindness in vain?"

Lin Ruoran looked at the bread, and the packaging bag on it was not opened or leaked.The water also looks original, so there should be no problem.But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.If you eat it, isn't this little life gone?

Lin Ruoran looked at the food hesitantly, then lowered his head to look at his stomach.To be honest, she really needs these.

"Forget it, let's bear it. It's better to be hungry at least than to lose your life." Lin Ruoran thought over and over again, and put things and water again.

Lin Ruoran fell asleep leaning on the old machine, and it was very warm with the right sunlight.Although there is no thick clothes and quilts, there is no need to worry about catching cold.You can also forget the pain of your own injury just now and kill two birds with one stone.

The sun is shining high, and the sun in the morning shines brazenly through the curtains, with a warm breeze.Sunshine is like a naughty elf, jumping around in the room, not caring about other people's feelings.

Chu Mingxuan's long eyelashes curled up and trembled slightly, unwilling to pay attention to the call of sunlight.I saw Chu Mingxuan lying on the bed arrogantly. He didn't even change or take off his clothes. I didn't even cover the quilt.

"You're back... Ruo Ran!" Chu Mingxuan suddenly screamed, and a Ji Ling sat up from the bed.I probably saw Lin Ruoran in a dream.

It’s just that reunion in a dream may be easier, but in reality there is no such blessing.Sitting on the bed, Chu Mingxuan looked at the empty room, and for a moment his mood fell to the bottom.

Is fate more tricky? Chu Mingxuan raised his hand blankly, and reached out to block the dazzling sunlight.Although I slept all night, I still didn't rest well, my eyelids were swollen and painful.16 Novel Network

The whole room was dazzling, even unbelievable.The heart-shaped rose pattern originally placed on the bed has long been messed up by Chu Mingxuan, losing its original beauty.And the candle that stretched from the door to the bed, which had been burning at night, has now been extinguished.Only a pool of pink candle oil remained, solidified on the ground.

Chu Mingxuan sat in a daze for a while, but he still didn't get over.Lin Ruoran disappeared yesterday, and such a big thing is unacceptable for a while.I thought it was ridiculous, but I didn't expect it to be the same after a night.

"Oops, what time is it now." Suddenly Chu Mingxuan yelled in exclamation, and went to get his mobile phone in a panic.Looking closely, it turned out that it was already eight o'clock in the morning. No wonder the sun was so high.

"No, it's really a bad thing. It's already eight o'clock. How can I sleep for so long. I clearly said that it was just a short rest. What can I do now." Chu Mingxuan regretted himself. He patted his forehead, and then hurried out with his phone.

Just as he was going down the stairs, he ran into Lin Zhen who was going upstairs.Lin Zhen looked very excited, with joy on his eyebrows, and when he saw Chu Mingxuan, he pulled him into the living room.

"Oh, Lin Zhen, what are you going to do. I'm upset now, what is it with you?" Chu Mingxuan struggled hard.

It’s just that Lin Zhen still tugged, “I’m telling you Chu Mingxuan, I just came up with a very good idea, there is a way to know where Lin Ruoran has gone. So I came to you immediately, do you want to hear it? listen."

"Listen, of course I want to listen." When Chu Mingxuan heard the news, his eyes lit up."Lin Zhen, are you sure? Do you really have a solution? Hurry up, don't make me worry. Come on, let's sit down and have a good chat."

Instead, Chu Mingxuan was anxious at the moment, pulling Lin Zhen hurriedly down the stairs.If it weren't for Lin Zhen's steady feet, he might have staggered.

Just after sitting down, Chu Mingxuan asked impatiently."Didn't you say there is a way? Hurry up. Don't delay, waste time."

"Okay, let me take it easy." Lin Zhen took a deep breath, then swallowed his throat."Okay, okay. I told you that's the case. Lin Ruoran still has a brokerage company before signing with our company. I can ask them."


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