You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!"Lin Ruoran, my eldest lady, I would persuade you not to live like this, okay? Can you be as anxious as me? Do you know that our plane will take off after another half an hour? If within half an hour If we didn’t get on the plane, we would have to spend a lot of money to take a private jet, and private jets are more troublesome, so my eldest lady Lin Ruoran, can you not be so eager for the emperor and the eunuch?

Then the assistant dragged Lin Ruoran to the taxi he had already prepared. As soon as the two people got in the taxi, the assistant asked the taxi driver to take the two of them to the airport as quickly as possible. The taxi driver used his best efforts to bring the two of them to the airport, and the assistant personally handed it to the taxi driver.

Let him run faster. Under the stimulus of money, the taxi driver really ran very fast. So after half an hour, Lin Ruoran and her assistant showed up at the gate of the airport. When you stopped, you rushed off the taxi, took off all Lin Ruoran's things, and then dragged Lin Ruoran off the taxi.

Just after Lin Ruoran got out of the taxi, the assistant put a coat on Lin Ruoran's body, then brought Lin Ruoran a hat and a mask for Lin Ruoran. Lin Ruoran looked at the assistant in front of him in confusion, and then he was right. He said.

"Doesn’t our company have a car? Why did the two of us take a taxi to this place? Besides, why did you rely on me after I got off the taxi? Shouldn’t these things be put on the car? What’s the matter? Ah? Why do you feel a little different today, unlike what I thought before."

"The company took the car, but I don’t want to take a taxi with such a high profile, who knows you are a big star. Okay, don’t care about these details. Hurry up and don’t waste time. If you take a taxi, you really don’t know what it will be. What's going on?"

Under the urging of the assistant, Lin Ruoran could only cry and smile, and then ran into the plane anxiously with the assistant, and then sat down. Lin Ruoran had already taken his seat, and he saw his assistant and sighed for a long time. After a sigh of relief, his assistant fell asleep in front of him. Seeing that his assistant fell asleep, Lin Ruoran also knew that she had a very hard day, so Lin Ruoran thoughtfully put her coat on you at this time Body.

Then Lin Ruoran took a book and read it here. The plane was flying very fast. When the assistant just woke up, the plane had reached his destination. Once the plane stopped at the destination, the assistant was busy again. When he got up, he took Lin Ruoran's luggage, then put Lin Ruoran's coat on Lin Ruoran's body, and then he was watching Lin Ruoran.

He led Lin Ruoran to the terminal quickly. Lin Ruoran was arranged by the assistant to sit in a position in the terminal, and then you ran to a place next to you who didn’t know what to do. Lin Ruoran sat in the terminal boredly. On the stool, he was about to spend this time without an assistant, but when Lin Ruoran was distracted, his body was accidentally pulled by something.

Lin Ruoran felt this power in a puzzled manner, and then he turned around and saw a seven or eight-year-old kid pulling his clothes. This kid was a boy, well-behaved and well-behaved. Especially good.

Blowing like a white jade can break Lin Ruoran saw the child pulling her clothes innocently, Lin Ruoran smiled, and then gently touched the child’s endless white face, and then Said to the little child.

"Why do you take auntie's clothes? It's not good, kid, what about your mother? Where is your mother? And how old are you this year? Tell auntie about it."

Lin Ruoran is showing face at this time, so this kid doesn't know what the face in Lin Ruoran's mask looks like?He only felt that Lin Ruoran's eyes were particularly good-looking, of course for Lin Ruoran's question.

He just widened his eyes and looked at Lin Ruoran innocently. He didn't say a word. When he saw this kid, he asked him for a long time, but he didn't answer Lin Ruoran for a long time. He shaved the kid lightly. Said to the little kid’s nose.

"Tell me about it. My sister is not a bad person. If you tell my sister what is your name, please give this to you directly."

After speaking, Lin Ruoran took out a button from her pocket and placed it in front of the child. He didn’t know when to put the button in. Just now, she wanted to give the child a gift. Since she touched it in her pocket For a moment, I didn't expect to touch this button.

Chapter 276: Arrogant and Domineering dm

Anyway, they have already been taken out, so Lin Ruoran intends to give this thing as a gift to this little child in exchange, but the little child looks at this button, especially this button, but when it looks particularly beautiful, his eyes are all Lin Ruoran was very happy, and said to the kid.

"As long as you tell your sister how old you are this year, where is your mother, and what is your name, your sister will give you this thing. Are you okay? You must be a good baby and tell your sister. Your sister is not a bad person. ."

The child glanced at Lin Ruoran and shook his head, and then said to Lin Ruoran in front of him.

"My mother told me, don't talk to strangers, sister, I don't know you, so you are a stranger, I can't talk to you so I'm sorry, I can't tell you, but can you give me this thing? Your button looks good, I want it, I can exchange things with you, OK?"

Lin Ruoran was amused by what the little child said. How old is this little child, so Lin Ruoran thought for a while, then nodded, and saw Lin Ruoran nod, the little child took out a stick from his pocket Lollipop, and then he looked at Lin Ruoran with an innocent look.

I took a look at the lollipop that this kid brought out. This kid was pretty good. Knowing to take things and exchange them at the same price, Lin Ruoran reluctantly took this lollipop over, and of course Lin Ruoran also took care of herself. The button was handed to the child in front of him, and then Lin Ruoran said to the child in front of him.

"We have all exchanged gifts, so we should not be strangers, can you tell my sister what your name is? And where is your mother? It is very dangerous for children to stay in this place alone , Where is your mother? Sister will take you to find your mother, OK?"

Beautiful things are naturally liked, especially Lin Ruoran’s beautiful button. She likes this little child so much and can’t put it down. Therefore, if Lin Ruoran said, he never heard Da Lin Ruoran say it. After the second time The child pointed to the location of the women's toilet next to it, and then said to Lin Ruoran.

"My mother went to the bathroom. He asked me to wait for him here. Don't run around. My mother will come here later. Sister, you don't need to take me to find my mother. You can chat with me here."

It’s really childish, but Lin Ruoran is boring to stay here anyway. Besides chatting with this kid for a day, he really doesn’t know what he can do. So he chatted with Lin Ruoran. Of course, Lin Ruoran also started The little child knew how happy he and his mother were, and of course he knew he was a mischief.

It also caused a lot of trouble to his mother. There were several places in the way of his speech that made Lin Ruoran amused because of the childish words. Of course, while laughing, Lin Ruoran didn’t want a child of his own, a man Chu Mingxuan wanted a child of her own. As a woman, Lin Ruoran didn't want to be a mother, but he was a female star.

Does he dare to have such a big price?This price is really very high. Although Chu Mingxuan is very affectionate now, he gets along very happily, but one day when Chu Mingxuan felt it was useless and found it unpleasant to get along with him, Kick him away, what should she do?

Lin Ruoran frowned. A woman should have her own career, but celebrities are different from ordinary women. If he stops working and wants to come back, it will be really difficult. Lin Ruoran frowned, but Lin Ruoran frowned. Of course, the child noticed the child and handed the button to Lin Ruoran again.

"Sister packed up and I took what you like, so you showed such a sad expression. Sister, don't be sad. The big deal is that I will return this button to you. Don't be sad, OK?"

Lin Ruoran smiled. He put his hand on the boy's head and rubbed it lightly. When he was sad, wouldn't it be nice to have a child of his own to comfort him?Chu Mingxuan should think so too, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say that.

"My sister gave this to you, don't you want it anymore? Just accept what your sister gave you. Okay, kid, why hasn't your mother come out yet? And how long have you been waiting here? Yours Mom doesn’t come out yet, don’t you be in a hurry? You are your mother’s little padded jacket, so you call your mother and see how often your mother comes out.”

Lin Ruoran knew from the boy's mouth that her mother had been in the toilet for at least half an hour. How could a normal person stay in the toilet for such a long time?

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