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Wang Jie let go of Yang Xiezhi's hand and looked at Lin Ruoran seriously.His face seemed a little embarrassed, "Well, Lin Ruoran, I'm afraid this is not easy to deal with."

Yang Xiezhi looked at Wang Jie blankly, not knowing why his emotions became weaker, and still reluctant.

"No, I won't agree. For hurting me like this, I didn't ask you to pay for it. It's not bad. You dare to bully me like this, Director, you have to be the master for me."

Wang Jie touched his chin and looked at Lin Ruoran and Yang Xiezhi, unable to make a decision for a long time.

"First of all, these two parties are at fault. If it weren't for someone who wanted to make trouble with sex, then how could such a trouble occur?" Lin Ruoran said righteously.Staring closely at Yang Xiezhi, Yang Xiezhi was a little guilty and kept avoiding Lin Ruoran's gaze.

"If you want the director to be the master, then please also ask the director to be the master of Wang Zhen'er. She also suffered a lot of injuries. I think you will know more about how these injuries come from."

"Humph." Yang Xiezhi sneered. "It was Wang Zhener who beat me first. Although she was injured, she asked for it. I can't blame me. I'm just a legitimate defense. She was killed, and she couldn't even get a hand? And Wang Zhen'er was the initiator of this incident, and the person who provoked the incident should be punished."

Yang Xiezhi's implication actually meant that Lin Ruoran should also be punished. Although she did not do anything, it caused conflicts.

Lin Ruoran said in a hurry, "You said Wang Zhen'er was the first to do it, so who else saw it?"

"They all saw it." Yang Xiezhi pointed at the other extras and said confidently."Could it be that they are all blind? These are all witnesses."

Wang Jie, who had been struggling for a long time, said, "Well, if anyone sees the whole story, please come and tell me."

"Have you seen? What do you see?" Lin Ruoran asked.

So the rest of the people looked at each other and stared at each other.Wanting to seek some advice, but the other party shook his head again.

Lin Ruoran is someone who has been immersed in the crew for a long time, of course he knows this situation.Almost no one dares to be the first bird. Often in this situation, others are afraid of being retaliated against with some malicious intent, so they choose to remain silent. This is the best way.

Even if the truth is found out, it may not be possible to get back any justice.Yang Xiezhi lost this move completely, she thought she was relying on her influence.You can be domineering in the crew, but did not expect to provoke most people to be very disgusted.

And everyone has been in the crew for a few days, and there are not many emotional bridges between them.Coupled with Yang Xiezhi's arrogance and arrogance, some people have long seen her displeased.

Yang Xiezhi saw that there was no one to testify for him at all, and he fell into the ice abyss all at once.

"You speak, please speak out quickly." Yang Xiezhi ran into the crowd, took their hands, and begged loudly.It's a pity that she is used to domineering, and people don't believe her hypocrisy.139 reading network

"You obviously saw it, why didn't you tell me. Say, why don't you tell me. You are really vicious, really hateful."

Wang Jie can't stand Yang Xiezhi's mischief, "Yang Xiezhi, don't be embarrassed anymore. You see what you are like, come back quickly. This matter is just as it is. Lin Ruoran’s remarks have turned a major event, and it will also clean up everyone.

Lin Ruoran smiled knowingly when he got this sentence from Wang Jie.Fortunately, this matter did not make a big deal.

"The matter has turned." Yang Xiezhi asked in a mocking tone. Originally, she thought she could maintain her superior face through relationships, but now it seems that Wang Jie is afraid that I cannot help her.

"I have suffered so many grievances and pains, you actually let me swallow so hard. I tell you, I won't let it go." Yang Xiezhi flew away and ran away accidentally. Wang Jie.

"Wait a minute." Lin Ruoran stopped Yang Xiezhi in time, "Are you going to find a helper? Please think about it for yourself. The facts have been fair for a long time ago. Go and talk about what there is. It is used, and it makes others dislike it. Unless the person behind you has great abilities, he will take this muddy water for you."

When Lin Ruoran finished speaking, she looked at Yang Xiezhi quietly.It seemed that Yang Xiezhi's weakness was mentioned, and she didn't even move a step.It seems that she also knew that it was not worth it.

"Think about it for you. You don't want to leave a stain on this drama. Take a moment to calm down and take a step back. We are all small characters. This loss is nothing for us, but it is different for you. Now." Lin Ruoran added.

Wang Jie estimated that things should have stopped a lot now, "Everyone is gone, all gone, don't watch any excitement here. Now take a rest and wait for a while to officially film."

"Yang Xiezhi, and you, Wang Zhen'er, bring me both of you." Wang Jie called the two troublemakers to his side.

"Even if this matter is over, it’s the biggest filming in this crew. Don’t want to make a moth. If you delay the progress, you will suffer. I’ll give you some time to change clothes and change clothes quickly. Dress up. Wait for a while to rest, and then walk again, do you hear it."

"I heard it." Wang Zhener and Yang Xiezhi said weakly.

Tears gleamed in Yang Xiezhi's eyes, biting his lips, fingers tightly gripping the corners of his clothes.After Wang Jie finished speaking, he stubbornly ran away.

Wang Zhen'er was overjoyed and took Lin Ruoran's hand to act like a baby, but she didn't even care about her ashamed look.

"If so, thank you. You are so kind. I was scared to death just now. If Yang Xiezhi went to the director, I would definitely not be able to act. Fortunately, fortunately, even the director did not help this time. What about her. You didn't see her face just now, and you were so desperate. Thought you could be arrogant all the time, huh, what is she proud of."

Lin Ruoran looked at Wang Zhener's hippie smile and couldn't help but shave her nose.

"You, why don't you have a long memory. This time there is no danger, and there is no next time. People like her are something we can't afford, so we should be careful. From now on you must not be anymore. It's troublesome. If she takes a grudge, there are thousands of ways to punish you."

"Well, I know." Wang Zhener obediently agreed.

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