You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!Chu Mingxuan finally reached the limit of patience. Facing the step-by-step persecution of Lin Ruoran by Chu Xiong, he finally couldn't help but slap his chopsticks on the dining table.

"The meal is ready, grandpa, grandson will visit you next time."

The dazed Lin Ruoran was grabbed by Chu Mingxuan's arm and left the room directly.

Behind him, Chu Xiong chased out with an angry voice.

"Good boy, the wings are hard, and you don't even listen to Grandpa's words. If you have a kind, don't enter this house anymore."

A violent cough sounded, and Chu Mingxuan's figure paused slightly, and then dragged Lin Ruoran down the stairs blankly.

After leaving the door, Sima Dingran hurriedly opened the door and greeted Chu Mingxuan and Lin Ruoran into the back seat.

At this time, the two of them had their own thoughts, and they did not speak, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

Back at the villa, Chu Mingxuan had just closed the door, and Lin Ruoran, who had taken the first step, couldn't help but regained consciousness and asked his doubts.

"When are you going to hide from me, is that what the woman said is true? Lin Ruoran is just a substitute for some woman in your heart?"

The mist filled those eyes, and the expression on his face was stubborn and sad.

Chu Mingxuan's eyes rolled up and down, and his throat rose and fell, putting his hands on Lin Ruoran's shoulders, and replied emotionally.

"If so, isn't my love for you obvious enough, because you suspect me because of an outsider's instigation, and our relationship is really so fragile?"

Trust is indeed a very heavy topic. Lin Ruoran once chose to part ways with Chu Mingxuan because of his distrust of him. Now it is her turn to doubt Chu Mingxuan. The world is so unpredictable.

"Well, I'm willing to listen to your explanation, but please don't hide anything from me, because now I am not your lover raised with a wallet, but your legal wife, Chu Mingxuan."

Eyes are the windows of the soul. Looking directly at Chu Mingxuan's eyes, recalling the past moments, Lin Ruoran knew that he still had his own in his heart.

Turned around and sat on the sofa, motioned Chu Mingxuan to sit across from him, Lin Ruoran quietly waited for him to tell the truth that he wanted to know.

"It's a long story, where do you want to start?" The only Chinese website

Chu Mingxuan folded his hands together on his chest, and his tone became low, as if he was thinking of the memories that he had tried to forget.

"Just talk about that woman, I want to know everything about her."

Lin Ruoran was already trying hard to tell herself to be calm, but at this time she couldn't help being nervous, she was afraid to hear something she didn't want to face.

"Her name is Irene, my classmate who was studying at Harvard in the United States. After graduating, she talked to me for a year, and then one day I asked her to marry me, but the next day she disappeared and her phone number was changed. Never contacted me again, it was that simple."

Hearing the word'proposal', Lin Ruoran couldn't help taking a breath.

Although what Chu Mingxuan said was simple, Lin Ruoran sensed from his expression that it must be an unforgettable relationship.

"Do I look a lot like her?"

"Yes, when I first met, I almost thought of you as her, but I soon determined that you were not. You two are just similar in appearance but different in character. She is more delicate, and you, There is a stubbornness not to lose to a man in his bones."

After Chu Mingxuan finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Lin Ruoran's face quietly, wondering if he thought of another woman, his eyes became blurred.

"Hehe, I am very grateful for your frankness to me, but Mingxuan, can you really be sure that you love me or that Irene? We just got the certificate and didn't hold the wedding. Everything is still too late."

Lin Ruoran's voice became lower and lower, and her tone gradually became choked. Even if she was a bystander, she could feel how much emotion Chu Mingxuan gave during her first love in those five years.

In comparison, the time between myself and Chu Mingxuan was really too short, and there were a lot of twists and turns, and there was little beauty.

Lin Ruoran knew Chu Mingxuan's position in her heart. Without Chu Mingxuan, she probably wouldn't be happy in the future.

But she is such a stubborn woman. In her concept, love is selfish and sacred, and cannot tolerate third parties.

But now, she feels that her relationship with Chu Mingxuan has fundamentally gone wrong, so she wants Chu Mingxuan to ask herself whether she loves herself or this face is very important.

"I don't want to repeat it too many times, and I have considered everything you said very clearly. At the beginning, I really forced you to be my lover because of your similar appearance to Irene. But as we get along, The unique temperament in you makes me more and more addicted. I am pretty sure that I love you, Lin Ruoran."

The love didn't know where it started, and it continued to deepen. There was one sentence that Chu Mingxuan didn't say. Lin Ruoran was better than Irene, and more worthy of his love and dedication.

"I didn't tell you not because I didn't trust you, but because I was afraid of hurting you. You know, the last thing I want to see is your sadness, just like now."

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