
"This is cultivation."

Zhang Yi sighed and stood up, just listen to the stretched muscles and bones The crackle echoed in the cave.

Zhang Yi right hand Make a fist and wave forward.

Suddenly an invisible wind was brought up, opening the entrance of the cave that was blocked by the bushes, and the sun was shining in.

Zhang Yi walked away, and finally stopped in a clearing.

all around the open wind blows, making him intoxicated.

"This inheritance spar is really good, it feels like there is a peerless expert in enlightenment."

Recalling the three-day process, Zhang Yi only feels very fulfilled. , Every day is packed full.

In these three days, Zhang Yi digested all the insights in the inheritance spar.

There are mysteries about each stage of the Concept of Wood, as well as various perceptions about the Wood Element martial skill.

On the road of Wood Element, Zhang Yi has taken a long way.

Maybe it is more intuitive to open the system panel.

attribute panel:

[You have absorbed Wood Element inheritance spar, you have a deeper understanding of Wood Element martial skill, your Wood Element martial skill is before Level 4 Perfection The cultivation points required to upgrade are reduced by 20%. 】

【You have absorbed Wood Element inheritance spar, you have a deeper understanding of the mystery of Concept of Wood, and the cultivation points required to upgrade your Concept of Wood before 70% are reduced by 20%.

【...Your understanding of Concept of Wood has reached a new level, you comprehended 20% Concept of Wood. 】

【...Your understanding of Third Rank martial skill Spring Wood Palm has reached a new height, and your Spring Wood Palm has reached Great Success Realm! 】

"Not bad."

"Concept of Wood 20%, Spring Wood Palm has also reached Great Success Realm."

"Now I am confident in Without using the cultivation base and Sword Art in the late Earth Realm, defeating the other Heaven's Chosen in Ruins Battlefield."

Zhang Yi realized his own growth strength and judged in his heart.

To be honest,

This wave of enhancement of Zhang Yi battle strength is not obvious.

There is no such a situation that after absorption, you can beat yourself with one punch.

Compared with the strength of this growth, this inheritance spar is more like an investment in the future, equivalent to paving the way, but you still need to go on by yourself.

Reduce cultivation points by 20%,

Although it doesn’t seem to feel anything.


is the most important thing for Zhang Yi.

Be aware that every time the power of analyzing artistic conception rises to Level 1, the required cultivation points are doubled.

It takes 10,000 to analyze 10% of artistic conception, 20,000 to analyze 20% of artistic conception, and 40,000 for 30%.

Zhang Yi has calculated that from his current 20% Concept of Wood analysis to 70%, it will cost 1,240,000 cultivation points in total.

The reduction of cultivation points by 20% means that 24.8w of cultivation points can be saved, which is very scary, not to mention that this is only the cultivation points needed to reach 70% of the artistic conception.

If it is resolved to ten percent artistic conception, then the required cultivation points are an astronomical number.

By then, the 20% cultivation point is really huge.

"Concept of Wood reduced its cultivation points by 20% before 70% analysis. Is it because the mystery contained in this inheritance spar only reaches 70% artistic conception?"

Zhang Yi Frowning thinking, "No, it can't be ruled out that the master of this inheritance spar was 80% or even 90% artistic conception before his life, but it was lost in the inheritance process."

Zhang Yi thought, and finally thought about it. The eight inheritance beams of light!

That is the real great opportunity!

In contrast, this Wood Element inheritance spar can only be called general.

After all,

The Martial Artist who left this inheritance spar is the Heaven Realm cultivation base, and the Martial Artist who left the eight inheritance beams of light is beyond Heaven Realm. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's breathing suddenly rose.

Heaven Realm's inheritance spar can provide him with such help.

How much help did the eight inheritance light beams, which are obviously stronger, help him in the future?

Be aware that the eight inheritance beams have sword dao inheritance.

That is the inheritance that really fits his cultivation path.

If let him get it, will the cultivation points of sword intent and sword dao martial skill also be reduced by 20%?

Even before the sword intent Great Perfection, the cultivation points have been reduced by 20%?

The saving of cultivation points is too impressive.


It doesn't feel like a daydream, but something that is truly possible.


Zhang Yi breathes deeply, with firm eyes.

"The sword dao inheritance beam of light, he must take it!"

Of course,

Wood Element inheritance spar brings more than the above two kinds.

In Zhang Yi's mind, there are still a lot of Wood Element Martial Skill and Cultivation Art.

These are deeply imprinted in Zhang Yi's mind. As long as Zhang Yi wants to learn, he can call up various introductions of martial skills from his mind at any time, and then directly accumulate cultivation points to learn them.

Even the fourth rank cultivation technique Qingmu rotation technique is deep in his memory and can be learned at any time.

Of course,

The premise is that the cultivation base reaches the Heaven Realm, otherwise it is impossible to learn.

In terms of martial skills, Zhang Yi can also forcibly skip learning, just like Zhang Yi learned Third Rank Flame Blade Technique in Profound Realm Great Perfection.

However, the cultivation technique requires a realm First Rank cultivation technique, which cannot be easily replaced.

"The future is bright!"

Zhang Yi murmured, and then continued to leave, rushing to where the Spirit Tree was.

On the way, Zhang Yi will never let go when he meets the demonic beast. After killing, he will get the Innate aura inside.

As a result, his cultivation points are also steadily increasing.



Compared with Zhang Yi's absolute strength, Wang Heng is really in accordance with Zhang Yi's imagination. In that way, he became a talented youngster who counterattacked.

And all kinds of suffering are coming in waves like a tide.

As soon as he entered Ruins Battlefield, he was hit hard by Lan Wu, and then descended into this dangerous mountain forest.

It can be described as a difficult start.


The five years of Wang Heng did not pass in vain.

He has long been accustomed to similar things and has a wealth of experience.

After the first few days, Wang Heng's injuries gradually recovered, and then he discovered that after killing Spirit Beast, an Innate aura would appear.

After discovering that Innate's aura can increase his strength, Wang Heng eyes shined, knowing that his opportunity to be promoted to Earth Realm has come.

In the following time, he tossed around, hunting demonic beasts everywhere.

It was the cultivation base of Profound Realm Great Perfection. After absorbing a lot of Innate aura, the bottleneck also began to loosen.

Perhaps extreme sorrow turns to joy,

Perhaps it is because of fortune and misfortune,

Soon, Wang Heng discovered a place of opportunity.

"This is, Spirit Pond?!"

Wang Heng looked in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face.

Not far in front of him, there is a pool of water, milk-white, with a strong spiritual energy exuding.

"With this Spirit Pond, I can start preparing for breakthrough Earth Realm!"

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