You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!"Just because of this? Just because I want it? I can't accept this reason."

Chu Mingxuan was completely unable to say what he felt at this time. The Top Entertainment was not only the hard work of his grandfather, but also a contribution from his father and mother.

How could he be willing to watch the hard work of his parents in the hands of an'outsider', especially this'outsider' who has no ability yet, and will only bring the top entertainment into the abyss of death.

"Chu Mingxuan, if you don’t want people to know, unless you do nothing, Lin Ruoran has never donated money to charity projects. This matter will soon spread in the entertainment circle. Then, will you be the husband of this woman? As the general manager of Dingtian, you are too incompetent."

Chu Feng triumphantly took out a small red book from his arms, and then opened it to the directors present to show it.

"I can see it clearly. Our general manager Chu even got married secretly. How many things he has done secretly is not visible. Who of you knows, who of you dare to let him lead the sky? Others are still helping others count their money."

The meeting room suddenly exploded, and everyone present knew that the time of insulting China was definitely a big pit that couldn't even be touched. Unexpectedly, Chu Mingxuan dared to trick public opinion on it.

If it is revealed to the public after the truth is found out as Chu Feng said, Dingtian Entertainment will definitely suffer an unprecedented heavy blow.

"Mr. Chu, should you give us an explanation?"

"Yes, President Chu, because we trusted you so much, you did such a dangerous thing behind our back. It seems that the old chairman's decision is right. You are indeed not suitable to take over Dingtian."


In an instant, the directors in the conference room pointed at Chu Mingxuan one-sidedly. In Chu Feng's eyes, this scene finally made him breathe a sigh of relief. There was a feeling of a winner in his heart.

"At this point, my good brother, what else do you have to say, if not, please go out first, brother, I will continue my inauguration ceremony."

"That's my marriage certificate, how could it be in your hands?"

Seeing Chu Mingxuan being accused by thousands of husbands, Lin Ruoran felt particularly uncomfortable. She even had a faint regret at this time. If it weren't for her, Chu Mingxuan would not be dismissed, let alone lose the top entertainment.

In the final analysis, all of this is because of the marriage certificate in Chu Feng's hands, but why did his marriage certificate get into Chu Feng's hands?

"Let's go if so, let's meet him, and I can't accept such a result without hearing him admit it himself."

Chu Mingxuan knew how the marriage certificate got to Chu Feng without even thinking about it. What he didn't expect was that Chu Feng still had such a scheming plan, and even Irene could be used by him.

"I'm sorry, Mingxuan. Yesterday I signed an agreement with Grandpa to make Grandpa agree to our business. Maybe it was because of that agreement that Grandpa gave Dingtian Entertainment to Chu Feng."

On the way to Chuxiong Manor, Lin Ruoran hesitated for a long time and decided to tell Chu Mingxuan the matter, and also explained the specific content of the agreement to Chu Mingxuan.The first Chinese website

"How can you be so stupid, do you sign this kind of agreement?"

Chu Mingxuan's mood suddenly felt better. Compared with Dingtian Entertainment, Lin Ruoran was obviously more important to him.

"No, I can feed myself anyway, I just want to make my love for you more pure."

The car drove all the way into the manor, and Chu Mingxuan took Lin Ruoran into the door, only to see Chu Feng's mother kneeling in the hall.

"Why are you here, grandpa?"

"Where is Chu Feng, has my son become chairman?"

At the moment Chu Mingxuan saw herself unexpectedly, Chu Feng's mother suddenly jumped on her body and grabbed the corner of her clothes.

"Yes, you two finally got what you wanted, please get out of the way for me now."

Chu Mingxuan frowned, if he didn't worry that this woman was her stepmother in name, he really wanted to push her to the ground.

"Great, great, did you hear that, dad, my son is already the chairman of the company, and the hardships of our mothers have come to an end."

"Hmph, you bitch, don't be too early, Mingxuan, are you here? Come open the door for me."

Chu Mingxuan walked to the door of the room where the sound came from, only to find that the door was locked from outside.

"Mingxuan, she ran away."

Lin Ruoran pointed to Chu Feng's mother who had slipped out of the hall, even more confused.

The key was left on the floor. Chu Mingxuan picked it up and opened the lock, only to find that his grandfather and the babysitter were locked together.

"What happened, why are you locked in the room?"

"It's not that good thing to do with mother and son, forcing me to snatch the seal belonging to the chairman of the board, and to force me to write your removal letter with a knife holder around Xiao Li's neck."

As soon as Chu Xiong's voice changed, he suddenly noticed Lin Ruoran behind Chu Mingxuan, smiled and nodded before continuing to tell Chu Mingxuan that he had built a dike long ago. In fact, the chairman's seal that Chu Feng snatched was a guy. He hid under the bed in his room, but whether to inherit the top entertainment or not depends on Chu Mingxuan's own choice. After all, the old man is not without feelings for Chu Feng, and he does not want Chu Mingxuan to do too much.

Chu Mingxuan took the chairman's seal and looked at Lin Ruoran beside him, lost in thought.

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