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Chu Mingxuan stroked Lin Ruoran's long curly hair with his slender fingers, which was so soft and smooth that he couldn't put it down.

"Beep beep." There was a ringing sound of the phone, and Chu Mingxuan recovered his mind and turned on the phone."Chu Xuan" is displayed on it. Could it be that something has happened to the call so late?

Chu Mingxuan suddenly had an unclear hunch in his heart that Chu Xuan would not disturb him easily unless it was an official business.

"Hey, Chu Xuan, what's the matter. I'm Chu Mingxuan, what's the matter?" Chu Mingxuan picked up the phone and said lightly.

After a few seconds, Chu Xuan spoke again.

"Boss, it's like this. Originally..." Chu Xuan said hesitantly, "I don't want to disturb you either, but there is a temporary change in the work plan. So..."

"So what, Chu Xuan, just say it straight. It's okay, I can accept it." Chu Mingxuan said calmly.

As the eldest son and eldest grandson of Chushi Group, Chu Mingxuan has worked with the company and has gained a lot of training.He is already a person who has seen big winds and waves, so he has a certain ability to accept many things.

Originally, Chu Xuan's heart had already mentioned his throat. Chu Mingxuan's remarks had given him a boost, so he just said it.

"Boss, this is the case. There is something wrong with the U.S. branch, and now the senior leaders are unable to cope with the situation. So the board wants you to go to the U.S. to stabilize the situation. But the schedule is too sudden, so I need to ask for instructions. You."

Chu Mingxuan already understood what Chu Xuan meant. It seemed that this matter was very difficult, so he needed to take action.Chu Mingxuan quietly looked at Lin Ruoran by the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

But this also meant that Chu Mingxuan was leaving Lin Ruoran, leaving this woman who gave him almost all his love.And I don't know how long it will take. Whenever he is not in Lin Ruoran, Chu Mingxuan feels suffering every minute and every second.

There is not much time before Lin Ruoran joins the group, and the time between the two people is getting scarce.Originally, Chu Mingxuan wanted to personally send Lin Ruoran into the group, but it seemed that he was missed.

"Hey, hello." After waiting for a while on the phone, the voice came out again.

"Boss, are you still there? Are you still there? If it is not convenient for you to go, I can arrange for someone to go."

Where else is it more suitable? Almost only him in the entire group is reasonable. This is also his responsibility and mission.

"Well, I'm here." Chu Mingxuan said to the phone, looking at Lin Ruoran intently."I'm going back, about when will I leave."

"The time arranged by the company is tomorrow afternoon. It cannot be late."

Tomorrow afternoon, this is too short.In other words, Chu Mingxuan and Lin Ruoran had less than one day left in the country, and Chu Mingxuan cast his eyes out of the window.

It was late at night, and a long time had passed before I knew it.It turned out that the dark night has slowly begun to have the whiteness of the fish maw, I am afraid it will be dawn in a few hours.

"Boss," Chu Xuan continued, "Then I'll book your ticket for you."

"Okay, book it. But don't get too early. Okay, it's late, you go to bed earlier." Chu Mingxuan hung up the phone and went back to bed.135 Chinese

Although Chu Mingxuan was a little tired, he was wiped out by the phone call just now.

Chu Mingxuan got into the bed, greedily enjoying Lin Ruoran's body temperature and the fragrance of her body.One day later, on the other side of the earth, he might not be able to enjoy it.

Lin Ruoran's figure is slender but exquisite, lying on her side, sleeping on her side, which highlights her attractive curve.The hazy face is very beautiful and lovely.

Chu Mingxuan took Lin Ruoran's little hand out of the bed and held it in his palm.Although the fingers are long and slender, there are a few slightly yellowed calluses in the palm.

This look is not the hands of wealthy people, compared to those wealthy daughters who do not touch the sun.Lin Ruoran seemed to have experienced a lot of suffering, all of which were hidden on his fingers, and he knew the vicissitudes of life at the touch of it.

It is true that Lin Ruoran was born in a rural area, and his daily farming and housework must be indispensable.What's more, immediately afterwards, her father fell ill again, and all the suffering of life was added to her weak body.

Chu Mingxuan held Lin Ruoran's small hand tightly, desperately feeling everything on Lin Ruoran's body.

"Well, don't." Lin Ruoran felt a little pain, frowned, and muttered.

So Chu Mingxuan loosened his grasping hand slightly, and Lin Ruoran's mood eased a lot.In the past, his lover left him, making him regret it.

And now he wants to guard his beloved woman firmly by his side, not to let her suffer any harm.

"Go to sleep, Irene, be safe. Don't be afraid of anything, I will always guard you in the future. Don't worry, I won't leave in the future." Chu Mingxuan lightly touched Lin Ruoran's forehead A kiss, and then put Lin Ruoran in her arms.

At the dawn of the morning, Lin Ruoran woke up as if she had had a nightmare.

"Ah, don't, let me go." Lin Ruoran opened her eyes in shock, only to find that Chu Mingxuan was beside her.Staring at her closely, her eyes are facing each other but only ten centimeters apart.

Chu Mingxuan's eyes were blurred, and his eyelids drooped a little bit fatigued.Although he kept blinking, he still couldn't stop the sleepiness.

Thick dark circles hung on his face, and there were already slight bags under his eyes.

"Morning, early." Lin Ruoran looked at Chu Mingxuan in shock, and said with a trembling voice.

"Morning..." Chu Mingxuan said tiredly, and yawned heavily.

"What time is it now?" Lin Ruoran rubbed her hair in a daze and looked out the window.The sky was white, but there was still a hint of hazy gray.

Lin Ruoran recalled the scene last night, she clearly remembered that she had been studying the script.When did I ran into bed and went to bed?

Lin Ruoran grabbed her own clothes suspiciously. This was the same clothes she wore last night.Could it be that I fell asleep in a daze last night?

"By the way, I haven't learned my lines yet. I have to go and memorize them quickly."

Lin Ruoran remembered in a hurry that yesterday's task had not been completed, so he quickly lifted the quilt and wanted to continue yesterday's work.But when she just wanted to get out of bed, she found that she couldn't move at all.

It turned out that all of his body was hugged by Chu Mingxuan, and he clamped it tightly with his legs.

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