You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!The moment of joy made Lin Zhen careless about anything. At this time, there was condolences from the brothers, which was nothing but warm heart.

"Hey, that's not right. Chu Mingxuan, didn't you go to the United States on a business trip, how are you now."

It took a while for Lin Zhen to react. Chu Mingxuan, a busy man, had already been on a business trip to the United States. How could he call himself now?

"Well, I know." On the other end of the phone, Chu Mingxuan's strong and full of magnetic voice was still heard, "It's okay on my side, the problem is not very serious, but I have something to ask you for help."

"Okay, just say it straight." Lin Zhen said straightforwardly, with so many friendships.He didn't need to wait for Chu Mingxuan to speak, he probably already knew about eight points.

Chu Mingxuan is the vice president of Chushi Group. There is nothing he can do about it and he needs to ask himself for help.Forget it, forget it, it's useless to say more, the money master comes to ask for help, how dare you not agree.

"You made this call so painstakingly for Lin Ruoran, right?" Lin Zhen turned and leaned his weak body against the table.

Chu Mingxuan said without concealment: "Yes, it's because of this. If it's something else, I really don't need to trouble you, but I'm not in China at this time. Many things can't be taken care of, you know. She will be in the group in two days."

Lin Zhen called on the phone while searching on the chaotic desk.Finally I pulled out a blue folder, which was the start time of the TV series that Lin Ruoran and Director Luo collaborated on.

It happened to be tomorrow, and if it hadn't been for Chu Mingxuan to mention this, Lin Zhen would really have almost forgotten it.

"Well, I know, what's the matter?" Lin Zhen asked cryptically, as if to get an answer.

Chu Mingxuan is such an arrogant person, it is a great honor for someone to get his help.Such trivial matters let the assistant explain casually, who would dare not know each other.

Now that Chu Mingxuan called himself, Lin Zhen also knew that Lin Ruoran was of great significance to him.So let's just talk about it, let's take a look at the attitude of this high-cold president.

"Mr. Chu, why is the newcomer of our company so worthy of your attention. It doesn't matter, how normal it is to be in the filming group. You don't have to worry about it, just let her go by herself." Lin Zhen said with a face. A funny smile that can't be hidden.

"You, Lin Zhen, don't you want your company's indicators for the second half of the year?" Chu Mingxuan suddenly became very serious, with a hint of arrogance."It seems that Lin always wants a little more tempering, then I will fulfill you. I will tell Chu Xuan that the bidding in the second half of the year will be arranged for other companies."

Lin Zhen replied helplessly in a hurry, "Hey, wait a minute, don't be like this, President Chu."

This Chu Mingxuan is really not a joke at all.Just let him admit it. Is it so difficult?

"Lin Zhen, I think you are skinny again."

"Okay, okay, I know it's wrong. Mr. Chu, please forgive me, you adults don't remember the villain, don't take it to heart." Lin Zhen quickly begged for mercy.

Lin Zhen had the courage to provoke Chu Mingxuan.Chu Mingxuan is a figure who can cause a company to fail at any time, Lin Zhen dare not use his company as a bet.

"Mr. Chu, do you want me to take care of Lin Ruoran for you? I know, don't worry. How dare I finish the task that you Chu Mingxuan gave me carelessly. I will give Lin Ruoran the resources, and I will also send an agent together Followed."

You need to know where this kind of treatment comes from just a newcomer.Others may not even have an agent, and if something goes wrong, the rest of the scene will be cut off.Written by

Lin Zhen had already arranged Chen Lin's work, which eased the work of other artists she was in charge of.This allows Chen Lin to focus most of her energy on Lin Ruoran.

But fortunately, Lin Ruoran only took a supporting role this time. The time is short and nothing can go wrong.

"Who said that I just want you to take care of him." Chu Mingxuan said hesitantly.

Lin Zhen actually revealed his thoughts and thoughts, but he appeared to be bullying and condescending.

"I never told you to take special care of her, mainly because she, as a newcomer, doesn't understand the rules. You have to take good care of her and give your company trouble again."

Chu Mingxuan unconsciously increased his tone, "I tell you, don't relax management because of my relationship. You must be alert to her and don't let her lose my face."

"Oh, is it?" Lin Zhen pretended to be profound, "Then since President Chu has spoken, I will definitely temper her well and promise to complete the task. Let her suffer more so that she can grow quickly."

"But, President Chu. If Lin Ruoran can't stand it then, don't feel sorry for you."

"Lin Zhen, you are like this."

Lin Zhen burst out laughing immediately, although Chu Mingxuan was aloof.But occasionally teasing him like this is also a joy.

"Okay, okay, no kidding." Lin Zhen returned to a restrained and steady state, "I know you care about her, so I will arrange for the company to take good care of her. Now you don't need to worry, you can ."

Chu Mingxuan gave a soft "um" and then hung up the phone decisively.

Lin Zhen originally wanted to talk to Chu Mingxuan about the past, but he heard a beep, and the phone went back to nothing.

"This Chu Mingxuan, let me take care of your woman. I didn't say a few words of kindness, but I still have this attitude. It is really, too hateful. Hey, when you come back, I will ask you to settle the account."

The room was back to the empty state just now, Lin Zhen looked at the documents in front of him boredly.I couldn't help but sighed, resting his head on the table in a daze with his right hand.

"Oh, this Chu Mingxuan said these few sentences and hung up. It's okay to say a few more words, I'm so bored now. With so much work, when will I have to work?"

The sunlight gradually descended, and the sunlight was no longer as hot and dazzling as before.Only a bright yellow light was left, and it was warm.

Lin Ruoran hasn't slept like this for a long time, and she has always had to fight most things in life.

The backlog of medical expenses in hospitals is increasing, and housing prices are skyrocketing.A meager salary, and a few wretched funders.Even if it is an inconspicuous character, it is an opportunity for her to work hard in exchange.

The coffee that I had only drank a few sips was put on hand, but it had already cooled down.

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