Fallen Cloud Peak.

Cultivation Chamber of Secrets.

Zhang Yi sit cross-legged on the ground, in front of the thigh is the secret book of Agarwood Divine Physique.

Zhang Yi thought, a wisp of Divine Sense poured into the book, and immediately noticed that the corresponding picture appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In Zhang Yi's mind, there is a touch of greenery, and then a faint azure light shines out.

That is a seed.

Vigorous seeds.

The seed grows slowly, from a seedling to a small tree, and then from a small tree to a towering old tree.

The whole body of the ancient tree exudes an inexplicable charm, and the traces of the vicissitudes of life on the tree seem to contain the truth of Heaven and Earth.

Zhang Yi is immersed in it, and it seems that he has also become a seed, growing and germinating, experiencing the past of this ancient tree.

At a certain moment, Zhang Yi woke up leisurely, his eyes were briefly confused, as if he had had a dream, but Zhang Yi soon recovered his peace.

In his mind, azure light appeared as a vicissitudes of life information.

Condensate the seeds of ancient trees, engraved with green wood grain, and become Agarwood Divine Physique.

"Condensed seeds?"

"Inscribed with green wood grain?"

"Agarwood Divine Physique?"

Zhang Yi recalled The figure of the old tree that just emerged in my mind gradually has a clear comprehension.

After a long period of growth, the ancient green trees have experienced the natural baptism of Heaven and Earth. On the trunk, in the traces of the vicissitudes of the years, there is a trace of Dao Rhyme of Heaven and Earth.

Agarwood Divine Physique was created by a Body Refinement Martial Artist who observes ancient green trees and catches the traces of vicissitudes contained in Dao Rhyme.

The specific method is to first condense an ancient tree seed in the body. After the ancient tree seed is condensed, the seed can be used to absorb the life power from the outside, and the green wood grain can be condensed in the body.

And once the green wood grain is successfully condensed, it will merge into the flesh, and once it is activated, the horrible vitality contained within it will emerge.

Although the fleshy body has not changed from the outside, it will give the body a terrifying resilience, and even the strength of the body will increase to a certain extent.

As long as Zhang Yi doesn't suffer fatal damage or suffer a lot of damage in a short period of time, the fleshy body can slowly recover.

Even if the arm is cut off, it can be restored as long as it is renewed in time.

In a sense, it feels like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. More vividly, it's a bit like the nanny Cai Wenji in previous games?

For a swordsman, the most fragile defenses will also be filled. This is a step across the ages. At that time, Zhang Yi can also yell at the sky-the hexagonal warrior, Who is it for me!

Zhang Yi couldn't help sighing, "Agarwood Divine Physique can actually enable people to have such terrifying life force. After cultivation, I am afraid that it is equivalent to a humanoid beast, which is simply abnormal."

Think about it, an unparalleled swordsman fought with others, but he was scary with high defense.

Obviously a crispy swordsman, his style of play is more fierce than others. He often trades injuries for injuries and fights with his life. How tricky is this kind of enemy?

"Meat-equipped swordsman?"

Zhang Yi touched his chin, muttered to himself, and couldn't help but smile. He could imagine the despair of the enemy.

Finally killed Zhang Yi in front of Zhang Yi, and finally wounded Zhang Yi, but at the next moment, the injury created by the sufferer untold hardships was completely recovered in the next second. Seeing this scene, The opponent is afraid that the defense will be broken directly, and then give up resisting and lie down.

"However, I want to cultivate this Agarwood Divine Physique to Great Perfection, and easier said than done."

After some reverie, Zhang Yi gradually calmed down.

He opened system and took a look.

【Third Rank Body Refinement Cultivation Art detected: Agarwood Divine Physique, is it cultivation?

【Detect the current status of the host, there are two options. ]

[Choice 1: Consume 20,000 cultivation points to cultivate Agarwood Divine Physique to the entry level. ]

[Option 2: With the help of a large amount of life force in the body, two years of retreat can be cultivation to entry. 】


"The cultivation point has dropped from 40,000 to 20,000. Is it the result of absorbing the huge Power of Qi and Blood in the Blood Spirit Pond?"


Zhang Yi blinked and muttered to himself.

As early as when Zhang Yi first entered Earth Realm to select the cultivation technique, he tried the cultivation points required by the Third Rank Body Refinement Cultivation Art.

Among them, cultivation entry requires 40000, Small Accomplishment 8w, Great Accomplishment 150000, Perfection 250000 cultivation points.

Fleshy body cultivation requires such a terrifying cultivation point, which is why Zhang Yi didn't plan on body refinement in the first place.

After all, 50% of Yijing and Earth Realm Great Perfection have reached the threshold of hitting the Heaven Realm. The cultivation fleshy body will only slow down their progress in entering the Heaven Realm.

But Zhang Yi is not a man who doesn't know how to work. After having the opportunity of the blood Spirit Pond, he also picked up the cultivation of Fleshy body.

Looking at the choice given by system, Zhang Yi nodded, "Either use cultivation to click on it, or life force to click on it, a very reasonable answer."

"Then Give it a try."

Thinking about this, Zhang Yi closed his eyes and began to formally cultivation Agarwood Divine Physique.

Among the 20000 cultivation points and the two-year retreat, Zhang Yi obviously chose the latter.

The 1st Step of cultivation Agarwood Divine Physique is to condense the seeds first, so that the life force can be transformed into the green wood grain, and this 1st Step from scratch takes a very long time.

Zhang Yi sits cross-legged on the pad and closed his eyes, his body is completely motionless.

both of his hands holding the secret art, constantly changing under the guidance of the system, while the mind is silent, guiding the life force lurking everywhere in the body.

Gradually, everywhere in Zhang Yi’s body, jade green light spots continue to emerge, shimmering with dim light, and a stream of pure vitality gushes out of it, which is absorbed by the blood Spirit Pond Power of Qi and Blood.

Zhang Yi divine sense controls these jade green light spots and moves closer to the heart of the body.

The jade green light spots converge at the heart and fuse together to form an illusory shadow of seeds.

What Zhang Yi has to do is to integrate the life force into the seed day after day with the operation route of Agarwood Divine Physique. Agarwood Divine Physique can be considered as an official entry on the day when the seed is truly materialized.

This is an extremely long process, Zhang Yi does not rush into retreat, waiting for the day when the seeds really take shape.

And time just like this quietly passing...


When Zhang Yi’s ears are not asking about things outside the window, the outside world is not So peaceful.

The closer you get to Ruins Battlefield, the more the parties cannot hold back and begin to stir.

And shortly after Zhang Yi closed the door, a piece of news exploded, such as a stone thrown into the pool water, splashing ripples outward.

Supreme Truth Sect Blue Mountain was beheaded by Qingfengmen dísciple Wang Heng!

This piece of news spreads around Taicang Country at an extremely fast speed.

In the world of Martial Artist, killing is not a major event. Even if the Earth Realm Martial Artist is killed, its influence is mostly limited to the country.

And the reason why things at this time cause the effect of breaking the circle is multi-faceted.

Profound Realm kills Earth Realm Early-Stage in the later stage, it is naturally discussing.

This is not the challenge of the smaller realm, but the greater the realm.

And Lanshan is the 84th Lanwu younger brother, and time happened before Ruins Battlefield. Under a variety of factors, Wang Heng is considered to be famous in the thirteen countries.

Many people have given Wang Heng the title of the strongest Martial Artist of Profound Realm in the Thirteen Kingdoms with a mindset of not too big a deal.

Of course, Supreme Truth Sect and Lan Family reacted immediately, and they joined forces to pressure Qingfengmen to hand over Wang Heng.

Obviously, it was Blue Mountain who had malicious intentions on the two before being killed by Wang Heng.

In the end, Supreme Truth Sect and Lan Family are oppressing Qingfengmen with the general trend. The weak of the cultivation world are prey to the strong is interpreted vividly and thoroughly.

Finally, after insisting on half a month, Qingfengmen finally couldn't withstand the pressure, revealing that Wang Heng had defected to Sect and was no longer Qingfengmen dísciple.

Supreme Truth Sect and Lan Family are furious, but they also know that Qingfengmen is already an extreme concession.

And now it is close to Ruins Battlefield, it is really inconvenient to fight, so I just stopped.

However, Lan Family still issued a huge bounty to the outside world and Rose Chamber of Commerce, offering a reward for Wang Heng's head.

Because of this stimulus, eight months later, Lan Wu officially broke the border and entered the mid-term of the Earth Realm, and his strength was among the Peak of the 13 countries!

Later, Lan Wu invited to fight from the air, and Wang Heng had a showdown in Ruins Battlefield five years later, otherwise he would fight Qingfengmen dísciple at Ruins Battlefield.

What didn't expect was that Wang Heng also used Rose Chamber of Commerce's reply and agreed to Lan Wu's showdown request and decided to thoroughly understand the matter in Ruins Battlefield.

The engagement between the two sides also adds to the expectation for the upcoming Ruins Battlefield.

Although in the eyes of everyone, there is no suspense about the outcome of the matter.

Because Lan Family spent a lot of time investigating after Lanshan's death, and finally found traces of fighting between Wang Heng and Lanshan in a forest.

I also found traces of a strong explosion on the side. After identification, it was very much like the traces of the explosion of the Pyroblast Array, and all the results seemed to be conclusive.

The two sides fought. Under the blue mountain underestimated the enemy, Wang Heng caught the opportunity, severely wounded it with the blasting stone, and finally beheaded.

In other words, Wang Heng used external force to kill the Blue Mountain instead of relying on his own strength.


Although the process was wrong, the result was right.

In five years, how can Profound Realm be upgraded to compete with the mid-term Earth Realm?

It is impossible.



The top of a cloud-filled mountain.

An old man dressed in ordinary coarse cloth was fishing by the pond.

Compared with his previous appearance, the old man is a lot older.

"Master, it is rumored that the Senior Brother has agreed to Lan Wu's request and will participate in Ruins Battlefield this time."

On the side, a pretty woman said, He looked sad and worried.

This person is Yun Xia.

The old man closed his eyes when he heard this, lightly sighed.

"I really suffered the child."

"I also blame the Qingfengmen for disappointing, I can't even keep a dísciple."

Yun Xia took a bite Lips, "Master, don't blame yourself too much. You have tried to hold back Supreme Truth Sect and Lan Family half a month. You have reached the limit."

"Blame me, this matter So it happened because of me."

The old man shook the head, "I did it, but it was insignificant."

"You’re right, and Wang Heng didn’t. Wrong, the wrong is Blue Mountain, the wrong is Supreme Truth Sect and Lan Family, but in this world, what determines right or wrong is strength after all."

The old man lifts the head, his turbid gaze looked towards far away There was a very small voice coming out.

"That kid has always been able to do miracles, and perhaps this time is no exception."

"If it is an ordinary time, it would be absolutely impossible to complete such a span within five years, but now Ruins Battlefield is about to begin, but there is a glimmer of hope."

Yun Xia sadly nodded.

The old man immediately looked towards Yun Xia, "In the next five years, I want you to enter the Valley of Compassionate Wind cultivation."

Yun Xia squeezed her hand, nodded.


The rising winds and scudding clouds of the outside world did not affect Zhang Yi at all. They went away quietly in two years.

Azure Cloud Sect, Fallen Cloud Peak.

In the cultivation secret room on the top of the mountain, there is a very thin man.

The man has a thin face and looks pale. Through the clothes, you can see that the bones inside are close to the skin and flesh, and the outline of the skeleton is outlined, which looks like a stunted development.


These four words are the best description of this man. This is by no means an exaggeration, but speak frankly.

This man is Zhang Yi.

At this time, Zhang Yi’s appearance can be described as scary. Where is the shadow of a handsome man?

After two years of retreat, the cultivation success looks like a ghost. A cultivation is out of a setback state.

If Zhang Yi went home at this time, he would scare his parents to death.

But Zhang Yi has a calm face, and there is no trace of worry between his brows.

Zhang Yi knows that this is just a normal state.

For two consecutive years, the life force has been removed from various parts of the body without being supplemented. It is normal to have such a status quo.

This is only temporary,

It's just that the life force is transferred from the body to the seeds of the ancient tree.

When the seeds of the ancient tree solidify, they will feed him back in a flash.

When the time comes, it is the opportunity for him to get started with Agarwood Divine Physique and use the energy in it to step into the fleshy body divine force.

And this moment is about to come.

On this day, Zhang Yi, as usual, pulled the jade green light spots away from the body into the seeds of the ancient tree. His body became weaker, and the seeds of the ancient tree became more solid.

When Zhang Yi's work is finished this time, just as it is about to end, the seeds of the ancient tree tremble suddenly.

There was a buzzing voice rang through Zhang Yi's body.

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed sharply.

The opportunity has arrived!

This is the moment.

Zhang Yi immediately immersed himself in his mind, running Agarwood Divine Physique.

At the heart, the seeds of the ancient tree kept trembling, exuding circles of jade green halo.

The one after another halo rushed out of the body, spreading continuously in the secret room, and when it collided with the wall, it spread back, and the whole secret room was also rendered into a jade green color at this moment.

After this continued for a while, the ancient tree seeds suddenly became completely motionless.

It is like the silence before rainstorm, and the next second will crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.


The seeds of the ancient tree were silent for a few seconds, and then burst out!

At this moment, a huge amount of vitality in it gushes out from it, like a flood, instantly sweeping Zhang Yi's body!

Zhang Yi's flesh and blood, organs, skeleton, and head, this moment is instantly impacted by a monstrous vitality!

His body is turned into a light source of jade green, the whole person is not like a real entity, more like a composition of green rays of light!

Even the eyes emit dazzling green rays of light.

Strength is burning,

The body is metamorphosing,

Zhang Yi officially launches an impact on Fleshy Body Earth Realm at the speed of a wild horse.

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