You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!As soon as I walked in, I found that there was an extra gift box on the coffee table in the living room, and the direction of the bathroom also heard the sound of water flowing.

"Who is inside?"

Chu Mingxuan shouldn't get off work so early, is it his friend?

Lin Ruoran didn't wait for a reply, and slowly moved to the door of the bathroom, and saw a familiar figure through the crack of the door.

It was really Chu Mingxuan, why didn't he see his luxury car parked outside.

"Why did you come back so early and didn't tell me in advance, I thought there was a thief in the house."

Chu Mingxuan was shaving his beard in front of the mirror and gave Lin Ruoran an angry look.

"I didn't get through after several calls. Instead, the wicked complained first. I still want to know what you are up to."

"Is it?"

Lin Ruoran hurriedly opened the baby and took out the mobile phone. It really showed that several of them were missed. Three belonged to Chu Mingxuan, and the other belonged to his mother.

"Sorry, I'm so busy, I forgot to turn on the Do Not Disturb mode."

"Don't talk about those useless, quickly pack yourself up, and take you to a place later."

What Chu Mingxuan said was true, Lin Ruoran's heart suddenly tightened, thinking of the gift box on the table, he already had a general guess in his heart.

"By the way, just wear the purple one I bought with you that day."

"Why, didn't you say that the pink one looks better?"

Facing Chu Mingxuan's increasingly cold eyes, Lin Ruoran obediently closed her mouth, and then leaned in front of him to wash.

After a busy meal, Lin Ruoran changed his clothes and returned to the living room. Chu Mingxuan was already waiting at the door with a gift box in one hand.

Seeing his solemn expression on his face, Lin Ruoran couldn't help being nervous.

"Are you... are you going to show me your grandpa?"

"What your grandfather, isn't he your grandfather, don't forget, we are already a legal couple."

Chu Mingxuan was very dissatisfied and pulled Lin Ruoran's arm and turned and opened the door.

At this time, Lin Ruoran was muttering in her heart, "What she said was a vow, and he didn't give me a decent wedding. For what reason I have to admit it."

After thinking about it again, I blamed myself for being too impulsive, so confused that Mrs. Chu got on the thief ship, and now I just want to regret it because it is too late.The latest novel

Not long after waiting outside the door, Sima surely drove Chu Mingxuan's luxury car to pick him up. After driving on the main road, Chu Mingxuan couldn't help but tell Lin Ruoran some truth.

"Today is Grandpa's birthday, family...The family is together, I want to take you to see him."

When speaking of the word'family', Chu Mingxuan's brows were tightly frowning, because he was suddenly curious whether the mother and son were his family members.

"Then your grandpa...what kind of person is grandpa, does he dislike me?"

Chu Mingxuan's family background is no secret in the entertainment industry. Lin Ruoran knew that his parents had died early. In addition to the grandfather who raised him, he also had a stepmother and half-brother.

However, outsiders are spreading that Chu Mingxuan's stepmother has a bad relationship with him, and his younger brother also wants to fight with him for the inheritance right of Dingtian Entertainment.

Chu Mingxuan never took the initiative to mention it to her, so she didn't ask, but she might meet later, Lin Ruoran had to know the situation with Chu Mingxuan in advance.

"Also, what should I call your stepmother and younger brother?"

"Whatever you want, as long as you don't make the old man unhappy."

Chu Mingxuan was obviously impatient when asked, turned around and looked out the window and stopped ignoring Lin Ruoran.

In fact, he is also quite entangled at the moment. Looking at the attitude of his grandfather a while ago, it is clear that he is quite dissatisfied with Lin Ruoran, and hopes that there will be no troubles later.

The car drove quickly, and in a short while, he arrived at a manor that was several times more luxurious than Chu Mingxuan's villa.

Sima certainly waited outside the door, and Chu Mingxuan pulled nervous Lin Ruoran straight to the door of the room and pressed the doorbell.

After several clear jingle bells, the door was opened from inside, and an old aunt with a pleated face in maid costume came out.

"Yo, Master is back, who is this?"

"Auntie Liu, how is Grandpa's health recently?"

Chu Mingxuan didn't introduce Lin Ruoran's identity, and Aunt Liu didn't ask too much.

"I have a cough at these two points, but I have a good spirit. I stayed in the study to write and draw all day long. Oh, come on in. The madam and the young master are just here. Master is on your birthday today. Righteous thoughts are talking about you."

Aunt Liu suddenly stopped talking and asked Chu Mingxuan and Lin Ruoran to enter the room, and then pointed to the direction of the second floor and said something.

Chu Mingxuan raised his head and took a look, then nodded to Aunt Liu, turned to look at Lin Ruoran, and pulled her up the ladder.

There was a sound of giggling and joking from upstairs, but suddenly it became quiet. It is estimated that the people inside have heard the movement downstairs.

When Chu Mingxuan and Lin Ruoran went upstairs, they heard an old voice coming from a certain room, their voices full of dissatisfaction.

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