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"I promised at the beginning that I will not interfere with her work. And she really likes this profession," Chu Mingxuan rubbed his temple helplessly.

"Okay, I know, wait for my news." Chu Xuan also knows how much Chu Mingxuan loves Lin Ruoran. In that case, he has no idea what to say. It's like he never gets married. Everyone has his own Stubborn things,

Chu Mingxuan hung up the phone and sat in the study alone.Her own woman loves her, especially what Lin Ruoran suffers is all her own. Especially today’s things, she knows that it is dangerous, but Lin Ruoran still wants to do it because she thinks this is her career, but Chu Ming How could Xuan bear to let her face so many dangers.

Back in the bedroom, Lin Ruoran was still lying in bed and watching a movie. It seemed that she hadn't been affected by the incident at all. She really didn't know whether to say she was big-hearted or confident in herself.

Chu Mingxuan watched Lin Ruoran intently, but he didn't notice it when he came in. He threw on Lin Ruoran, hugged and kissed wildly.

Lin Ruoran was taken aback by his sudden movements, but even though he usually had intimate activities with individuals, Chu Mingxuan really rarely showed such fierceness. Although he didn't know how to do it, Lin Ruoran still responded positively.

After a storm, Lin Ruoran panted slightly in Chu Mingxuan's arms.Chu Mingxuan was so energetic that he couldn't tell that he had just done such violent exercise.

Lin Ruoran lay on Chu Mingxuan's chest, gently wrapped around his waist, and whispered, "What happened today?"

Chu Mingxuan grabbed Lin Ruoran's little hand that was moving around him, took it to his mouth and kissed it.Saying: "No matter what happens, do you have to take your own safety as the first task to know?"

Lin Ruoran was a little bewildered by what he said.But still said: "Okay, I will definitely pay attention to my safety, and you also arranged a bodyguard for me, there will be no accident."

Chu Mingxuan seemed very upset, his eyes lowered and he stopped talking.Just grasping Lin Ruoran's hand firmly showed how insecure he was at the moment.He really can’t stand Lin Ruoran’s little bit of harm because of himself.

Lin Ruoran wanted to ask more questions, but she was too tired and fell asleep in a daze.361 reading

When I opened my eyes the next day, my side was already empty, the sheets were cold, and my dim sleepiness disappeared instantly.

She got up and put on his clothes and found Chu Mingxuan smoking on the balcony. Lin Ruoran couldn’t remember how long Chu Mingxuan hadn’t smoked. He remembered that he quit smoking because he didn’t like it before. Now he picked it up again, Lin Ruoran I suddenly felt a little scared,

Walked over, hugging Chu Mingxuan tenderly from behind.He whispered: "What's wrong? Is there anything upsetting?"

Chu Mingxuan threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, looked at the woman in his arms, and said in a deep voice, "I want a child."

Lin Ruoran was taken aback. They had been together for so long, and they were a little tacit about the child's problem. No one ever mentioned it. After all, Lin Ruoran is an entertainer and he still has a lot of resources now, and it is obviously irrational to get pregnant at this time. , But when Lin Ruoran raised her head and looked at Chu Mingxuan.

He was suddenly panicked.Chu Mingxuan is much older than himself. At his age, even if he is not married, his children are still in school.Suddenly a trace of guilt flashed in my heart.

He buried his head tightly in Chu Mingxuan's arms.He muffled his voice and said, "Okay, do you like boys or girls?"

Chu Mingxuan was ready to be rejected by Lin Ruoran, but Lin Ruoran’s words made him suddenly wonder how to answer, so he could only hug him tightly; “I like it whether it’s a boy or a girl. I like all the children you gave me."

Chu Mingxuan is a cold-looking person, even if he loves Lin Ruoran, he rarely speaks sweet words.

At this moment, I don’t know why. Lin Ruoran’s psychology was rippled, and she blushed unconsciously. Looking at Chu Mingxuan’s eyes, she was a little bit shy and nodded: "Okay, I listen to you."

Chu Mingxuan excitedly hugged Lin Ruoran and turned around twice. Hearing Lin Ruoran's excited voice, he was also inexplicably satisfied. He stopped thinking of a new life between them. Constantly excited.

This was only thought of yesterday.In the current situation, it is impossible for Lin Ruoran to stay away from her shadow, and it is useless to let him take less work, so she is only pregnant.In fact, Chu Mingxuan was also very scared. Although he knew that Lin Ruoran loved him, he was really not sure whether Lin Ruoran would be willing to give up the career he had been passionately pursuing in order to give birth to him.

However, the early result was completely beyond Chu Mingxuan's expectation. It turned out to be a needle in a woman's heart. Chu Mingxuan was clever and wise, and calculated beyond others.They couldn't really count Lin Ruoran's thoughts.

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