
Is Zhang Yi afraid of death?

Of course, otherwise, I won’t practice hard in Yellow Realm Profound Realm.

Even now, Zhang Yi is afraid of death.

Each time you receive a mission, it is already an Earth Realm Martial Artist or an expert in Earth Realm, but the mission you receive is still dominated by the silver mission corresponding to the Profound Realm Martial Artist.

But is there no danger in taking the silver mission?

Of course there is.

Maybe one day when Zhang Yi was on the way to pick up the task, a fortune-teller would suddenly come up and call out:

"Boy, meeting is predestined, I I am surprised to see your skeleton. I happen to have this cheat here..."

Then Zhang Yi fell into a conspiracy, and from then on lived the miserable days of being chased by the entire continent.

Cough cough, although it is a bit exaggerated, it is still risky to take over the task, and it will overturn if you know it.

But there is no way.

For Zhang Yi now, the cultivation speed does not match the corresponding level.

If you choose the secluded bitter cultivation before, you won’t be able to break through Heaven Realm until you die.



"Something is wrong."

"Why do you feel getting busy. "

Zhang Yi murmured, then looked thoughtful.


Yellow Realm, Profound Realm, with cultivation speed, Zhang Yi can reach Great Perfection even if he retreats.

But not anymore.

With the improvement of the cultivation realm, its original cultivation speed can no longer keep up with the his realm.

So Zhang Yi had to focus on various external resources.

Use all kinds of resources to improve yourself.

Isn’t even doing missions to earn Spirit Stone a resource?

Either earn various resources from the outside world,

Or increase the speed of your cultivation,


Then there is system and powerless.

After all, this is not a novel from a previous life. If you sit still, you can get all kinds of resources, and the realm will fly.

"Spirit Pond."

Zhang Yi's eyes were calm, his fingers tapped on the desktop and muttered.

If you still want to use secluded cultivation to improve realm, then the option of Spirit Pond must be the top priority.

"It’s 14 years before the 20-year plan to earn Spirit Stone..."

"Now, Spirit Stone is indeed the best option. With this bug, I can maximize my own strength."

"As the so-called sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood, when my strength improves, I will have more upgrades to Spirit Pond. Way."

"Ruins Battlefield is a rare great opportunity, and even the strongest opportunity I can get in Earth Realm."

"This is a great opportunity for future Martial Dao's journey will undoubtedly help a lot, and my strength is also the top strength among Ruins Battlefield..."

"After Ruins Battlefield, I will concentrate on the mission according to the original plan."

"When the time is up, I will cultivation Primordial Destruction Sword Art and turn on the Spirit Pond option."

Zhang Yi has a decision in mind.

"But now..."

Zhang Yi looked up towards the wall.

On the other side of the wall, is the Blue Mountain group.

If Lanshan's strength surpasses himself, Zhang Yi will leave without saying anything.

Anyway, it's a big thing, or a small thing. It's just a whip. It's all trivial.

However, the strength of the opponent's newly promoted Earth Realm obviously cannot make Zhang Yi retreat.

People who are not as strong as themselves still make themselves unhappy in front of them.

Zhang Yi will not have the slightest softness.

"You have to find a suitable time."

Zhang Yi thought, stroked his chin, how could he feel a little bit happy and enmity.

Zhang Yi shook the head with a smile.

Forget it,

He is just an ordinary person who only dares to bully weaker than himself, so why do he think so much?


Let's concentrate on dealing with the food in front of you.

As a Martial Artist of body refinement, Zhang Yi has a great appetite.

A pot of wine and eight dishes.

Like strong wind scattering the last clouds, Zhang Yi swept them all away.

Finally, Zhang Yi slapped his belly, leaning against the back of the chair, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Life needs joy.

Martial Artist must also enjoy.

Rather, it is Martial Artist who wants to enjoy it more.

Cultivation all the way, isn’t it just for this?

Although he practiced hard, he didn't want to be a madman who only knew about cultivation.


Two days later...

Today, Blue Mountain is in a good mood, just like the sunny sky and the sun.

This time, the matter of his coming to Snow Wolf City has been settled. Only waiting for Qin Tian's actions tonight, he can take Xiangyanghua back to his elder brother to ensure that his brother’s breakthrough is foolproof.

When the time comes, he was able to run Ruins Battlefield under the care of his elder brother, and he could gain something if he wanted to.

as the saying goes, good things come in pairs.

Unexpectedly, it really happened to him.

When he got up this morning, on a whim, he planned to visit a special place in Snow Wolf City-Underground City.

The underground city is different from regular shops and belongs to the three-regardless zone. As long as you pay a certain amount of resources to the city guard every month, you can set up a stall here.

There are good products, but there are also fake and inferior products that are masquerade as having an ability. Whether you can find good ones depends on your own eyesight.

It’s even more because it doesn’t matter, murder and robbery are more commonplace.

Blue Mountain came here on a whim, intending to shop and see if they can find any good products.

But I didn't want to, so I was attracted by a beauty.

This is an eye-shining girl in a purple robe.

The face is delicate and pretty, smart and lively.


His mood rose.

He swears that he is moved by the girl in front of him.

Mentally, physically.

He is definitely not greedy for her body, he just wants to communicate with her.

As Lan Wu’s younger brother, Supreme Truth Sect Core Disciple.

Blue Mountain has a very high status in the entire Taicang Kingdom.

Not to mention that he has now passed through to Earth Realm! Already a real high-end Martial Artist, a region's Overlord!

With his background and power, he has been among a hundred flowers over the years, and all the pieces have been touched.

Under practice makes perfect, for Blue Mountain, there are very few beauties that can be eye-catching for him to have ideas for communication.

But I don’t want to be today, in Snow Wolf City, in the Underground City, I met such an outstanding purple clothed girl.

The inadvertent stroke is like a frightened deer jumping into the hunter’s yard.

Into his sight.

Blue Mountain swears that she is a very special girl.

She is not a question of whether she is beautiful or not, she is really the kind, the kind that is rare...

Her agile and lively temperament like a deer makes For the first time, Blue Mountain had the idea of ​​taking it for himself.

Although he has produced many for the first time.

But this does not prevent him from thinking the same this time.

After all, after pursuing a girl, no matter how many times, you must pursue it with full enthusiasm as the first time, so that the girl can truly feel your sincerity.

Blue Mountain is such a person.

As a dignified Earth Realm Martial Artist, with outstanding innate talent and strong background, Blue Mountain is very confident.

So he came forward naturally to strike up a conversation.

So, he naturally failed to strike up a conversation.

This little beauty who suddenly broke into the heart of Blue Mountain.

Faced with his approach, he actually refused!

The innate talent is outstanding, strong, strong, and with a solid background, the Blue Mountain who considers himself to be an upright person, took the initiative to strike up a girl, but was rejected!


Blue Mountain is not angry.

On the contrary, there is a radian on the corners of the mouth.

As handsome as he was rejected, although this is extremely rare, but also not alone, anyway, the final result is still his round, which is enough.

The more tortuous the process, the stronger the satisfaction after getting it.

The more he resisted, the more he became interested in her.

He is such an indomitable person.

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