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Couldn't Chu Mingxuan be able to say a few more good things, sticking to his cold and arrogant manner day after day.

But Lin Ruoran didn't care, she was used to Chu Mingxuan's disagreement.

"Where did you hurt? What's going on. You are an extraordinary character who can get yourself into the hospital just by shooting a scene." Chu Mingxuan's face was cold, and the corners of his mouth drooped meticulously.

Lin Ruoran subconsciously rubbed her legs, "In fact, it's not that serious, it's just some skin trauma. I can already walk on the ground now, I'm not so squeamish."

Chu Mingxuan ignored Lin Ruoran's answer, but continued to ask: "Who is the person who caused you to fall, what is his name, and what kind of grudges he has with you."

Lin Ruoran felt a panic, and asked timidly, "You, what do you want? Actually, there is nothing serious about it. I can just take a lazy rest."

Lin Ruoran looked at Chu Mingxuan's eyes full of chill, always feeling a little nervous.Chu Mingxuan is a figure with hands and eyes open to the sky. Although Yang Xiezhi has a small background, he is not a person who can compete with Chu Mingxuan at all, so he has no good end.

Chu Mingxuan shouldn't retaliate against Yang Xiezhi for Lin Ruoran. Although Lin Ruoran was dissatisfied with Yang Xiezhi, it would not cause her to suffer great harm.

"Are you ready, come and check!" A familiar voice came, and the little door was pushed open again.A cute girl in a white nurse uniform and a nurse hat came in with a small cart.

Chu Mingxuan put on his hat again and leaned in the corner.There are not too many people who know him here, so many troubles can be avoided.

It was another routine inspection, and Lin Ruoran slackened as soon as she saw this whole body.This kind of inspection has to be repeated several times every day, which is too boring.

The little nurse noticed Chu Mingxuan in the corner and asked gossiping: "Oh, Miss Lin, is this your boyfriend?"

"Well, yes. He is my boyfriend, and he just rushed over now." Lin Ruoran replied shyly with a flushed face. If Chu Mingxuan was her husband, this little nurse would be surprised on purpose.

The little nurse took out the sphygmomanometer skillfully, and urged: "Okay, now is the time to measure the blood pressure. Don't let me say more, please stretch out your hand quickly."

"" Lin Ruoran wailed, but she lifted the clothes on her arm and stretched it out in front of the nurse.

Chu Mingxuan covered his nose and mouth and smiled secretly. Lin Ruoran is a magnificent adult, even afraid of things like taking blood pressure.

"Miss Nurse, when will I be able to leave the hospital? I feel that my body is already healed. My head is no longer dizzy, and my body is no longer painful." Lin Ruoran moved his limbs, showing a healthy and lively self.

"It's really boring for me to stay here. I check these every day. Really, I know that my body is okay. I still have a job, so I have to go back soon."

"I can't do this, it's the doctor's judgment. You still need to observe for a few more days until you are completely correct before you can go through the discharge procedures. You can mute and recover. Okay, I will go out first."

After watching the little nurse go out, Lin Ruoran was decadent.Tanya's face became more melancholy, looking sick and delicate.Single Pen Fun Pavilion

"Why do you have to leave the hospital? Can't you just rest here? Is this drama really worth your hard work?" Chu Mingxuan's tone seemed to have some blame.

"Yes, because this is my job. I struggled to get here, so of course I can't give up easily." Lin Ruoran's tone and eyes were firm and extraordinary, and he did not lose Chu Mingxuan's aura.

"Okay, you go to bed first, it's not too early now." Chu Mingxuan changed the subject.

"But what about you," Lin Ruoran was a little surprised, "then where do you sleep? Don't you go back? Or find a hotel where you can rest."

"No, I will rest here." Chu Mingxuan moved his body down slightly, causing his entire shoulders to collapse on the sofa."It's too far to go back, and it will alarm the butlers. It's also troublesome in the hotel. I'll just make do with it all night."

"Ah!" Lin Ruoran was not sure if Chu Mingxuan was joking, sleeping here.Was it because I slept on the sofa all night? Didn't it mean I didn't sleep well all night.

"Why don't you come over and we squeeze, this bed can accommodate two people. The sofa is too small, and it will be uncomfortable to fall asleep." Lin Ruoran moved and pointed to the empty place.

After all, Lin Ruoran and Chu Mingxuan are already husband and wife, even if some intimate actions are still acceptable to Lin Ruoran.

"No, your injury is still not healed. If you turn around and break the wound again, I will go up on the sofa." Chu Mingxuan adjusted his posture, resting his head on the sofa, ready to fall asleep Up.

"Ah, okay." Lin Ruoran seemed to have a trace of guilt in her heart. She was a little embarrassed to enjoy a bed by herself.

"You go to bed quickly, I watched you fall asleep." Chu Mingxuan said.

Lin Ruoran lay on her side, watching Chu Mingxuan's dark eyes slowly closing.He breathed evenly, calm and gentle, not at all like his usual cold style.

This Chu Mingxuan made it clear that he watched Lin Ruoran fall asleep, but he fell asleep first.Lin Ruoran looked obsessively, such a handsome face made people love it.

Lin Ruoran leaned on her palm and went to sleep peacefully. This time she slept particularly sweetly.

Lin Ruoran didn't know when she woke up, she turned around and opened her eyes, and she saw Chu Mingxuan, which really shocked her.

"Morning, good morning. You woke up so early, woo..." Lin Ruoran rubbed his sleepy eyes, still feeling a little sleepy.

Chu Mingxuan moved a chair and sat in front of Lin Ruoran's bed, with his elbows on the side of the bed.Fingers clasped together against his chin, staring at Lin Ruoran intently.The eyelids drooped weakly, and the pupils were a little muddy, and there were some bloodshot eyes.

"Well, good morning. Did you sleep well last night? I heard you turned over several times."

"Is there?" Lin Ruoran asked unexpectedly. He slept to death without feeling at all.The feeling of being watched by Chu Mingxuan was very uncomfortable, as if being under surveillance, uncomfortable.

Lin Ruoran glanced at the time, it was already past seven in the morning. I don't know what Chu Mingxuan's arrangement is today, can he stay with him.

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