Zhang Yi is happy,


This Su Meier has a lot of eyesight.

I hid so deeply, I was still discovered.

Sure enough, good people, like shining gold, will always be discovered.

Zhang Yi boasted in his heart.

Of course, Zhang Yi's face is very calm, without the slightest expression or movement, waiting for Su Meier's following.

And Su Meier continued.

"I originally wanted to find long spear overlord Ouyang Jue this time, but even with him, I’m only 30% sure."

"But you are different, I see you On the first side, I know that you are not simple. You are the person I am looking for. If you can help me, I will at least have 50% certainty to get that opportunity!"

You are The person I was looking for was quite ambiguous, and Zhang Yi murmured in his heart.


Zhang Yi smiled and patted his hand, and said slowly.

"I already understand your purpose."

"Since you want me to act, what price can you pay?"

"After all, we too I’m not familiar with it. If you want me to do something, then you have to take out the corresponding benefits."

"Young Master is the Body Refinement Martial Artist." Su Meier asked.

Zhang Yi's eyebrows move slightly. Is it a chance for physical training?

Although he is more inclined to improve the chances of cultivation base and artistic conception, it is a chance for nothing, but it is fine.

"Talk about it."

Zhang Yi asked calmly.

"In the Qianye auction site three days later, there was an auction item brought out from Ruins Battlefield. It was part of a branch of a Spirit Tree. Holding it in hand, waited after entering Ruins Battlefield. , You can sense the orientation of the Spirit Tree."

"A Spirit Tree?" Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yes, I could feel the strong Life Power in you during the previous fight. I think this opportunity is enough to make your Body Refinement Cultivation Art go further."

Su Meier said.

"Sounds pretty good."

Zhang Yi nodded, there is nothing to express.

Su Meier gritted her teeth, "If you wait for the auction that day, I am afraid it will take four or five thousand Spirit Stones to win."

Zhang Yi:!


So valuable?

Zhang Yi hasn't touched much before.

But after Su Meier changed this opportunity to Spirit Stone, Zhang Yi suddenly realized the value of it, and he couldn't help but be moved.

Zhang Yi's face remained unchanged, looking at Su Meier.

"Helping you...not impossible." He said slowly.

Su Meier was overjoyed, "You promised?"

"Not yet."

"Talk about it, what do I need to do?"

"I will listen first, if it is not dangerous, I will take it."

After all,

Your own life is the most important thing. of.

Although the chances are good, they have to be ranked behind.

Su Mei'er didn't hesitate, she hurriedly explained the situation of her chance, it seems that she had considered it clearly before she came.

"There is a broken land."

"There is a senior who has fallen, and his inheritance is very useful to me."

"But there are two gray-clothed men guarding the senior. I can only deal with the weaker one, and the other one needs the help of others."

"I want to ask you for help. I hope you can hold the other stronger man in gray." Su Meier slowly said the situation, then looked at Zhang Yi nervously, waiting for his answer.

Zhang Yi gave her a casual glance.

I thought highly of Su Meier.

This guy knows a lot about Ruins Battlefield.

"What is the strength of the man in gray?"

Zhang Yi asked.

"The two people in grey clothes both have the cultivation base of the late Earth Realm."

"One is the ordinary Earth Realm late battle strength, and the other is the Earth Realm late peak. The man in gray."

"Then I want to contain the latter?"


Su Meier nodded.

"tsk tsk."

Zhang Yi faint smiled at Su Meier, slowly said, "Do you really look up to me?"

"I But it is the cultivation base of the mid-Earth Realm. Even with the blessing of Fleshy body, how can it beat the peak of the late-Earth Realm?"

"No, you can."

Su Meier said firmly.


Zhang Yi slightly frowned, "Why are you so sure?"


"You Take it as my instinct."

Su Meier said.

Immediately she looked towards Zhang Yi and asked nervously, "How? The chance of Spirit Tree exchanges your chance for a shot, that is, in Ruins Battlefield, I can't find a better candidate. The price is high."

A woman's instinct?

Why doesn't Zhang Yi believe it at all.

But Great Thousand Worlds, there is no lack of strange things, don’t be too surprised, after all, these are few.

Zhang Yi tapped his index finger on the desktop, thinking.

If Su Meier's words are true, then he can be said to have made a steady profit this trip.

It is true that Zhang Yi's current comprehensive strength can't beat Earth Realm's late Peak, but if it only drags, there is no problem.

Not to mention,

After he turns the Spirit Stone in his hand into a cultivation point and invests himself, his overall strength will also usher in a breakthrough.

Every time,

Earth Realm's late Peak is also difficult to fight against in his hands.

After a while of thinking, Zhang Yi had a conclusion in his mind.

He looked towards Su Mei'er, "Just in case, I have a condition. If you agree, I can agree to this transaction."

"What conditions? "

A bright light flashed in Su Meier's eyes, and she looked towards Zhang Yi with joy and asked.

"You give me the Spirit Tree branches first. After entering Ruins Battlefield, I will take this opportunity first, and then I will help you."

Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice.

"What if you didn't get it?" Su Mei'er frowned and asked.

"If I fail, then our transaction will naturally be invalidated. After Ruins Battlefield is out, I will return the Spirit Tree branches to you."

Zhang Yi as said it should be by rights.


"This condition is too much." Su Meier said angrily.

In all fairness, Zhang Yi's conditions are indeed very excessive.

Because the success or failure of this transaction lies in Zhang Yi's mind, Zhang Yi enjoys the absolute initiative.

If Zhang Yi is successful, Zhang Yi will naturally make a profit.

If it fails, then Zhang Yi has no loss. This move can be called pay a small price for big rewards in return.

"I came here with sincerity. Young Master's doing this is too much. Su Meier bit her lip and said pitifully.

Zhang Yi calmly Looking at her, there is no slight fluctuation in her eyes.

"Sincere? "

"Follow me all the way, is this the attitude of asking for help? "

"This is what you call sincerity? Then I really can't afford it. "

"Me. "

Su Mei'er stuttered a little, "I just want to try again." "

" After all, it is a Martial Artist that I have never heard of. Although I do feel that you are very difficult to deal with, but in case you make a misjudgment, this opportunity is very important to me. I It must be tentatively clear to be completely relieved. "

Zhang Yi nodded, I understand but remain unmoved.

"I just added additional conditions to prevent accidents. You said I am very strong. Then I missed The odds are naturally small and pitiful. "

"If you still feel inappropriate, you can leave. "

After finishing speaking,

Zhang Yi put his hands behind his head and leaned his body on the back of the chair, waiting for Su Meier's reply.

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