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"Wang Zhen'er, who is it, answer me quickly. Is there such a person? If you don't answer, you will be replaced." Wang Jie increased his volume again, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, Lin Ruoran had been listening more carefully and slapped Wang Zhen'er's hand quickly."Hey, Wang Zhen'er, hurry up and call you. Answer quickly, do you still want to do it."

After Lin Ruoran's reminder, Wang Zhener reacted in time.He raised his hand in a daze, and said loudly: "Yes, here. I am Wang Zhen'er, here."

"Say it earlier, it made me shout for so long. Really, I heard it after shouting so many times." Wang Jie seemed a little dissatisfied.

"The next Zhang Xiaoran, is he here?" "Yes."

Wang Jie's fingers slid gently, looking at a line of thin letters.Squinting, he was almost sticking to the paper.After watching far and close for a long time, he finally let go of his heart, and then read word by word: "Qingbi is playing Yang Xiezhi, are you? Are you there?"

Called twice in succession, but still no one responded.This made Wang Jie a little angry, looking at this complicated name, he couldn't help but mumble."Why did the director hire this actor, this person? The name is so hard to read, is it Yang Xiezhi?"

Wang Jie was afraid that because of his lack of knowledge, he mispronounced his name, which would have caused the actor to be wronged.But he watched it several times and then turned on the phone to check again.

Then Wang Jie straightened his waist and held the document firmly.He was very sure that he had not mispronounced it, it was this name.

"Yang Xiezhi, where are people?" Wang Jie gathered in his dantian with a loud and high voice."I'll say it again, if I haven't answered yet, then I will deal with it as if there is no one. Yang Xiezhi..."

Lin Ruoran listened to the name, Yang Xiezhi, the name sounds pretty good.But I just don't know what the person looks like, I eagerly want to take a look.This person happened to be the master of Lin Ruoran in the play.

Wang Zhen'er seemed to be a little dissatisfied watching this time passing bit by bit."Is there anyone, anyhow, it's squeaking. It takes so hard to waste our time."

"Don't worry, the director is more worried than you. Wait a minute, maybe something is delayed."

The sun gradually rose, hanging high in the sky.Countless brilliant sunshine poured down, and all the places where you could look were bright, even this shady place was only a little bit.

If it doesn't come, then this matter can be troublesome.I couldn't find an actor in the filming, and all the originally planned plans had to be messed up, and then readjusted. I don't know how much world to waste.

It would be a pity if this scene cannot be made today.The actors have spent a day in vain and have been waiting here for a long time.Of course, finding new actors in the later stage is another problem.

This actor really has no professional ethics, Lin Ruoran thought secretly in her heart.Even if it was a small shot before, she cherished and valued it extremely.This person dares to do so with so many scenes, but he doesn't know why.Sanjiu Novel Network

I thought there was no answer this time, and the director was going to change people frustrated.Just when Wang Jie was holding a pen to cross out the name, suddenly a person sprang out from nowhere, and straightly bypassed the director and came to the front of the crowd.

The flag suit on her body was just changed, and one or two buttons were not fastened, and they were scattered in a mess.The head of the flag is relatively strong, but it didn't fall off after running like this, but the hair was a little messy.

"I..." The visitor took a rough breath, and then replied loudly, "I am Yang Xiezhi, I am here, I am here. Don't you think I am here? Director, I'm really embarrassed. ."

The pen that Wang Jie was about to click paused for a while, and then let go."Why are you here now? Look, everyone else is here. Just leave you alone and let everyone wait for you here."

"I'm sorry, Director, I really didn't mean it." Yang Xiezhi blinked his big innocent eyes, pouting his mouth, and looked cute."Director, you forgive me this time. I'm really very sorry, don't you think I've already come."

This soft and cute look is probably not a man who bears the heart to blame, of course Lin Ruoran is not ashamed of such methods, and will not use it.

In the crew, unless you come in by a strong relationship, there is absolutely no chance of opening the back door.I don't know how many people are waiting hard, just for a chance.

"Okay, okay." After this sweet talk, the director's anger disappeared, and his heart was smirking like a flower."Hurry up, get back to your place, now that everyone is here. Then the filming can be started right now. Everyone prepares, finds their place, and arranges makeup."

Lin Ruoran smoothed her hair slightly to make it more submissive.In terms of makeup, I'm not more worried. I have been covering the sun with my hands just now and I didn't sweat much.

Wang Zhener patted his clothes in panic, then touched his hair again."If so, you can help me see if my clothes are dirty. What about makeup? Are they worn out. There is also hair. It's not messy. I've already filmed a scene just now. I'm afraid of makeup powder. It's all gone."

Lin Ruoran asked Wang Zhen'er to turn around, and then looked left and right. Actually, there was no big problem. Wang Zhen'er was really making a fuss.

"It's nothing, it's okay. Otherwise, you can go to the makeup artist to touch up your makeup after the filming is over."

Wang Zhener poked Lin Ruoran and said in a low voice: "Ruoran, look at her. She looks arrogant, obviously because she is late and delays everyone. She also looks at ease, hum, don't be ashamed."

Lin Ruoran looked over and saw a decent woman tying the buttons on her dress.Then he pulled some loose hair behind his ears.But the hair is loose, and it will fall off even a little bit.

Eyelids lifted slightly with his chin, then tilted his head and glanced at the others contemptuously.After gaining the relevant superiority, she felt a little more at ease.

Most of the actors here are supporting roles or court ladies who act as the background.She is the one who has a lot of drama, and she is also a concubine in the play, so she is naturally a little arrogant.

However, Lin Ruoran would not have the same knowledge as her. Although Lin Ruoran was her maid in the play, she inevitably had to be inseparable, but she didn't have much good impression of her outside the play.

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