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Looking at Chen Lin's appearance, Lin Ruoran smiled relieved."Sister Chen Lin, why are you nervous earlier than me."

"Ah, is there?" Although Chen Lin denied, she still touched her neck unconsciously.The scene was so busy, Chen Lin looked at them and became agitated unconsciously.

"No, I'm not nervous. It's just that the wind today is too cold, I'm a bit uncomfortable. But you must not play the spirit of twelve points, the chief director personally supervises the production, maybe even more than the others Be stricter."

Whether Lin Ruoran has participated in blockbuster filming before, or knows that he will be able to grasp the measure.

"Here you are, Sister Chen Lin. Take a warm one, it's a bit cold today." Lin Ruoran handed the warm baby in her hand to Chen Lin.

"No, you will be filming in a while. Take advantage of this time to cover it for a while. I don't need to be filming, I just watch it, not so particular." Chen Lin's words have already been said, but Lin Ruoran The warm baby has been stuffed into Chen Lin's arms.

"I'm used to it. I used to rub my hands to keep warm. I didn't have this condition. Blowing in the cold wind would make me more energetic, and I can concentrate a little later." Lin Ruoran stroked the messy hair around her ears. .

"Okay." Although other people's agents tried their best to obtain resources for their artists, Chen Lin couldn't bear to refuse the moment the warm baby touched her skin.

Lin Ruoran put her hand in the sleeve of her costume, even though she was still trembling.Most of the clothes are only two pieces, a little thin, not to mention the cold wind gets into every gap of the clothes from time to time.

This time, the actors didn't play around and joke around like before, mostly just stood silently, continuing to recite those lines, hiding the anxiety and tension deep in their hearts.

Under the shed not far away, the current staff has to work harder than before, and it's not too late to debug the machine.You don't need to look at it to know that the person with a strong aura and no one dared to get close is the director Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng had a straight face, even if he didn't make any expressions, the flesh on his face collapsed.Zhou Cheng did not say a word, arched his back, and stared at the front machine intently, holding the intercom tightly in his hand.

After a while, someone came to talk about the play, "I tell you, this scene is mainly about Huang Xin'er played by you and Yang Xiezhi, and Qinggui's staying in love. There are about two or three seconds of footage. It is given to you alone, although there is little time. But the director always strives for perfection, and it may take more than ten times, so you have to integrate the whole person into the play."

Lin Ruoran shrank and nodded heavily.As the cold wind swept through it wantonly, Lin Ruoran's face was already blushing.

"Don't worry, as long as you act seriously, you can definitely live it, come on." Chen Lin also encouraged.

"Um...I will do my best." Lin Ruoran let go of her closed teeth, pretending to smile with ease.

Although every time I read the film and television news, I would hear the name of Director Zhou Cheng.But to be honest, Lin Ruoran has never worked with Director Zhou Cheng before, and his whole heart is agitated.

"Now prepare, action." A voice came from the intercom from a distance, and everyone immediately entered the state, holding their breath.8090 Novel Network

Qinggui's eyes are drooping and his eyes are indifferent.Gently lifted Huang Xin'er's hand, "No matter what, I am going to be cautious today to ask for justice to my sister's concubine, you must not stop me. You really suffered from following me, I'm sorry. If you don't want to have such an incompetent master in the future, you can find a place for yourself."

Qing Guiren stroked Huang Xin'er's delicate face, and gently removed the hair from her ear.Then resolutely turned around, looked at the endless red wall avenue ahead, and walked away.

"Master, you know that we have never complained about you." Huang Xiner cried out desperately with tears in her eyes for a moment.

"Ka, stop." The filming was interrupted, and Zhou Cheng commanded the intercom."Don't be too exaggerated, just be as natural as possible. Try to show the sadness and helplessness of the characters."

"I know the director." Lin Ruoran readjusted her state, but she didn't know what to do.Generally, directors require actors to be full of emotions. Lin Ruoran used all the emotions when he came up, but it made the audience feel a little out of the play.

"Be natural and relax a little." Lin Ruoran gave herself a positive psychological suggestion and let out a big sigh.

Zhou Cheng deserves to be a famous director who has been shortlisted in Cannes, and his grasp of details is indeed different from others.If you want to act casually, then it is almost impossible, no one can fool him.

What he wanted was a feeling of unconsciousness. In the high-walled courtyard, the meticulous emotional transmission was better than the explosive interpretation, which could highlight the cruelty of the feudal society to the characters.

"Okay, start over from which paragraph just now. Just start with that turn. Everyone re-prepare, action."

This time Lin Ruoran deliberately buried too much emotion in her heart, and then slowly revealed it.

Huang Xin'er turned his head and looked at the direction where the nobleman Qing was going, without saying anything.The faint avenue, leaving only a small figure.

A rough "card" sound interrupted Lin Ruoran's performance once again. Zhou Cheng was obviously not satisfied, and he drooped his mouth.

"Emotions are coming out too slowly, so grasp the rhythm yourself, and be in an unhurried state. Let's rest for a few minutes, and the actors will control their emotions."

Lin Ruoran closed her eyes heavily, making a "tsk tsk" sound in her mouth.She didn't complain that the director was too harsh, but she just felt that she didn't find the right feeling.

The director called the card twice, but Lin Ruoran couldn't find herself.The first time the emotions were too high, the second time the emotions came out too slowly.

So what kind of state does the director want, Lin Ruoran really doesn't understand.This can be regarded as the Waterloo of Lin Ruoran's filming career.

Chen Lin could also see that Lin Ruoran was slack, so she hurried to give some encouragement.Generally, after being called by the director to get stuck several times, the actor is likely to fall into his own denial.

Some actors can find the status more quickly and achieve the best results to satisfy the director.But there are also many actors who are overwhelmed by the pressure, unable to find the state for a long time, and then the director and the actors are disappointed with each other.

"It's okay, if so, only twice. You can readjust it again, and it should be fine next time. Come on, take some hot water and warm it up."

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