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"It's you who didn't eat well, I warned you." Chu Mingxuan twitched the corners of his solemn mouth, his brows still did not stretch.

Lin Ruoran knew that he was in a big trouble this time, so he simply kept silent to express his regret.

"Oh, I see. I'm eating now, can you calm down? I was wrong, can I apologize to you?" Lin Ruoran pouted to Chu Mingxuan playfully.

Suddenly Chu Mingxuan chuckled softly, and then quickly held back.Obviously, the reason for his anger was not because of this. Why couldn't Lin Ruoran understand his feelings?

To show his weakness, Lin Ruoran took another piece of chicken breast and put it on Chu Mingxuan's plate."Okay, okay. I apologize to you, eat a piece of meat to make up for it."

"I'm leaving at 6 o'clock today in the afternoon." Chu Mingxuan suddenly said, really stunned everyone.

Lin Ruoran stopped the movement in his hand for an instant, and her eyes suddenly felt a little sad.It was noon now, so Chu Mingxuan would leave in a few hours, and he didn't know when he would be able to return.

Obviously Lin Ruoran had been looking forward to being able to escape from Chu Mingxuan's control, but at this moment, there was an indescribable loss and hesitation in her heart.

"Leaving so early? Where are you going..." Lin Ruoran was speechless for a while, not knowing how to express his views.

"When I went to the United States, there was a problem with the branch, so I needed to solve it."

"Then when will you be back?" When Lin Ruoran said this, Chu Mingxuan kept staring at her for a few seconds.

Is she caring about herself, or for some other reason.

The housekeeper thought sadly, "Master, you are leaving this afternoon. It's really too urgent, why didn't you tell me in advance. I can prepare something for you earlier."

Chu Mingxuan turned his gaze to the housekeeper, "This was just notified last night, and I just got the news. Don't worry, there is no big problem."

But the butler is still very worried, "Then I will take care of your luggage now, Xiao Li, hurry up with me upstairs."

"Oh." Li Qiao was just finishing the kitchen, and he hurriedly agreed, and was dragged to the bedroom on the second floor by the housekeeper.

I don't know if the butler deliberately or unintentionally created space for them, but now there are only two of them left.The air is surprisingly quiet, and the two people are speechless, but each has its own mind.

This sudden incident made Lin Ruoran feel a little guilty, and she lowered her head unconsciously.Biting his chopsticks, he dared not look into Chu Mingxuan's eyes.Whether it is a nominal wife or a cohabiting partner, Chu Mingxuan should tell her.

Although to Chu Mingxuan, a business trip was as simple as a daily meal, but Lin Ruoran regarded it very seriously.At least she can do something for him, express her heart, instead of letting the housekeeper do it all by herself.

"You, what else do you need me to do for you? It must be very hard for the United States to be so far away." Lin Ruoran bit her lip and secretly looked at Chu Mingxuan and said.

"No, everything will be arranged by the company. You don't need to worry about other things." Obviously, Lin Ruoran's worries were futile.Reading book nest

"That's right." Chu Mingxuan suddenly remembered something, "You joined the team these past few days, right?"

"Well, tomorrow." Lin Ruoran nodded hard, like a rattle.

"At that time, I will send someone to send you to the crew, and then if there is anything else you need, you can notify me. I can ask someone from the company to help you solve it."

Lin Ruoran never figured out what to solve, and it was not that she had never been in the group.Although playing small supporting roles in the past, the process is mostly the same.

"No, Mr. Lin said. Then he will arrange it, and the artists of our company will go together. This will be more convenient for management, and my agent will go with him." Lin Ruoran really doesn't want to give it to him. What trouble does Chu Mingxuan in the United States cause?

"Oh." Chu Mingxuan simply responded, "That's it, originally..."

Originally, Chu Mingxuan thought that he could send Lin Ruoran into the group personally and watch her with his own eyes, so that he would feel more at ease.Moreover, as an investor in TV dramas, he will not let people gossip.

But in any case, this thing is not going to happen anymore. I can only hope that a meal will last forever and give them more space to get along.

Lin Ruoran put a few grains of rice into her mouth and chewed slowly, wondering why today's food was so tasteless.

After a long time slipped through the fingers, the two of them didn't eat much food. Before they knew it, the food was mostly cold.

There was a sound of footsteps in the stairwell behind him. It turned out that the housekeeper and Li Qiao had finished cleaning up. This speed was really fast.

"Master, the luggage is packed, I put it in the bedroom. If you need anything, you can tell me at any time."

"Yeah." Chu Mingxuan put a bowl of soup into his mouth and took a sip, then wiped his lips with a napkin before turning around and going upstairs.This meal is almost done, I am afraid it will be too late if you don't prepare it again.

"Wait a minute, where are you going? Are you leaving now?" Lin Ruoran asked, turning his head to look at Chu Mingxuan who was leaving.

"No, I'll go up and change my clothes. There are still some things that need to be dealt with, you can eat slowly." After speaking, Chu Mingxuan hurried upstairs.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Lin Ruoran found that Chu Mingxuan had disappeared on the stairs, too fast.No way, Lin Ruoran could only put down the bowl and chopsticks and chased it.

Chu Mingxuan was choosing clothes in the closet, holding a black senior suit in his hand.Lin Ruoran fixed her eyes and realized that this suit was exactly what he was wearing on the day they first met.

This hazy memory has been buried deep in Lin Ruoran's mind, and it suddenly came to mind.

Lin Ruoran walked to the drawer where the tie was placed, chose a royal blue tie and handed it to Chu Mingxuan.

"Take this one, I think it's pretty." Lin Ruoran suddenly felt his heart beating fiercely. In this tight space, his breathing was not smooth."Do you really have nothing else to tell me?"

Chu Mingxuan looked at Lin Ruoran's pretty face, and suddenly put the suit aside.He hugged Lin Ruoran's slender waist and dragged her to his side.

"I will be back soon, remember to wait for me. You have to be good, otherwise I want you to look good when you come back."

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