Wang Heng did not answer,

Instead, the long sword in his hand pointed to Lan Wu, and then he attacked again.

The two of them stopped keeping their hands at this time, and fought in the open.

In Lan Wu's body, surrounded by flames, surrounded by fiery waves, he has already displayed his 20% Concept of Fire.

Wang Heng, who fought with him, had a restrained aura and exuded a gloomy mood that would end everything. It was exactly the meaning of dying he had understood.

In the same level of mood, the meaning of death is stronger than the ordinary mood, but Wang Heng only first entered Earth Realm Early-Stage soon, and the meaning of death is only 10 %.

Facing 20% ​​of the opponent's Concept of Fire, I still fell in the dark.

true essence ,


are the two most important aspects of Earth Realm Martial Artist battle strength, and at this time, Wang Heng is inferior to both other side.

Under Lan Wu's full shot, he has fallen into a disadvantage. If there is no accident, the probability of a comeback is not great.

It can only be said that Lan Wu, who is standing still and waiting for the rabbit, has done it perfectly.

Not to say how good this strategy is. On the contrary, this strategy is extremely simple. A discerning person knows this is a trap at first glance.

But so what?

This is an arrogant plan, but Wang Heng had to accept it.

In the distance,

Zhang Yi looked at the situation in the field calmly, and felt pretty good in his heart.

Depending on the situation,

Although Lan Wu has gained the upper hand, it still takes a lot of effort to win Wang Heng.

Five years ago,

Wang Heng was only a Core Disciple from Qingfengmen.

At that time, Lan Wu was already the character of Heaven's Chosen in the mid-term breakthrough Earth Realm.

The gap between the two is so big that it can't be added.

And now,

Wang Heng has been able to face Lan Wu head-on. Although he fell into a disadvantage, he is still an amazing improvement.

To tell the truth,

Zhang Yi has quite a sense of accomplishment.

This man was made by himself!

At that time,

Zhang Yi was on a whim, and suddenly thought of the classic plots of the previous life in his mind, so he rescued Wang Heng by his hand, and then began to unfold.

It can be said that the scene of the two people fighting today was caused by Zhang Yi's selfishness.

But Zhang Yi didn't feel any guilt or so-called guilt in his heart.

After all, if I didn’t make a move, the two Junior Sisters would have died long ago. Where is the current situation?

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking about it,

In the scene, Wang Heng was completely at a disadvantage, and the two were about to decide the outcome.

Zhang Yi looked at the attribute panel of the two, nodded, Wang Heng seems to have reached the limit, it is time for him to play.

And in the battlefield.

The battle between Wang Heng and Lan Wu is coming to an end.

At this time, Wang Heng is already fully defending.


I saw Lan Wu stomped on the soles of his feet, and the vigorous red true essence exploded from his body.

Then his figure burst out fiercely, dashing the aisles in the air with afterimages.

On the way, a blazing high temperature came, and even the ground that the soles of the feet passed through was quickly dry and cracked due to the high temperature.

In just a few seconds, Lan Wu appeared in front of Wang Heng.

His right hand made a fist, the fist was red, and the raging flame was burning on it, and immediately punched out.

With this fist, the air all around shattered at this time.

"Split shadow steps."

Wang Heng reacted extremely quickly and hurriedly displayed his movement method.

His figure suddenly became a little fuzzy, and he leaped to the side.

In the same place, a black shadow was left.

The fist of flame whizzed down and exploded the black shadow!


Lan Wu punched the shadow, and the ground behind the shadow suddenly cracked, forming a fist mark.

One punch failed, Lan Wu's face did not fluctuate, and it seemed that there was no accident.

He didn't give Wang Heng the slightest chance to breathe. His body moved caught up with Wang Heng again, his body shape was like a tarsal maggot, and he followed closely.

In just a few minutes, Wang Heng was surrounded by perils. He encountered many dangers and was about to lose.

At a critical moment, mutation suddenly emerged!


Between this Heaven and Earth, suddenly there was a violent air-splitting sound.

In midair, I saw an azure palm print piercing the sky, whizzing down, and heading straight to Lanwu.

Behind the palm prints is a handsome man in a light green robe.

This person is full of vigorous true essence fluctuations, which is not lost to Lan Wu who is present.

And such a sudden offensive made Lan Wu complexion changed.


Lan Wu stopped chasing Wang Heng, but turned around to face Zhang Yi, momentum is big, power is deep, and he slowly punched out.


The azure palm print and the red fist collided, and the two immediately collided, and then, a violent shock wave burst out.

The shock wave rushed towards all directions frantically, causing the trees far away to be broken.

Lan Wu originally stepped on the ground, but at this time, his feet were forcibly knocked into it.

The ground near him is tearing like a net around his feet.

Wang Heng swept back to Yun Xia's side and protected her in front of her, looking at the scene ahead for unknown reasons.

I only saw it in the center.

The smoke gradually subsided, and two figures stood among them.

Lan Wu's hands trembled slightly.

He looked towards the silhouette opposite, and when he saw his face clearly, his face sank sharply, coldly said: "Azure Cloud Sect, Zhang Yi?!"

"You and I lacking hatred and enmity, why bother with meddling?!"

I killed your younger brother, how can it be considered a lacking hatred and enmity...

Zhang Yi thought to himself, his face No change, he looked towards Lan Wu, said in a tranquil voice.

"Lan Wu, this kid is quite congenial to me. Give me a face. How about letting Wang Heng a horse today?"

Lan Wu looks towards looking towards tightly frowns Zhang Yi.

What does this sentence mean?

This Zhang Yi first came out suddenly and attacked him with a palm, but now he told him to give him a face and let him let Wang Heng go.

What on earth does this guy say?

Wang Heng was taken aback when he saw Zhang Yi’s real face, and he blurted out, "Is it him?"

"Senior Brother, do you know him?" Aside, Yun Xia Asked.

"People I met in the Ruins City." Wang Heng replied.

At that time,

Zhang Yi was in the breakthrough after Auction House to the later stage of Earth Realm, and he did not retreat in the next half a month, but chose to hang around in the Ruins City.

In this half a month,

The two met once. At that time, the two met on Taobao at a stall, and the two had a conversation. joyous.

Zhang Yi smiled in his heart,

He deliberately did it,

He ran into Wang Heng who was on a spot for Taobao at the time. He seemed to want to see if there were any missed opportunities.

Like Zhang Yi’s Spirit Tree branch, it corresponds to the corresponding opportunity of Ruins Battlefield.

Then he seized the opportunity to chat with Wang Heng very happily. At this time, he took this reason to intervene in the battle between the two.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi and Wang Heng have never seen each other, and it seems a little bit unreasonable for him to rescue Wang Heng.

But with the previous relationship, it can be regarded as a cause.

This conversation can be big or small.

It can be used as an excuse to intervene in something.

It's like Zhang Yi is now using this excuse as a prevarication.

Entering Ruins Battlefield, Zhang Yi will naturally be somewhat prepared.

Zhang Yi this move is to prevent trouble before it happens.

At this time, it is when this move takes effect.

"Zhang Yi, what do you mean." Lan Wu held back his unhappiness and asked.

Does this guy know that there is a deep hatred between him and Wang Heng?

I can actually say something that will give him a face!

"I met him when I was in the Ruins City Taobao, and he did me a favor. At this time, I have to pay back the favor." Zhang Yi said calmly.

"Young Master Zhang, it's serious, this Wang just mentioned one or two sentences." Wang Heng said quickly.

"That was indeed a chance." Zhang Yi smiled and replied.

And Lan Wu is about to explode.


He was about to kill the opponent, this guy suddenly appeared and said that he wanted to repay his favor, was it deliberately aimed at him?

Lan Wu’s tone is faintly angry, "This Wang Heng is the one who killed my younger brother, so you still don’t want to interfere."

"If Lan Wu doesn’t agree , I have no choice but to accompany him."

Zhang Yi looked at him calmly, and the true essence of Earth Realm's mid-term fluctuated into the sky.

The air around him is faintly trembling, and he has already expressed his attitude.

"Good, good!"

Lan Wu grinned back extremely angry, clenching his fists tightly.

Although he wanted to take the other three in his heart.

But Zhang Yi's undisguised true essence fluctuates to remind him.

Zhang Yi has the strength to hold him, if he really rushes forward, the result will not change at all.

Lan Wu's face was angry, and he kept thinking in his heart.

He and Zhang Yi have never met, lacking hatred and enmity. Although Heaven's Chosen often fights, the other party shouldn't bother him on such a critical issue.

Then this time, it is indeed very likely that the other party made the move just to repay the affection.

"Damn it! This kid is very lucky!"


In the case of uncertainty, Lan Wu did not do anything.

He took a deep look at Wang Heng, and then looked towards Zhang Yi, "Next time, you won't make another move."

"Of course." Zhang Yi calmly replied.

"Okay, I hope you don't break your promise."

After speaking, Lan Wu flicked his sleeves, turned and left, in the air, leaving his voice:

"Wang Heng, from the Zhang Yi brother's face, you are lucky this time, next time, I will kill you!"

Lan Wu is very unwilling, but there is nothing to do, Zhang Yi If he shoots, with his displayed cultivation base, it is more than enough to hold Lan Wu down.

So, he thought for a moment and chose to directly give up this opportunity.

Otherwise, if the two finally fight each other. Perhaps it is cheaper for Wang Heng.

Zhang Yi looked at Lan Wu’s back and said in his heart, "Strong strength means you can act wilfully."


Wait for Lan Wu After leaving.

Wang Heng took Junior Sister to come forward at this time, and thanked him:

"many thanks Young Master to help."

"many Thanks Young Master for help." Yun Xia also said, looking at Zhang Yi curiously.

"It's just a favor."

Zhang Yi smiled back, thanking him for something strange.

Obviously he was the master behind all this, but at this moment it was Wang Heng thanking him.


Zhang Yi looked towards the holding hands between Wang Heng and Yun Xia, and the smile on his face became slightly stiff.

Yun Xia only reacted at this moment, and her cheeks blushed and pulled out her hand.


Zhang Yi hehe twice in his heart.


Zhang Yi waved his hand, "Two of you, don’t pass this time, next time, you will be careful."

tone barely fell , Zhang Yi turned around and rose into the sky.

"Junior Sister, let's go too, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Suddenly, only traces of fierce fighting were left on the spot.

The first confrontation between the two was resolved under Zhang Yi's intervention.

The real battlefield of the two is the time of the last inheritance dispute, and that is the time when the final scene takes place.

At that time,

Whether it will be a young genius or a veteran expert will come to the Diaoyutai.

And Zhang Yi,

will only help him this time.

He won't intervene when he really waits for the decisive battle.


"This matter has been solved, now, let me find an opportunity to wait for Su Meier's news with ease."

Zhang Yi thought Then, according to the map in his mind, fly to the nearest light spot of opportunity.


And time,

Just like that.

The last month is left before Ruins Battlefield.

The sky is dark.

There is a feeling after the blood is dim.

Zhang Yi feels the dignified atmosphere around him more and more.

Friction, fighting, life and death are constantly staged.

Ruins Battlefield is like a meat grinder, devouring all Martial Artists.

"Entering the Martial Artist of Ruins Battlefield, I am afraid that hundreds of people have already died." Zhang Yi murmured.


He suddenly raised his hand and stopped on his chest.

The locator is hot.

Zhang Yi eyes shined, take it out, and then close your eyes to sense.


There will be a direction.

Zhang Yi body flashed, already like ghost-like disappeared.

After five days.

In a mountain range.

Zhang Yi held the locator and walked deep.


An unusual voice came.

Zhang Yi listened attentively, an inexplicable expression flashed on his face, Su Meier was actually taking a bath in the stream!

Immediately, Zhang Yi closed his eyes and waited.

After half an hour.

A woman in a black skirt came slowly.

Exquisite appearance and graceful posture, it is Su Meier.

"You finally came."

Su Meier looked at Zhang Yi and mouth exposed a smile.

"hmph hum."

"Your courage is not small." Zhang Yi replied coldly.

"Ah, did you see it?"

Su Meier blinked and approached Zhang Yi's side. Zhang Yi even smelled the fragrance from her body.


Zhang Yi took a deep look at her, and then said in a tranquil voice.

"Are you sure you won't converge? I'm not a good person, just in case..."

Su Meier was complexion stiffened, snorted, and opened the distance.

The person in front of me,

Perhaps she really did it, she really didn't dare to bet.

"Since you are here, get ready, let's go." Su Mei'er said boredly.

"Then go now."

Zhang Yi nodded, said.

Su Mei'er didn't hesitate. With her waist turned, she jumped a few times in the forest like a kitten, and then she disappeared.

And Zhang Yi immediately followed.

The two one after the other walk to the depths of the mountain range.

In the depths of the mountain range, the vegetation is sparse, the ground is full of red stones, and the terrain gradually becomes flat.

The two walked forward again.

"It's there."

Su Mei'er stopped abruptly, pointing to the void ahead and said.


Zhang Yi frowned, looked at the nothingness in front of him, and immediately unfolded the Eye of Revelation, and a Formation suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yi.

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