You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!"Unexpectedly, we would have such a day. You said I would wait to meet him where to pick her up. What kind of clothes should I wear? What kind of face should I let him see me? Do you think I should dress very well? Being more classical, he felt that our country’s culture was also very good, and it was also very good in ancient history."

Because Lin Ruoran's mood was so excited at this time, he was a little bit of joy and wept, so he was a bit incoherent when speaking at this time. Lin Ruoran's agent thought about it at this time, although the two of them are in a very good mood at this time, and they can't. Carrying this exciting news broke their minds, because how to say, although this fashion industry Caesar looked at them two, it does not mean that they have already stepped into the fashion circle.

Because Caesars in the fashion industry often toss and turn, there is nothing to do with China. So the agent thought about it at this time and must leave a big impression on this fashion industry card, so he told Lin Ruoran After going to make-up, he went to Lin Ruoran's bag to look for Lin Ruoran's clothes, because this time it was a domestic fashion week.

So his assistant brought a lot of clothes, many of which were limited editions, and of course many of them were sponsored by sponsors. He began to compare these clothes, hoping to find one that fits Lin Ruoran's temperament.

Lin Ruoran could also wear good-looking clothes, but he was looking for something that disappointed the assistant. He did not find a piece of clothing that he felt very satisfied with. Lin Ruoran was hanging a slightly more classical military uniform in front of the dressing table at this time.

But when she changed, the phone rang. The caller was not someone else. This was Chu Mingxuan. Although she was in a hurry about Caesar in the fashion industry in her future, Chu Mingxuan's call Lin Ruoran was also After answering the call, Lin Ruoran immediately answered the call, and then told Chu Mingxuan that he was hacked and killed by the fashion industry to be selected. Chu Mingxuan congratulated Lin Ruoran on the phone and said to Lin Ruoran.000 literature

"Do you know that your assistant called me just now, saying that you don’t have any clothes to see the fashion industry Caesar this evening, and he scolded me bloody and said why I didn’t give it? Do you buy some clothes that suit your temperament? Now what do you think? Lin Ruoran, what do you want to do."

Hearing Chu Mingxuan's inquiry, Lin Ruoran was puzzled. When did his agent call him?Lin Ruoran seemed to have no impression. Lin Ruoran was puzzled and ran to the room where she was making suitcases, and she saw her assistant put all her clothes on the floor, and it was like an exhibition, constantly admiring, just appreciating On the way, his agent kept shaking his head sadly.

These clothes are sponsored by many sponsors, and these clothes are very beautiful, especially Lin Ruoran's favorite clothes. Why is his agent frowning at this time? Lin Ruoran walked to his agent in confusion. In front of people, after seeing Lin Ruoran come in front of him, the agent kneaded a piece of clothing into a ball, threw it at Lin Ruoran, and then said to Lin Ruoran.

"When the clothes are really used, I really feel that there are very few things. You said that we will face such a big occasion next, but I can't find a dress that suits the occasion you want to wear tonight. Let’s talk about Lin Ruoran, do you think Chu Mingxuan should be scolded? And the bloody guy who should be scolded is also a big boss, plus there are so many, how can he even have a top-notch dress? If you don’t buy it for you, I really want to get his scolding dog bloody, so that he dare not look up in front of me."

At this time, the agent was worried about Lin Ruoran’s future, so he said this. Lin Ruoran heard that he could say that today. He didn’t know if he should be angry or laugh. He sat in front of his agent and watched him with her. Many of these clothes are very valuable. Although he is not sure what the price of these clothes is, there are still many good-looking clothes. Lin Ruoran took a dark green dress that she thought was very good. Then the pen was on his chest, and he looked at his robot, and then he was upset with his agent, and he said to his agent.

"Sometimes, can you not have such a high-sightedness? I think this dress is very good. Do you think this dress can reflect my temperament? So, sometimes you can wear it. Don't be so picky. , Too picky, with your picky eyes, you will never be found a piece of clothing and the clothing of your temperament in your life."

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