The next auction continues, and all the items auctioned are precious.

For example, the water of pure sun, such as the thick soil armor of Third Rank Peak.

The former is a holy water, which has a miraculous effect on the cultivation base breakthrough bottleneck, etc., while the latter is an unparalleled treasure, which is difficult to break through the same environment.

However, Zhang Yi just closed his eyes and rested his mind, so he had no intention to participate.

Vermilion Fruit got it, Monster Sealing Mirror also auctioned a high price of 9,000. According to Auction House's rake, he can get 8100 Spirit Stone. This trip has been Perfection.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the grand auction officially ended. Zhang Yi still sat on the sofa and did not leave. After waiting for a while, there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

Here, Zhang Yi muttered in his heart, opened the mouth and said, "Go in."

After that, a woman walked in.

It was a woman in a dark green robe, with a straight face and an undulating figure. She was the gentleman who presided over the auction before.

"Young Master, the Spirit Stone from the auction and the branches of the Spirit Tree that Miss Su Meier ordered before are all inside." With a gentle smile, he spoke softly and handed a storage ring to Zhang Yi .


Zhang Yi nodded, take the storage ring, and explore the divine sense inside.

8100Spirit Stone, there is also a jade box.

Zhang Yi thoughts move, took out the jade box, and inside it was a section of dry branches. He was not welcome, so he checked it in front of a gentle face.

Of course, on the surface is inspection, secretly, it is to use Eye of Revelation to view the information of this branch.

Looking at the system prompt, Zhang Yi nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, said briskly, "Yes, the transaction is complete."

Get what you want, Zhang Yi He stopped waiting, got up and walked out.



【Spirit Stone 15200 is detected, is it converted into a cultivation point? 】


"Leave a 1000 Spirit Stone."

Thinking about Zhang Yi, he turned Spirit Stone into cultivation point.

【Turn spirit transformation stone to 14200, get cultivation points of 14.9w. 】

"Not bad."

Zhang Yi nodded, open the attribute panel.

Age: (81400)

Cultivation realm: Earth Realm mid-term (010w)

Fleshly Body Realm: Earth Realm Early-Stage (08w)

Current cultivation point: 14.9w

Cultivation speed: 450 years

(Level 2 cultivation technique Lesser Cycle: 300 years)

(aptitude plus Success: middle grade aptitude +50%)

Artistic conception: 10% Concept of Wood, 10% Concept of Thunder, 30% sword intent

Special skills: Eye of Revelation

Secret Technique: Annihilation Sword Qi

martial skill:

Third Rank Blade Technique: Flame Blade Technique +1 (Small Accomplishment)

Third Rank Sword Art: thunderclap sword method (Great Accomplishment)

Third Rank movement method: Great Accomplishment (Great Accomplishment)

Third Rank body refinement: Agarwood Divine Physique (Introduction)

Third Rank Handling Method: Spring Wood Palm (Small Accomplishment)


Spirit Stone: 1000

Resurrection Coin: 1


"Cultivation realm, Fleshly Body Realm, sword intent can all be upgraded." Zhang Yi nodded.

With a cultivation point of 14.9w, he is also worthwhile.

"Improve aptitude first."

Zhang Yi thought, sitting cross-legged, and took out Vermilion Fruit from the storage ring.

Bringing Vermilion Fruit to the entrance, Vermilion Fruit melts in the mouth immediately, a sweet air exploded in the mouth, and then fell rapidly, spreading everywhere in Zhang Yi's body.

The whole body is hot and red, with a hint of white mist rising from the top of the head.

Zhang Yi's body began to undergo different changes, not the enhanced sensation of the body or true essence, but another indescribable sensation.

Zhang Yi only felt that the Vermilion Fruit in his mouth suddenly turned into one after another peculiar power, wandering continuously among his limbs and eight skeletons, and spreading to Zhang Yi's whole body.

A strange feeling arose in Zhang Yi's heart, he seemed to be a little different.

I can't tell how it feels, like some shackles in the body are opened, or some inaccessible areas are opened to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's spirit gradually became confused.

As if out of the shell, wandering beyond the sky, muddleheaded, unconsciously.

Zhang Yi has fallen into a strange state, as long as the past few decades, and as if only a few seconds have passed.

At some point, Zhang Yi suddenly woke up.

He just feels comfortable and full of energy.

Zhang Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth. He looked at the system prompt and understood that his innate talent had reached high grade, and his Martial Dao innate talent had been successfully upgraded.

"This Vermilion Fruit earns blood!"

Zhang Yi closed his eyes, put away distractions, and tried to run the cultivation technique.

Lesser Cycle Cultivation Technique works, Zhang Yi has a peaceful face, and his mind quickly calms down. Even his breathing becomes long and slow.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Yi opened his eyes.

The speed of absorbing Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi has been greatly improved compared with the past, and the efficiency of his cultivation has doubled as much as before.

Open the system and take a look:

Cultivation speed: 600 years

(2nd-order cultivation technique Lesser Cycle: 300 years)

( aptitude bonus: high grade aptitude +100%)

"Not bad."

Zhang Yi nodded, although the 600-year cultivation speed is not worth mentioning for him.

But it's just that the basic cultivation speed is too slow. After he increases the cultivation speed in the future, the 100% bonus can show its horror.

And aptitude is also related to the success rate of breakthrough great realm, which is particularly important!

He stroked his chin, thinking, "middle grade aptitude is added 50%, high grade aptitude is 100%, top grade aptitude is 200%?"

It feels very possible.

When Zhang Yi thought, he took out something from the storage ring.

Through the jade box of jade green, you can see that there is a section of dry branches in it. This is the Spirit Tree trunk that Su Meier traded with him.

After the auction ended, it was handed over to him by Wen Wan, together with the Spirit Stone obtained from the auction of Monster Sealing Mirror.

Under Eye of Revelation, Zhang Yi has already obtained the information about the dry branches, confirming that he is a section of the trunk of the Spirit Tree, and that the trunk does not contain the slightest vitality and spiritual power.

Zhang Yi estimates that it may be useful to enter Ruins Battlefield.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi put it away.

He glanced at the 14.9w cultivation point, and he hesitated for a while.

How to allocate so many cultivation points?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi has made a decision.

Currently, the battle strength level of Ruins Battlefield belongs to the Peak level. There is no need to pursue higher battle strength too much. Therefore, the martial skill and fleshy body will not be upgraded temporarily, and the cultivation point will be focused on realm and artistic conception. Above these two main attributes.

"Either upgrade to the late Earth Realm, or upgrade to the 40% sword intent."

Zhang Yi thought for a while and decided to upgrade to the late Earth Realm first, click on the cultivation realm column, Zhang Yi put 10 wcultivation points into it.

[Earth Realm mid-term (10w10w) detected, is it a breakthrough?

[Yes! 】

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