You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!There was nothing for a night, and the next day they said goodbye to Zhang Jie and Zhang Chen as if nothing happened, and then returned to their own villa together.

Irene, who was staying in the villa, waited for one night but didn't wait for Chu Mingxuan. The phone calls in the past were never answered, and her mood suddenly became very bad.

When she woke up in the morning, she destroyed all the photos related to Lin Ruoran in the room. In the process, she turned to the diamond ring in the drawer of Lin Ruoran's room and the marriage certificate belonging to Lin Ruoran.

When she saw these two things, her whole face became distorted with jealousy.

That should have belonged to her, so why was it taken away by a wild girl from the countryside?

Irene was very unwilling, holding Lin Ruoran's marriage certificate madly and ran to the kitchen. She wanted to find the fire and completely let the eye-catching notebook disappear into this world.

Unfortunately, she just touched the gas switch, and the door of the villa was opened from the outside with a key.

"What's the matter, the house was robbed?"

Lin Ruoran looked at the messed up furnishings in the living room and the things that belonged to her that had been thrown away indiscriminately, and she was filled with surprise.

Chu Mingxuan's expression was even worse. He knew that everything in front of him was caused by Irene. He was planning to bring Lin Ruoran back to explain to Irene face to face, but now he no longer felt that way.

"Eileen, come out for me."

After an angry shout, the sound of the porcelain being knocked over to the ground sounded in the kitchen. Chu Mingxuan and Lin Ruoran looked at each other and pulled her straight to the direction of the sound.

"What are you doing, as a guest, making the host's room like this, don't you feel that you are doing too much?"

At this time, Irene was full of panic, but Chu Mingxuan saw no sympathy in his eyes, and some just disgusted.

This woman's mind is too narrow compared to Ruo Ran, I really don't know why she loved her so deeply before.

"Guest, Mingxuan, am I just a guest in your heart, have you forgotten the happy days when we were together?"

Under Chu Mingxuan's eyes, Irene felt that she was hurt. She blamed everything on Lin Ruoran's head, so she gritted her teeth and gave Lin Ruoran a fierce look.

"Please don't tell me the so-called past that you played with. Please leave now. I don't welcome guests who don't understand the rules."

There is no need to talk about it anymore. It is really easy for Chu Mingxuan to investigate a person now. Three hours after Irene appeared in front of him yesterday, Chu Mingxuan asked her to be found out.' All these years after the disappearance.

Originally, I wanted to save her a bit of face and didn't want to say something wrong, but she didn't expect her to be so ignorant.Schoolbag novel

Irene's tears came down, and Lin Ruoran stood aside and watched the whole time, without any sympathy.

Regardless of whether Chu Mingxuan did it on purpose or not, she was very satisfied with the current results.

"Okay, I'm leaving now, I won't come to you anymore."

Irene wiped away her tears, didn't even bring her own luggage, and the two of them walked around Chu Mingxuan and picked up the bags on the table before leaving. When they were leaving the house, Chu Mingxuan suddenly called a pause.

"and many more!"

"What else?"

Irene's voice was a little flustered, but she forced her to remain calm, turned sideways and stared at the ground, her hands clenched together.

"Although I am not bad for the money, you really can't let you take away the things in your hand, because they belong to my wife."

If Chu Mingxuan didn't say anything, Lin Ruoran really didn't notice. It turned out that the proposal ring Chu Mingxuan gave herself was actually on Irene's left hand.

No one can bear this kind of thing, and Lin Ruoran is also on fire.

"You throw all these things out of me, too, so please help me put them back by the way."

At this moment, Lin Ruoran finally understood what Chu Mingxuan's remark meant last night, and Irene in front of him only had a face similar to himself, but Lin Ruoran couldn't flatter her for that quality.

" are very good, give it back to you."

In the past, Chu Mingxuan was always obedient to herself. When did Irene be so fierce by Chu Mingxuan, what made her even more unbearable was Lin Ruoran’s disdainful eyes, as if she had become a funny one now. Joker, self-esteem has received 10,000 critical hits.

Pulling the diamond ring from her finger forcefully, Irene threw it to Chu Mingxuan severely, turned and drove away.

"Don't let this go, I'll buy you a new one later?"

Chu Mingxuan asked Lin Ruoran while holding the diamond ring, and pointed at the trash basket beside him. Lin Ruoran struggled for a long time before frowning and stretching out a hand.

"Isn't it worth hundreds of thousands? Give it to me."

I was really tired, and I never thought that the woman Chu Mingxuan had loved would be so unbearable. While Lin Ruoran was angry, she also had a slight sympathy for Chu Mingxuan.

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