Affair With Stranger At Our Wedding

477 The Secret of Wang Nuo

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!At this time, the location of the two of them is near the actor's dressing room and temporary lounge, with only a not-so-wide corridor.

Lin Ruoran subconsciously wanted to get around Wang Nuo, but he didn't expect that he would be reluctant, and followed Lin Ruoran a step further.

"I'm finished, what do you want to do?"

There was no one around except the two of them. Lin Ruoran glanced at the bathroom behind her, feeling a little nervous.

And the look on her face was completely seen by Wang Nuo, the smile gradually disappeared, and Wang Nuo's tone became unpredictable.

"Actually, you are really beautiful. I really want you to be my girlfriend. That kind of soft feeling has been lingering in my heart these days. Miss Ruoran, can you give it to me again? opportunity?"

Does he really dare to move such a crooked mind?

Lin Ruoran was shocked by these words, and she moved her lips dumbly, but she didn't know what to make.

"After laughing, I scared you, haha, look at where I look like a bad person."

Suddenly, Wang Nuo burst into laughter again, and his usual amiable expression of the big brother next door appeared on his face.

However, Lin Ruoran didn't dare to relax his vigilance against him, stepped back and confronted him squarely.

"What do you want to do? This is a public place. Someone may come in next second."

"I really don't mean anything else. In fact, I just wanted to inform Miss Ruoran in advance. The crew made arrangements to let us have a few ambiguous scenes off the scene, so that the scandal continued to ferment. It was that simple."

Wang Nuo said with a relaxed face, but Lin Ruoran felt very sick.

"Excuse me, I'm not that interested, I'm missing."

Turning around and about to leave, Wang Nuo suddenly leaned in front of Lin Ruoran, stretched out two hands to support the wall, and directly gave Lin Ruoran a wall.

"Well, it's that simple, Miss Ruoran can go busy."

After finishing talking, Wang Nuo got up and left again. Lin Ruoran realized that there were no more figures at the end of the corridor, and recorded the scene where Wang Nuo was pressing him.


Lin Ruoran didn't expect that Wang Nuo would have the courage to reach this point and did everything without her consent. This made her feel very humiliated.Tomb Raider Novel Network

However, to her surprise, the figure in charge of filming did not leave, and instead leaned towards Lin Ruoran at this time.

"Miss Ruoran, I'm sorry, please let me explain to you. There are some things that Wang Nuo can't talk about because it involves his personal privacy."

What kind of trick this was playing again, Lin Ruoran was fed up with the madness of these lunatics, and now he was almost on the verge of losing control.

"Please leave, I don't want to see anyone related to Wang Nuo now."

The man did not leave, his face was full of apologies, and when Lin Ruoran's breathing calmed down a little bit, he leaned forward to Lin Ruoran and said a little quietly.

"Wang Nuo is not a normal man, so don't doubt that he will insult you. In fact, the things that Ms. Lin did to Ms. Lin were arranged by the company, and Wang Nuo himself was extremely resistant.

What is this? What does Wang Nuozheng's abnormality have to do with him? If he is abnormal, he can do anything to himself. This is not an acceptable reason for Lin Ruoran.

"If you are finished, please give in and don't get in my way."

Fortunately, this person is also a woman, Lin Ruoran does not have to worry that she will be as rude to herself as Wang Nuo.

When Lin Ruoran walked out a few steps away, the woman chased up again, leaning in to Lin Ruoran's ear and repeating it in an extremely embarrassing manner.

"You may not understand what I mean. The reason why Wang Nuo is so good-looking is because he is a neutral person, so it is impossible to be interested in men and women. You can't take his behavior to heart."

Lin Ruoran stopped, and was overwhelmed by this sudden news. She thought that Wang Nuo was simply not sexually capable, but she didn't expect...

Then I thought, if Wang Nuo is treated as a woman, it seems that there is no need to bother about the previous things.

"I didn't want to tell you this. After all, it is Wang Nuo's greatest privacy. If it leaks out, his life may be ruined."

"It's just that after being misunderstood by you, he has been very uncomfortable for these two days, and people are on the verge of collapse. That's why I told you this on my own terms. I hope Miss Ruoran will take my frankness. Let's care about Wang Nuo again."

Wang Nuo's agent said sincerely, Lin Ruoran was soft-hearted after all and agreed to her request.

No wonder Wang Nuo not only looks good, but also has such a soft voice, and his skin is as white as a woman.

Lin Ruoran thought about what he looked like when he saw Wang Nuo before, and at the same time was a little curious about whether a neutral person is a male or a female. Is he so eager to find a feeling from me because he doesn't have one?

Lin Ruoran almost amused Lin Ruoran as soon as this thought appeared in his mind.

"Okay, I see, don't worry, I am not the kind of person who likes to chew my tongue."

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