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Lin Ruoran gently lifted the hair on her body. Not only did she have some green spots on her shoulders, but also some swelling.

"Ah, it hurts." Lin Ruoran just touched the skin with his fingertips, and a tingling sensation attacked the brain.

These are all gifts from Yang Xiezhi, this arm is difficult to use.A little movement, the arm pain is unbearable.

Lin Ruoran moved her joints a bit, and there is still one day to be filmed tomorrow.Even so, Fan still has to complete tomorrow's shooting mission.So Lin Ruoran took a hurried wash and went out wrapped in a bath towel.

I turned on the phone and browsed up and down, but hesitated about whom to call.

"I don't know what Mom and Dad are doing, let's call and greet." Finally, Lin Ruoran called his parents' number and wiped his hair with a towel.

In a small room, incandescent lamps without any decorations worked tirelessly to provide light to this room.With a single glance, you can see the room and everything.

The total is only a dozen square meters and not more than 20 square meters at most. Although it cannot be described as a family member, it is almost the same.No furniture, a bed, a few chairs and a big TV are all there is.

Occasionally there were some odds and ends, all of which were bought by Lin Ruoran.Lin Ruoran constantly filled this somewhat shabby home.

There was a man lying quietly on the bed. Father Lin was wrapped in a quilt. Mother Lin carefully peeled an orange on the side.The wrinkled fingers gently opened a flap and put it into Father Lin's mouth.

The TV in front is showing entertainment news, "It is reported that the TV series Secret History of the Harem, which has been co-produced by multiple directors and has received huge investment, has been put into intense filming. The cast is strong and the new actress Chen Bing has been invited to join.

After hearing this report, Mother Lin quickly pushed Father Tweet."Old man, you heard that it was filmed without the TV series just now. I don't know what role I played. Our girl is handsome, she must be beautiful."

"Yeah." Father Lin shook his head, "Yes, I haven't seen Ruo Ran's role yet. I don't know when this TV series will be broadcast. I'm anxious to watch it."

With two beeps, the phone beside the bed began to vibrate.Father Lin carefully picked up the phone, which showed Lin Ruoran, so he quickly handed it to his wife.

"If there is a call, you can answer it quickly. You can turn on the speakerphone and I can hear it."

Mother Lin pressed the answer button and put the phone to her ear."Hey, if so. Why do you have time to call today? If you are busy at work, you can call again when you have time. How are you doing?"

Lin Ruoran tilted his head to one side, and the sky outside the window had dimmed at this moment.It should be time to finish the meal, maybe the family has already formed a table to eat happily.

"Mom, I'm pretty good. I called you after I finished filming today. The director praised my acting skills."

Lin Ruoran was accustomed to telling good news but not bad news every time he called for fear that his father and mother were worried.All the pain must be swallowed into the stomach.596 Novel

"That's good." Mother Lin smiled, and the crow's feet at the corner of her eyes began to gather together again."My father and I are getting better. Your father's health has improved a lot recently, and his complexion has begun to look good. By the way, girl, have you eaten yet."

"I." Lin Ruoran paused for a while, "I have eaten, Mom. The box lunch provided by the crew is delicious, there are meat and vegetables, and every meal is full."

Lin Ruoran didn't dare to report truthfully that the little meal at noon had been consumed.After heavy shooting tasks and exposure to the sun.There was no more food in her stomach, but Lin Ruoran still did not dare to eat dinner.To keep in shape when filming, you can only endure starvation.

"That's good." Mother Lin finally let go, and then began to keep admonishing."If so, I have to be nice to myself on weekdays. Follow my friends to have fun and get to know some friends. You are not too young, so hurry up. Your dad and I don't have to worry about you, so pay more attention to your side. Nice person."

"I see, mother." Lin Ruoran could only deal with it like this, if she let her mother know that he and the boss of the Chushi group were secretly married.That's okay, I don't know if it is happiness or sadness.

"By the way, mom, what about Lin Qi, how is she doing recently." Lin Ruoran deliberately changed the subject, and stopped asking her own business.

"She's very good. Lin Qi is okay, don't worry about it. Don't buy her those fancy things all day long, you can keep the money for yourself. And you bought her a mobile phone last time, She would hold her hands all day long."

Lin Ruoran smiled knowingly. Thanks to Chu Mingxuan, she was able to live a better life for her family.

"Mom, is your sister calling? I want to listen, I want to listen, let me talk to my sister."

"Hey, what are you talking about. Your sister is so busy in filming, there is no time to chat with you. Go and finish your homework and go to bed early."

There was a noise on the phone, and after a while the voice came again on the phone."Hey, is it sister? I'm Lin Qi, you finally called. You don't know, my mother wouldn't let me call you, she said she was afraid I would disturb you."

Lin Qi combed a tall ponytail and carried a few shiny hairpins.He held the phone next to his ear in his left hand, and a brand-new mobile phone in his right hand, browsing quickly and constantly swiping Weibo.

"Lin Qi, it's okay to use the new phone. But you can't just have fun, you still have to hurry up when you study." Lin Ruoran already has an extra script at hand.

The Weibo on Lin Qi's mobile phone is just an official propaganda about the secret history of the harem, and the following comments are also varied.

"Wow, it's my Bing Sister. Support Bing Sister and call for my Bing Sister. With Bing Sister, this drama must be very beautiful, I look forward to it."

"The bullshit upstairs, the actor is Jin Song, and he is the one who bears the lead of this play. Resolutely supports Jin Song, yeah."

Lin Qi couldn't help exclaiming, "Wow, sister. People on the Internet are very loud about this drama and look forward to it. Sister, let me tell you that I told my classmates that you are also in this drama, they don't believe it. ,Humph."

"Lin Qi, don't keep reading so many Weibo. Pay more attention to things like learning. My sister hopes you can become a college student. Our family places all hopes on you."

"No, just don't." Lin Qi mumbled unwillingly, "Sister, I'm too tired to study."

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