Zhang Yi thought,

After careful analysis of the method given by the system, he had to admit that all the first five conditions of his own are not available. satisfy!

In other words, it cannot be satisfied right away, but it takes some chance.

"Then the way I can increase the success rate is the sixth item?" Zhang Yi murmured.

"True essence purification secret technique?"

Zhang Yi thoughts move, take out the true essence purification secret technique from Supreme Elder a few years ago from the storage ring.

That is an quaint book.

The surface is full of yellow spots because of its age.

In the middle of the cover, there are a few big characters written, "thunder quenching the Yuan Jue."

His role, Zhang Yi, has already been known for a long time, as soon as he got it. Thoroughly researched.

It's just that he focused on the promotion of sword intent before, and there is no cultivation for the time being.

"Thunder Quenching Yuan Jue."

As its name says, it absorbs Power of Thunder into the body, flushes out the impurities in the true essence with thunder's violent energy, and completes Purification steps.

Of course, this method of speaking of which is simple, but it is not easy to operate.

Power of Thunder!

Furious and fierce, it is difficult to control, let alone use it?

Even Zhang Yi’s usual cultivation thunderclap sword method only uses thunder as an attack.

Incorporate thunder into the body?

The requirements for the accuracy of the control are much higher.

Once the control is not good, the thunder explodes from the inside, which basically means that the serious injury did not run away.


It is also risky to purify true essence. Some can be purified once, some twice, and a few can be purified three times.

"It is not easy to purify true essence." Zhang Yi said with emotion.

He doesn't have any sadness. For himself, there are two options for purifying the true essence.

First, according to the public method, absorb Power of Thunder to complete the true essence.

Secondly, use the cultivation point of the system to complete the purification of true essence.

Because I am not only the Martial Artist of Earth Realm Great Perfection, but also the Martial Artist of Earth Realm's mid-term training.

So even if it is the first method, it is not difficult for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi touched his chin and made a decision.

"In terms of cultivation, the main goal is to purify true essence in the next period of time! Pay attention to external trends and see if there is any news about the first five items. If so, try your best Take it."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi turned in another direction.

Spirit Pond!

It was originally an open feature of Earth Realm Martial Artist, but it was delayed by him for twenty years.

As a result, he is now Earth Realm Great Perfection!

"I don't know if I directly break through to Heaven Realm, will the Spirit Pond function be gone?"

Zhang Yi murmured, he felt It shouldn' t be, but I didn't dare to try it.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case.

What if you die if you try it?

Won't he just do it by himself?

Zhang Yi thoughts move, exit from the system interface and look at the outside world.

"At the time of cultivation, time was like running water, it was already dark."

He was going to the Book Collection Pavilion second day to get the Primordial Destruction Sword Art.

Of course, Zhang Yi now has more than this choice. After accepting sword dao inheritance, he also has various sword moves and sword dao cultivation techniques in his mind.

However, Zhang Yi compared it and found that the damage feature attached to Primordial Destruction Sword Art is not bad in Earth Realm.

Since it was getting late, Zhang Yi returned to the hut, covered it with a quilt and slept beautifully, until late in the morning, and then refreshed to get up.

He then turned into a stream of light and headed to the Book Collection Pavilion.

In a short while, Primordial Destruction Sword Art arrived.

Zhang Yi returned to the cultivation room at Fallen Cloud Peak and placed the Primordial Destruction Sword Art on his knees.

[Cultivation technique detected: Third Rank Primordial Destruction Sword Art, does it cost 30,000 cultivation points? 】

Note 1, if you have enough sharp aura, you can spend 10,000 cultivation points for cultivation success.

Note 2: Since the host is a cultivation technique converted to Earth Realm Great Perfection, its true essence reserves are dozens of times that of Earth Realm Early-Stage, so it takes a certain amount of time to completely transform.

Zhang Yi looked at the system prompt nodded, it was okay, it just took a little longer.

During the Profound Realm period, he had already purified the true essence once. At that time, the defects of Lesser Cycle Cultivation Technique were made up.

And now, although his cultivation base Earth Realm Great Perfection still uses the Lesser Cycle Cultivation Technique, but this time, he can rely on the opportunity that every great realm can be converted to a cultivation technique to avoid this defect.

That is to say, starting from theory.

If Zhang Yi did not purify the true essence in Profound Realm, but directly broke through, and had great luck to break through to Earth Realm, then he could also take advantage of the opportunity of Earth Realm to change the cultivation technique to make up for it in one fell swoop The impact of the previous rapid cultivation technique.

After all, the shortcomings of the accelerated cultivation technique are only due to the incomplete condensing of the true essence, which leads to a drop in the success rate of the breakthrough. Once you switch to the cultivation technique, you can make up for it.

But for others.

They would rather slow down the cultivation, and are unwilling to reduce the success rate of breaking through the rapid cultivation technique. After all, the price of their breakthrough failure is too great, and it is completely incomparable with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi thought, and clicked [Yes. 】

Suddenly, the cultivation point on the attribute panel was reduced from 8.6w to 5.6w, and Zhang Yi's true essence lake began to oscillate.

In a corner of the lake, a bright sword qi appeared. The sword qi was condensed and aggressive, and very aggressive. After it appeared, it began to spread all around, gradually eroding the weak true essence.

Zhang Yi said silently in his heart, "Lesser Cycle Cultivation Technique, goodbye."

From the age of 25 to 90, this cultivation technique can be said to accompany him. I have been on Peak since I was weak, but now, after all, I have paid the wrong way.

Zhang Yi fell into retreat again. According to his comparison of the conversion efficiency of true essence in his body, he estimated that it would be successful in one year.


calm and tranquil, nothing happened.

One year later, Zhang Yi successfully exited the customs.

Now, he has successfully transferred to Third Rank cultivation technique Primordial Destruction Sword Art.

Zhang Yi took a look at the cultivation speed:

cultivation speed: 3000 years

(Third Rank cultivation technique Primordial Destruction Sword Art: 1000 years)

(land of cultivation bonus: +500 years)

(aptitude bonus: high grade aptitude +100%)

Zhang Yi nodded, not bad.

Know that the cultivation speed of the second-order cultivation technique is 200 years, and his rapid cultivation technique is only 300 years old.

Now it's 1000 years.

Five times faster than the previous cultivation!

And his true essence has also been transformed into broken sword qi, this sword qi is extremely lethal, with a broken yuan effect.

Zhang Yi estimates that he does not use any power of artistic conception, nor does he use any martial skills, but a sword qi at hand is enough to kill all Martial Artists under Earth Realm in a flash.

What's even more terrifying is that with the true essence of Earth Realm Great Perfection, Zhang Yi can release dozens of channels with a wave of his hand.

Of course,

Zhang Yi is still too cautious.

He still underestimates his own strength too much.

With the strength of his Earth Realm Great Perfection, a random blow is enough to kill ordinary Earth Realm Martial Artists!

"It's...not bad!"

After realizing the state, Zhang Yi nodded, with joy on his face.

The feeling of increased strength is always fascinating.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi thoughts move and murmured, "If I go to find Kuang Shan now to retaliate with that punch, I don’t know what the result will be?"

"Is it evenly matched, or do I occupy the top?" Zhang Yi thought for a while, and stopped thinking if there was no result.

Not in a hurry,

Allow yourself to grow to the point where you can beat him with one punch before responding to that punch.


"Here is the Spirit Pond."

Zhang Yi breathes deeply calms the mood, looking towards the new message.

[Realm detected: Earth Realm Early-Stage (✔)]

[Cultivation technique detected: cultivation Third Rank cultivation technique (✔)]

[Conditions are met (22)]

[Spirit Pond function is on! 】

Spirit Pond: Level 1

Output: 1000 years of cultivation points

Introduction: Embracing the wood, born in the end of the mill, the stage of the ninth layer, starting from In Laitu, you can gather the material that contains Power of Five Elements between Heaven and Earth and forge Spirit Pond.

Note 1: Spirit Pond can automatically absorb the spiritual energy between Heaven and Earth and convert it into cultivation points. The higher the level of Spirit Pond, the more Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi absorbed, and the more cultivation points are transformed.

Note 2: The higher the Spirit Pond level, the higher the material level required.

"So strong game taste..." Zhang Yi spit out.

After that, Zhang Yi looked at the introduction of Spirit Pond.

After a long time, he looked away, sighed, and muttered in a low voice, "Sure enough, you can't have too much hope!"

"Trifling 1000cultivation point, for now For me, it is simply an utterly inadequate measure."

However, Zhang Yi just complained about it. He had already expected this result.

After all, Spirit Pond is a function that Earth Realm Early-Stage can turn on, and it is now Earth Realm Great Perfection, which has already been far surpassed!

From Earth Realm Early-Stage cultivation to Earth Realm Great Perfection, from zero cultivation to 50% sword intent, Zhang Yi estimated that a total of 66w of cultivation points are required.

And my current cultivation speed plus the cultivation points produced by Spirit Pond is 4000 years in total, that is to say, if Zhang Yi from the very beginning, start Spirit Pond, and then such as Yellow Realm Profound Realm Generally dead retreat, then the current state can be reached after 165 years.

Although the time is very long, it seems unacceptable.

But it means that as long as Zhang Yi raises the level of Spirit Pond, the era of secluded cultivation will come again.

Now that the efficiency of Spirit Stone's exchange for cultivation points is gradually decreasing, Spirit Pond will surely become the main force for him to obtain cultivation points, and his Earth Realm cultivation points are skyrocketing, which is just a bug.

If Zhang Yi hadn’t expected it, the cultivation points for Spirit Stone would be further weakened when arriving at Heaven Realm, and it would even be useless.

Zhang Yi has seen it in various classics, and the Spirit Stone has no effect on the Heaven Realm Martial Artist.

Because the energy contained in the Spirit Stone is no longer as pure as the true essence of Heaven Realm Martial Artist itself.

"en. ”

"Spirit Pond has to be upgraded so that it can have an effect on my current realm."

Zhang Yi lowered his head in thought .

Immediately, Zhang Yi left the cultivation secret room and went to the table by the window of the room.

He took out the pen and paper, and began to plan a new round of cultivation plan:

1, cultivation thunder quenching Yuan Jue.

2. Always pay attention to the news about the increase of the success rate from the outside world.

3, look for materials to upgrade Spirit Pond.

Stop writing and set aside the inkstone.

Zhang Yi looked at the three goals he wrote slightly nodded.

This is the direction he will work hard in the future.

Heaven Realm and Spirit Pond!

Zhang Yi looked towards the outside through the window, stretched his arms over his head, and said casually, "It looks like I have to make a break."

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