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It happened in the morning in New York. After Chu Xuan woke up, he rubbed his wistful eyes and turned on the phone.I received a text message from China, which was sent by Chen Lin.

Chu Xuan smiled heartily, "Finally can't hold on, and can't help but send me a message, haha."

After working for such a long time, I was finally able to take a break. After counting the days, it has been about two weeks since I came to the United States.Chu Xuan was not as meticulous as Chu Mingxuan was able to plan everything. He often forgot everything when he got busy.

"I don't know if I'm still busy, please call her and have a surprise." Chu Xuan dialed the phone and looked at the sky outside, a red sun glowing golden light, hanging in the sky.

As soon as Chen Lin came out of Lin Ruoran's room, the phone on her body began to ring.After opening it, it turned out to be Chu Xuan, and Chen Lin's face was filled with an unconcealable smile.

Chen Lin glanced around. Fortunately, there was no one, so she found a quieter window to answer the phone.

"Hey, it's you." Chen Lin screamed, lowered her head and smiled, her fingers pressed against the window, her feet involuntarily rubbed."Why call so late, haven't you slept yet?"

Looking at Chen Lin's line of sight, a bright moon in the dark night sky looked particularly bright.When it was another full moon, I wonder if Chu Xuan could see it there.

"Ah, it's so late?" Chu Xuan looked at the sun outside, thinking that Chen Lin was mocking herself for getting up too late.But it suddenly occurred to me that this is New York, and there is a 12-hour time difference between this and the country.

"Oh, no, I am still here in the morning. Sorry, I only saw the information you sent before. How about it, is it very tired today?"

"All right." With a sweet greeting from Chu Xuan, Chen Lin felt sweet in her heart no matter how tired."It's not that tired, it's you. Why didn't you contact me for so long? After going for so many days, I didn't know that you went to America."

"I'm really sorry." Chu Xuanhan smiled and scratched his head. "The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't expect to stay for so long. But soon, I can go back with a little finishing work."

"Ah, I can't come back yet." Chen Lin seemed very dissatisfied, but she was too harsh.Even if two people watch things like the full moon together, they often fail to do so.

Of course, Chu Xuan can't be emotional. He was commissioned by Chu Mingxuan to help him take care of this business.He couldn't have the slightest slack because of emotion and reason.Even if it is a small oversight, there are many people waiting to see them report it.

Chu Xuan grew up with Chu Mingxuan, so his temperament is somewhat similar.But even more dull and unable to deal with emotional matters, after thinking for a long time, it just raised a question: "Do you miss me?"

Chen Lin didn't answer immediately, the answer must be yes.It's just that this word is so simple to say, but the emotion it contains is so heavy that it is beyond words.

"I...every day, all the time, I think about you again." A ray of moonlight shone on Chen Lin's face, one lowered his head, a smile poured from his heart to the corners of his mouth, and even his eyes became moonlike. appearance.

"Cough cough, Snee." Lin Ruoran heard a coughing sound. As expected, she caught a cold after being caught in the rain.Lin Ruoran felt more and more swelling in his head, weak hands and feet, and very tired body.

In the middle of the night, while half asleep and half awake, Lin Ruoran opened her dim eyes.The room was pitch black, and the moonlight outside was only a little light coming in.Read the book

Lin Ruoran originally wanted to reach out and turn on the light switch, but she couldn't use her hands anyway, and she was unwilling to leave the warm bed to accept the cold baptism.

There seemed to be another mood in the darkness, Lin Ruoran looked at the room in a daze, waiting for not knowing when to fall asleep again.

The silence in the room is extraordinary, there is no trace of noise, and it is a bit more clean.Lin Ruoran recalled the scene he filmed in the rain this afternoon, but it seemed like a world away.

Suddenly the door opened with a "creak", the movement was very slight and soft, and the sound was fleeting.

Lin Ruoran almost thought that he was hearing hallucinations in his sleep, but the door was indeed opened.A thin beam of light came in from the outside, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

It's so late, who is it?Lin Ruoran suddenly missed a few beats in his heartbeat, who was coming in.Couldn't it be someone like a thief, if it were really like that, everything would be a disaster.

Lin Ruoran suddenly became nervous, and was suddenly broken into in the middle of the night. It would not be a trivial matter if something unexpected happened.She is a weak woman who has no power to restrain her, how to fight.

Lin Ruoran supported her body and wanted to use her strength to get up from the bed, but she couldn't get up anyway.It's like being spelled and stuck to the bed.

"Ah...ooh..." Lin Ruoran wanted to yell, but because of a cold, her throat was swollen, and there was no sound at all.

Do you really just sit and wait for death, waiting for the bad guys to come in and do whatever they want?This time, Lin Ruoran was also afraid that it was intentional and powerless.

The door was opened more than half, and someone came in.Lin Ruoran suddenly became nervous, but the room was dark, and his vision was nothing but a black figure.

The figure is really extraordinary, judging from the outline, it is also one meter high.He is strong and strong, with long legs.Is this standard for thieves?How could there be a thief with such a good figure.

If it weren't for being in the dark, Lin Ruoran really wanted to take a look at this man's face.However, relying on the peripheral light can also see a one or two points, a tall nose, a sharp jaw.With these points, it should be possible to judge that the appearance is online.

For a moment, a familiar feeling lingered by Lin Ruoran's side, a faint smell, so familiar, but it couldn't tell what it was like.

Gradually, Lin Ruoran relaxed.No longer so nervous, no longer so panic, and even feel a little safe.

The figure began to move, one step, two steps, slowly marching towards Lin Ruoran's bed.Even Lin Ruoran couldn't figure out what this "person" wanted to do, but obviously he didn't seem to have any malice.

Finally at the fourth step, the figure stopped.There was a stalemate in front of Lin Ruoran's window for a short while, looking at her motionlessly, carefully looking at her meaningfully.

Lin Ruoran could only hear her rapid breathing, pretending to be calm, hoping with expectation that all this was not known.

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