

I thought it would be on the shelves next Friday. Didn’t expect it to be this week.

The first time I put it on the shelf, I didn’t have experience. I made a mistake. Please understand. (_)



Thank you first Wu Xing is a big one, a newcomer, can have the current 20000 + collection, and his strong recommendation is inseparable.



Then talk about the book.

Of course I am very proud (proud face)

I have read all kinds of novels since I was young, and now I can finally write a novel by myself!

Although there are many problems, I still love this book.

I always think,

The grade of a book depends mainly on how well you write the book.

Writing well, let others like it, then subscribe is naturally good, and vice versa.

So, if the book has something you like, then give me a subscription!



12:00 noon, It may have several points of clock deviation, 4 more will be released when the time comes.

The future status will be 3 6000 daily.

It’s pretty good that a novice can have such a speed!

Time is still the same.


4, add more

Thank you for your reward Now, this book has been supported by everyone!

The time before the shelves is the most difficult, especially for novices, these rewards are undoubtedly an encouragement to me!

So, I should also return this like!

For the convenience of statistics, I only count as Branch Lord or above, (forgive me for stealing laziness, after all, my author’s name is Lazy Star)

The total is 90000 points.

Add 5 more changes, find time to make up.

After it's on the shelves.

An Alliance Leader 3 more.


Look at this author’s rewards, but it’s so little!

Don't give him a reward!

So, it is not recommended to give rewards, don't affect yourself, subscription is enough! ——————————————————————————


After Ruins Battlefield, Spirit Pond will Come out,

After the breakthrough Heaven Realm, it will return to the rhythm of a retreat for decades.

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