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When Chu Mingxuan finished another daily meeting, he strode into the hotel room.Chu Mingxuan put on his coat and put his hands in his pockets, with a cold expression on his face, as if he was saying that strangers should not come near.

The high-end leather shoes made a "click" sound on the ground very crisp, and the firm footsteps kept moving forward.The crimson overcoat wrapped Chu Mingxuan's tall and tall body tightly.

The original outline like a knife, coupled with the cold eyes, always reveals his disdain for everyone.The eyes are firm but cold, making it impossible to look directly.

Chu Xuan behind Chu Mingxuan followed his steps closely, slightly struggling.What's more, there are six or seven strong bodyguards behind, closely protecting the disgruntled master.

When he was about to reach the room, Chu Mingxuan stopped.He stared straight at the door in front of him, but he had no expectation of the next move.

Chu Xuan understood it, and said to the bodyguard behind him: "Okay, just send it here. You go back first, you don't need you now."

A few plausible bodyguards talked to each other for a while, then nodded slightly, and left with an amusement.

After confirming that all the bodyguards have left and no other personnel are nearby.Chu Xuan took out the room card from the inside of his coat, leaned against a display on the door handle, and entered the password.

With a "bang", the door was opened, and at the same time a series of lighting facilities in the room were all activated.

"Okay, Master. I've done it, you can go in, please." Chu Xuan opened the door to Chu Mingxuan and said to Chu Mingxuan. Chu Mingxuan didn't say a word, and then went straight in.

There is an open panoramic room in front of you, where you can have a sweeping view of the scenery.The way of partitioning is not walls, but glass.

At a glance, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the brightly lit building, just like a huge firefly, continuously radiating light to the outside.

Dense lights filled the entire city, and even those dark corners were illuminated like daylight.The bright moon and stars in the sky also knew that they could not match, and hid behind the clouds in shame.

There is no so-called boundary. On the edge of a city, the lights are getting darker.But extending to the center of another city, thousands of lights gathered again.Intertwined and closely attached.

This is the glory of a foreign country, Lin Ruoran has never seen such a glory.But all this brilliance can't match her slight brightness and beauty.

Chu Xuan closed the door, then took off Chu Mingxuan's coat and placed it on the hanger.

Taking off the heavy coat, Chu Mingxuan's sturdy figure suddenly became prominent.The tailored dark blue suit can't hide the contours of the muscles inside, and the slender trouser legs are slightly thin.

Chu Mingxuan walked straight to the sofa and sat down, leaning slightly.Put your arms on the edge of the sofa, hold your forehead, and press on your temples.He closed his eyes heavily, and the traffic and feasting outside had nothing to do with him.

Chu Xuan came to the window gently and closed the gray curtains.The light is adjusted to orange, giving the interior a warm smell.Chu Xuan understands Chu Mingxuan's habits, and every step is carried out according to his preferences.He even knew his preferences better than Mr. Chu.

The heating was slowly turned on, and the heat was gently spit out.The coldness in the room was gradually dissipated, and Chu Mingxuan fell asleep peacefully, occasionally snoring quietly.Feilu Novels

I don't know how long it has been, Chu Mingxuan's brows clenched, as if some familiar feeling entered his nose.

When Chu Mingxuan opened his eyes, a cup of mellow coffee entered his sight.The heat carries the aroma of coffee, slowly drifting into the air, forming a curl of smoke.

Chu Mingxuan turned off the fire that was just making coffee, and the coffee pot was cleaned and placed.Then Chu Xuan sat at his desk and looked at the schedule for tomorrow.

"Um...ah..." Chu Mingxuan let out a happy grunt after he was full, straightened slightly, and stretched out.Then he picked up the coffee on the table, put it to his mouth, and took a deep breath.

"Well, it's really good, today's coffee is really good." Chu Mingxuan exclaimed, then took a sip.

"It's not the best. It's even more sweet when cooked in China." Chu Xuan raised his head and interrupted.

Chu Mingxuan put down the coffee, and then looked at the huge room.The light outside is full, but it fills the empty world with dissatisfaction.

"Chu Xuan, you can turn on the TV. I want to watch TV for a while." Chu Mingxuan's tone was full of exhaustion, but the spirit that had just been mentioned slightly relaxed again.

In the past few days, Chu Mingxuan and Lin Ruoran had no contact at all, and the only contact from the country was the daily affairs report from the domestic company.

Chu Xuan walked over and turned the TV over to face Chu Mingxuan.There was a ray of light on this large blackboard for a moment, and then the entire screen became bright.

Chu Xuan searched a domestic channel, which turned out to be an entertainment program.This time, Chu Xuan might have some certainty, how could Chu Mingxuan, who had always been cold-hearted, pay attention to those fancy entertainment stars.

Chu Mingxuan frowned first, and seemed a little unhappy.But what can I still look at now, at least I can hear familiar voices.

"The following is a report from the Entertainment Evening News. The TV series The Secret History of the Palace filmed by Zhou Cheng and Luo Shu has entered an intense filming process. It is reported that this investment is huge, including the largest domestic entertainment company, and it is heard that Tiancheng Film and Television Company is also involved For this filming mission. With such a strong investment, everyone must have anticipated that there will be heavyweight actors, such as Chen Bing, who has just won the movie queen."

Chu Mingxuan's brows stretched slightly, at least he learned some news from China.

"Chu Xuan, have you taken care of the domestic affairs? There is nothing left, right?" Chu Mingxuan asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I have already told the whole story. And they all know the rules very well and won't talk nonsense. Master, you can rest assured."

"Well, all right." Chu Mingxuan let out a long sigh of relief, and patted his legs with both hands.He picked up the coffee and savored it carefully.

"By the way, Master." Chu Xuan turned on the TV, and the room fell into a dead silence."Our work this time may be a little troublesome. I don't know how long we will stay. It may take a while before we can return to China."

"It's okay, don't worry. We can consume it slowly, as long as the other party does not let go, then we have enough capital to accompany to the end."

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