"It's finally here."

Zhang Yi murmured, casting his eyes down.

I can only see below, there is a waiter carrying a transparent jade box on the field.

And through the jade box, I can vaguely see an earth-yellow fruit in it, about the size of a punch.

Wen Wan also began to introduce this auction item.

"The fourteenth auction item is a Vermilion Fruit. Its preciousness and function are self-evident."

"Human aptitude is when he was born It is destined that how high the aptitude is, it represents how far Martial Dao can go. Only a few Heaven and Earth Treasure can change the aptitude. Vermilion Fruit is one of them. Under high grade aptitude, taking Vermilion Fruit is It can raise a level of aptitude, and each person can only take it once."

"Vermilion Fruit, starting price, 1000Spirit Stone."

On the auction stage, Wen Wan reported With the initial value of Vermilion Fruit, the real battle has just begun.

In the auction room, the voice was much calmer, everyone was whispering, but for a while, no one bid.

Speaking of which is also a bit awkward.

The effect of Vermilion Fruit in improving aptitude is also very precious among the many Heaven and Earth Treasures.


It can only improve the aptitude below high grade, which is a bit tasteless.

After all, those who can cultivation to Earth Realm are basically aptitude above high grade.

Although this Vermilion Fruit is good, it is of no use to them.

Zhang Yi watched this scene quietly. After about a few minutes, he finally faintly said: "1100Spirit Stone."

The gentleman on the auction stage heard Zhang Yi’s price increase, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "The 11th private room is bidding for 1100 Spirit Stone, can someone increase the price?"

"1200Spirit Stone."

Somewhere in the auction room, there was a deep The voice came, and after the voice looked, it was a Martial Artist with a black cloak, unable to see the specific face.

"1300Spirit Stone."

With the black cloak Martial Artist tone barely fell, on the other side of the auction room, there was a sound immediately.

Zhang Yi sat in the private room, looking down below, with a calm expression.

Although Vermilion Fruit has little effect on those Martial Artists above Earth Realm, it is after all Heaven and Earth Treasure that can improve aptitude. Zhang Yi didn’t want to win it smoothly, and it took a lot of effort. .

"2000Spirit Stone."

Zhang Yi spoke calmly.

Currently these two bidders are just Profound Realm Martial Artists. Even if there are some Spirit Stones, how can they be compared with him? Zhang Yi now prefers to make a final decision rather than to deal with others slowly.

And Zhang Yi's sudden increase in the auction price to 2000 Spirit Stone was also a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

What's the matter with Little Brother, it doesn't follow the script.

Upgrading 700Spirit Stone in one breath is almost approaching the transaction price of the first auction item, and it also reveals that the people in the 11th booth are bound to win Vermilion Fruit.

The auction site was a little calm for a while. Some people looked around and wanted to see if there was anyone competing after Zhang Yi raised prices like this.


The figure with the black cloak seemed to be paused, and then there was no sound, it seemed that he had given up.

And the other side.

"Big Brother Sun, don't forget it."

In a corner of the auction house, a woman persuaded the man with red eyes.

That is the Martial Artist who bid 1300 Spirit Stone.

"Damn it!"

"It is the Earth Realm Martial Artist, come to join in the fun!"

The man has a hideous face, clasped his hands, and looks Zhang Yi's private room on the 11th is unwilling.

He is the aptitude of middle grade, and the success rate of entering the Earth Realm is only 10%. If he can win the Vermilion Fruit, he will have a success rate of 20%. The probability of him entering the Ruins Battlefield breakthrough Earth Realm It has increased a lot.


"I must take Vermilion Fruit!"

"I have prepared for so many years, just for this day, if I enter Ruins Battlefield, What's the use of having more Spirit Stones? Maybe he will die in the next second and make others' wedding gowns."

The man said, gritted his teeth and called out a number, "2200Spirit Stone."


At the same time, he shouted in his heart, yelling not to bid any more, so that he could take this item smoothly.

But his idea fell through.

The words of 2200Spirit Stone just blurted out, and the calm voice opened again, "3000Spirit Stone."


That manhood Shaking all over, there is nothing to do.

His cultivation base is only Profound Realm Great Perfection, and all Spirit Stones on his body are only 2500 yuan. This is what he accumulated after doing tasks for some time, but now, he is ruthlessly crushed. .

The price increase between the opponents casually is the gap he cannot catch up.

He was decadent, as if his body had been hollowed out, and he squatted into silence.

The price of 3000Spirit Stone also discouraged others with competing ideas, and finally had to shake their heads and give up.

"Private room No. 11 bid 3000 Spirit Stone, is there any higher? If not, then this fourteenth auction item will be taken by Room 11."

Wen Wan asked on the auction stage. After three consecutive questions, she said, "Congratulations to the guests in the 11th private room. This piece of Heaven and Earth Treasure was successfully auctioned. Please wait a moment, there will be soon The waiter brought the treasure up."


In the private room, Zhang Yi was humming a little tune in a happy mood.

3000Spirit Stone won, not bad, within his expected range.

For Vermilion Fruit, Zhang Yi's bottom line price is 4000 Spirit Stone. If it exceeds this number, then he will give up.

After all, Vermilion Fruit is not priceless. Although it is precious, there are still some every year. Zhang Yi just didn't specifically look for Vermilion Fruit before.

After a while, a waiter walked in.

"My lord."

"This is the item you auctioned."

The waiter walked in respectfully, holding a jade box in his hand, Said.


Zhang Yi smiled and held the jade box with one hand, then tossed it with the other hand, and threw a storage ring to the opponent.

The waiter counted. It was indeed 3000 Spirit Stone. He said with a smile on his face, "My lord, I will leave first."

After the other party left, there was only Zhang Yi is left alone.

He opened the jade box.

Vermilion Fruit is lying quietly in it.

Zhang Yi's nose seems to smell a fresh fragrance.


The slim figure lying in the jade box.

The earth-yellow fine coat is shy and tactful like a slender beauty waiting for the good news of Young Master.

Is this not more passionate than beauty?

Zhang Yi raised his hand and gently stroked its skin, with a gentle color in his eyes.

Feeling the uneven texture on the surface, the corners of Zhang Yi's mouth slightly cocked.

He finally got it.

It's finally his.

"Well... first put it away, don’t rush, and eat it later in the evening."

Zhang Yi muttered, turning his hand to collect it. Then put it into the storage ring.

Vermilion Fruit got it. Next, let’s take a look at the Monster Sealing Mirror he auctioned.

Don’t know what surprises this will give him?

The auction is continuing. Zhang Yi crossed his fingers and leaned back on the sofa, quietly waiting for the appearance of Monster Sealing Mirror.


"The twenty-third auction item Monster Sealing Mirror."

Zhang Yi eyes shined.

He is finally here, what price can this demonic beast be auctioned?

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