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The people on the side were still whispering, "Why is she back again, she was so embarrassed before, if it were me, I would like to find a place to sew in."

"Since I'm back, then go and wait. I'll have to rehearse and walk in a while." After Wang Jie finished speaking, he began to look at the notebook in his hand.

Yang Xiezhi ignored the others, straightened his waist and neck, and had a relaxed gait.Passing through the crowd, she walked straight to Lin Ruoran's side, her eyes lifted slightly, and she inadvertently blanked Lin Ruoran and then glanced.

"I remember you, Lin Ruoran, just wait."

When Lin Ruoran just heard these words, his face turned pale in an instant, and he was panicked.This voice is so subtle that you can't hear it if you are not nearby. It seems that Yang Xiezhi specifically told Lin Ruoran to hear it.

Lin Ruoran looked around, and the others were not unusual.The corner of Yang Xiezhi's mouth was tilted, and he couldn't see any eyes. He only felt that this face was so frightened, with a bit of evil charm.

"Well, now hurry up and find your own position." As soon as Wang Jie's words fell, the rest of the people began to hustle.The court lady is behind, and the concubine and maid are slightly ahead.

"Hold me." Yang Xiezhi looked straight at Lin Ruoran, and stretched out a pair of white jade-like long arms in the air from his cuffs.

"Yes." Lin Ruoran moved to Yang Xiezhi's side and stretched out his arm to drag Yang Xiezhi's hand.In the script, it was the rule for the maid to help the master, and Lin Ruoran didn't have much to say.

Everyone quickly stood up, and the whole team took on a rectangular shape.Yang Xiezhi was in the first place, and Lin Ruoran followed slightly behind.

Wang Jie adjusted the walkie-talkie to the maximum, "Well, hello, let's start practicing now. First, the Qing nobleman came out of the Xianfu Hall, and then kept walking. At the corner, I met Shu Bi, and the two went to meet the empress. Yes, that's it."

"Start, action." When the voice rang, the cameras were already waiting.

Lin Ruoran helped Yang Xiezhi to move forward slowly, although the road was not particularly long.But after all, I was wearing a flowerpot under my feet, and I could only move a small step at a time.It takes a lot of time to walk down such a short path, which is slow and steady.

When the crowd was halfway through, the director suddenly yelled "Ka".Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and one after another dropped their dignity and moved around in place.Twist your neck or move your shoulders.

Lin Ruoran only felt her arm sore, and she couldn't get her energy up.After all, it is not only necessary to walk hard, but also to support others.It is inevitable that you will get tired if you maintain a posture all the time.

I don't know how long the director of the next scene will take. At this time, the sun is strong.Even if there is an awning, it can't stop it.

"OK, OK." There was another voice from the intercom, accompanied by a little noise."It was very good just now, everyone pay attention. Okay, let's do it again now, other departments pay attention, remember to radio, and add a little more light."

Everything was in accordance with the normal procedure, and Lin Ruoran suddenly felt her hand sink a little.There seemed to be something like a kilogram to press down on her hand, pushing down the position of her hand a lot.33 novel

What the hell is going on, Lin Ruoran is very sure that it is not her own problem.Although the arm is a bit sore, it has not yet reached this point.And it didn't feel like the arm suddenly collapsed, I don't know how it happened for a while.

So Lin Ruoran slowly lifted Yang Xiezhi's hand to reach the standard level.However, he felt that Yang Xiezhi's hand was still moving down slowly, and it was accompanied by tremendous pressure.

Yes, it was Yang Xiezhi's ghost.It was Yang Xiezhi who deliberately pressed his hand down, wanting Lin Ruoran to make a fool of himself.

Lin Ruoran raised her head and glanced lightly, and Yang Xiezhi was nothing unusual.But if you catch it carefully, you will still find the smile on the corner of her mouth.There is not a trace of friendliness and innocence, but a bit more cruel.

Lin Ruoran was silent, and silently raised her arm on the net.As if nothing happened.

The camera has recorded every minute and every second, and it will not stop because of anyone.If you report to the director at this time, there is no evidence at all.

Funds are burning every day, and the director will not delay shooting because of this trivial matter.The results of the farce in the afternoon were already extraordinarily merciful, and I would never let them go again easily.

Yang Xiezhi was determined by this, Lin Ruoran dared not say anything.That's why she is so unscrupulous, she is really a woman with deep thoughts.

She had thought about it a long time ago, and had already thought out all the plans the moment she came back.No, her mind had changed even the moment she was forced to swallow.

It was just that Yang Xiezhi was accustomed to domineering and did not have much brains.But it was different now, Lin Ruoran no longer knew how many conspiracies and ideas still existed in Yang Xiezhi's heart.

This time it was just a small calculation, it was only for Lin Ruoran.So next time, how vicious is still going to be, whether he will be with Wang Zhen'er, Lin Ruoran doesn't know, so he can only deal with it carefully.

Lin Ruoran concentrated all the power of his whole body on that straight arm to fight against Yang Xiezhi.When Lin Ruoran moved his arm up for one point, Yang Xiezhi calmly pressed his hand for two points.

After so many times, no one got anything cheap and became the final winner.It also consumes physical strength and energy, so you can't devote yourself to shooting.

Although knowing that it is not worth it at all, Lin Ruoran has no way to get out of it.She has been constrained by Yang Xiezhi, unable to break free from it.

"What to do, I have to think of a way. I will have a lot of time to get along with filming in the future. Could it be that she was led by the nose like this? It's impossible, I have to think quickly." Lin Ruoran looked left and right, looking for a suitable one. Opportunity.

Presumably, Yang Xiezhi's heart is happy at this time, "Huh, Xiao Nizi. You want to get rid of me, there is no way. If you make me so ugly, I won't make you feel better. It's all you If you find it, keep it safe."

The director in front began to make a voice on the walkie-talkie again, "Okay, very good. Everyone keeps going, and when you turn the corner in front, everyone salutes Concubine Xian when you see her."

Not far from the front door, it is finally about to be liberated.Lin Ruoran let out a sigh of relief and changed hands there.It is both clever and not easily discovered.

When Yang Xiezhi just crossed the threshold, Lin Ruoran wittily withdrew the original hand and replaced it with the other.

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