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"Did you catch a cold?" Xu Jianing asked with concern, taking out a throat treasure lozenges from the bag and handing it to Lin Ruoran."Here, eat. This will make your throat feel better. The weather is bad today and it's very easy to catch a cold."

Originally, Lin Ruoran had some embarrassment, but looking at Xu Jianing's kind smile, the tension in her heart was immediately eliminated.

Compared with Wang Zhener, Xu Jianing is more experienced and less reckless.Doing things decently and not pretentiously, frank and sincere, but still maintaining a simplicity.It's really a friend.

"Thank you so much for being so considerate. I was so anxious today that I forgot to bring it." Lin Ruoran took the throat lozenges in Xu Jianing's hand.

"It's okay, everyone is in the same crew, help each other." Xu Jianing said generously.

Yang Xiezhi on the side couldn't understand their "sister affection" appearance, and sneered."As an actor, you must protect your voice. Otherwise, you won't even be able to say a single line at that time, so what should you do."

Of course, Lin Ruoran understood this more thoroughly than Yang Xiezhi. Lin Ruoran came from the bottom and entered the industry earlier than she did.The truths that can be obtained by rubbing and rubbing are so clear that Yang Xiezhi still needs to talk about it here.

"Don't say it, Yang Xiezhi, isn't the lesson learned from the last time deep enough." Xu Jianing patted the edge of Yang Xiezhi's clothes and signaled her not to continue.

"Humph." Yang Xiezhi murmured unconvincingly, "I don't care about you here, I'll go back to the car and have a drink."

Sure enough, without Yang Xiezhi, it was a lot cleaner, and the lights in the dressing room became much softer.In the warm atmosphere, even breathing is no longer so heavy.

Lin Ruoran quickly took care of her hair, her makeup was also very complete, and some hair accessories needed the help of a stylist, so they were neatly placed on the table.Everything is ready, just wait for the boot.Calculating the time, there is still some left.

"I'll be with you and go to the bathroom." After Lin Ruoran greeted Xu Jianing, she got up and walked towards the bathroom.

After a few seconds, Xu Jianing was a little surprised and shouted: "Wait a minute, are you going to the bathroom?"

"Yes." Lin Ruoran calmed down, unable to understand Xu Jianing's thoughts. Is there anything wrong with this.

"That's right, I want to go too." Xu Jianing reluctantly made a soft expression on her stiff face, "I was really embarrassed just now, I was a little flustered, I didn't scare you."

"No." Lin Ruoran shook his head nonchalantly, "Then let's go together."

In the past few minutes, Lin Ruoran and Xu Jianing chatted a lot.I found that the two people talked very happily, just like a close friend whom I haven't seen for a long time.I really didn't expect that two people have so many common languages ​​in so many ways.

Back in the dressing room, the supplies belonging to Yang Xiezhi have disappeared.Obviously, Yang Xiezhi had already gone to the studio one step ahead of time and was ready to film.

Lin Ruoran was laughing and preparing to sit back to his position.But the smile slowly solidified at that moment, slowly dissipated, and returned to the corner of the mouth.It was as if a beautiful sculpture was broken.Yunxuange

"What's wrong with you? Lin Ruoran..." Xu Jianing tugged at the corner of Lin Ruoran's clothes, and then asked lightly.

"My earrings are gone." Lin Ruoran yelled, and rushed to the table uncontrollably.Lin Ruoran fumbled on the table with both hands trembling, and then leaned over to look under the table.

"Which earring is missing?" Xu Jianing asked from the side, watching Lin Ruoran busy with her work, and she was very panicked.

"I lost an earring. The one that was clearly here before has disappeared. I have looked for it all up and down, but I still couldn't find it." Lin Ruoran frowned and said anxiously.

Don't look at a small earring, but it may cost thousands.What worries Lin Ruoran most is its price, but the filming soon.Everyone's earrings are different. Where can I find another one?

"Maybe you put it in a different place than usual, so I don't remember it. Look for it carefully."

"No, I remember it very clearly, I have searched it all." Lin Ruoran looked stunned, both anxious and angry.The little earrings are now like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is possible to drop them anywhere.

Since the last time that Lin Ruoran fell, Lin Ruoran has kept an eye on it.Take care of your own things and don't let others have a chance to start.So this time is no exception, and the memory of the matter is still fresh.

It's just that this time I haven't caught anyone else, and the things disappeared first.

"Obviously, I put it before I left, but it's gone now." Lin Ruoran said firmly and firmly.

"Before?" Xu Jianing asked suspiciously, "When was before, since you are sure that it is not your own problem. Then it is very likely that someone else took it away. In those twenty minutes, everything is possible."

Xu Jianing went to the toilet with Lin Ruoran, so Xu Jianing ruled out the suspicion.What else is possible?

"Could it be her?" Xu Jianing glanced at Lin Ruoran and pointed his finger at Yang Xiezhi's position.Lin Ruoran also turned his attention away by the way, and Yang Xiezhi came to get something halfway.

All the suspicions were transferred to Yang Xiezhi. The incident of the last wrestling aggravated Yang Xiezhi's suspicion.Although there was no evidence last time, everyone agreed that Yang Xiezhi did it.

"Yang Xiezhi? Will it be her?" Lin Ruoran muttered, originally didn't want to think about it, but the name always appeared in his mind unconsciously.

Xu Jianing dodged his eyes, lowered his brows, and spoke in a low voice.

"But she was the only one who came during this period. She is the most likely person. Although she and I are in the same company, I know her better. Stumping others, she has done this kind of thing. Quite a lot."

Xu Jianing's words deepened Yang Xiezhi's suspicion, even though Lin Ruoran was tolerant.However, filming is the most important price that cannot be sacrificed.

"All the actors will be there as soon as possible." There was a loud shout outside, and the filming of the scene was about to begin.

"What to do?" Xu Jianing held her hands tightly, pacing back and forth, feeling very uneasy."If so, the shooting will begin in a while. You must find the earrings before then."

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