Late night.

Heavy rain is pouring down, accompanied by the sound of thunder.

From time to time, there is a lightning strike in the sky, and the rays of light at that moment illuminate the four fields.

Zhang Yi sits cross-legged on top of a mountain.

His body is surging with green light, natural and full of vitality.

Accept the physical damage caused by thunder baptism and gradually heal.


Zhang Yi's body recovered as before.

He opened his eyes, and there were rays of light flashing in them.

It is very obvious under the dark sky.

After a while, Zhang Yi's eyes returned to black, and all around fell into darkness.

After accepting the thunder training this time, his thunder quenching tactic was successfully cultivation to the Second Layer.


"Second Layer finally cultivation success." Zhang Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth.

After a year of being struck by lightning, this reward has finally arrived.

The success rate of true essence purification has been increased to +10%, and the total success rate has reached 30%.

"30% success rate, this is already higher than my breakthrough Earth Realm."

Zhang Yi couldn't help but slap his tongue.

If the cooling period of breakthrough Heaven Realm is still 5 years, Zhang Yi will immediately return to sect and start secluded cultivation!

You will never leave the customs until Heaven Realm.

"Unfortunately, the cooling-off period is now ten years."

Zhang Yi sighed.

The cooling down period of ten years is a bit too long.

"No hurry, I don’t have any major enemies of life or death, and no enemies come to my door. The sect and family are also stable and can develop steadily. There is no need to rush for a while."

"My breakthrough success rate can still be increased. When I cultivation the thunder quencher to the Third Layer, I will have a 40% success rate."

"At that time, I can fight It’s a handful."

"If you succeed, it’s the perfection. If you fail, you can take advantage of the 10-year cooling-off period to go to Zhongyu to find another way to increase the success rate."


Zhang Yi thought, and stretched out his right hand.

A mass of white true essence freezes on his hands.

True essence is surging, with a sharp aura exuding.

That is the true essence formed by the broken sword qi!

And if you zoom in on the true essence and examine it carefully, you can see that there are fragments of rays of light in the depths.

That is the broken crystal form further formed by true essence.

Of course,

The current Zhang Yi is far from that.

That's just some fine true essence particles.

But even so, Zhang Yi's strength has improved again!

When Zhang Yi cultivation the thunder quenching element tactics to the First Layer, his true essence is about one point.

So now, for the cultivation success Second Layer, its true essence is once again tyrannical on the basis of the First Layer by three points!

Although his main goal is to break through the boundary smoothly, the power of true essence is still reflected in the increase in battle strength.

Relying on the progress of true essence and fleshy body over the past year, Zhang Yi's overall strength is estimated to have increased by more than 50%!

One year!

50% increase!

Zhang Yi's strength has already reached the limit of an Earth Realm, but now he is directly stronger.

But despite this, Zhang Yi has a calm expression.

At that time, when I hadn't reached Earth Realm Great Perfection, I felt that the Martial Artist of Earth Realm Great Perfection was just such a level.

But when he entered the Great Perfection, he discovered that the same Earth Realm Great Perfection has a different purification frequency.

And this, we can also see the gap between Earth Realm and Heaven Realm from the side.

Yellow Realm Profound Realm breakthrough great realm, just break through directly.

When you get to Heaven Realm, you need to go through purification steps.

The more Zhang Yi invented the White Heaven Realm, why can he kill the Earth Realm Great Perfection in a flash?

"I don't know how big the gap between Heaven Realm and Saint Realm is?"

Zhang Yi couldn't help thinking.

According to the theory of reading novels in his previous life.

Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow can be summarized as a kind of realm to a certain extent, and the sage realm that transcends it is very unusual.

Thinking for a while, Zhang Yi stopped thinking about it, but turned to himself.

"However, there are joys and worries."

"The problem also arises when the cultivation of the thunder quenching Yuan Jue cultivation to the Second Layer."

Zhang Yi frown.

As the thunder quenching Yuan Jue reached the Second Layer, he found a problem.

He may not be able to make rapid progress in the stable cultivation like he is now.

Know that,

The core of the thunder quenching Yuan Jue is to absorb Power of Thunder, and use its violent force to shave off the impurities of true essence and complete the purification.

However, as Zhang Yi cultivation of thunder quenching element tactics to Second Layer, its requirements for Power of Thunder are even higher.

Previously, Zhang Yi mobilized small thunder to achieve true essence purification requirements.

But now, this small thunder is not enough, and it needs a stronger Power of Thunder.

The key is that Zhang Yi's current body cannot withstand the too strong Power of Thunder.

This caused the speed of the cultivation thunder to become slower.

Zhang Yi was discovered after some previous tests.

If you want to cultivation thunder to the Third Layer, based on the Power of Thunder that can be absorbed by the strength of his current fleshy body, it will take ten years!

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered the introduction in the book:

The secret technique of purifying true essence, some can be cultivation to First Layer, and some can be cultivation to Second Layer, but rarely Someone can cultivation to Third Layer.

It seems that Third Layer is indeed extremely difficult to cultivation.

I want to double Earth Realm for his cultivation base and fleshy body! But it still takes ten years to cultivation to Third Layer. Wouldn't others be slower?

Even if others cultivation to Second Layer, it may be the culmination.

Although Zhang Yi is not satisfied with the cultivation speed of the past ten years, this speed is something that many people do not dare to expect.

If they knew what Zhang Yi thought, they would be extremely depressed.

Things they desire but cannot, in Zhang Yi's eyes are desires and dissatisfaction.

I have to say that people’s ambitions are always unsatisfied.

If you get something good, you want something better.

But to a certain extent, a certain ambition is also a source of motivation to support your own progress.

The key is to control ambition.

"My fleshy body has improved well. If it can reach the later Fleshy body of Earth Realm, it can absorb the larger and thicker Power of Thunder, and it will be able to thunder within a year. Cultivation to the Third Layer."

"Or get some other opportunities by myself, it is possible to speed up my cultivation of Thunder Cultivation."

Zhang Yi thought The plan.


"This matter is not urgent. There are many opportunities in Lei Ze's area. I haven't looked for them carefully. First look for opportunities. If so If you can break through the fleshy body to the later stage in a short period of time, it is still a step-by-step cultivation."

"If you cannot break through to the later stage of Earth Realm in a short time, you will try breakthrough Heaven Realm for the first time, although there is a 30% chance. It's a bit low, but anyway, the cultivation thunder will take ten years, and there is just a gap."

And this short specific time, Zhang Yi set himself two years.

Within two years, if the fleshy body has not been broken through to the later stage of Earth Realm, or no other opportunities have been found.

Then I will directly break through a wave of Heaven Realm!

After thinking about the next thing, Zhang Yi immediately closed his eyes and meditated.

The true essence barrier is opened. Although it is raining heavily, it is still dry within three feet, forming a strong contrast with the drifting rain outside.

second day,

Zhang Yi incarnates a stream of light and flies in one direction.

That's where he came in.

That is the direction of Lei Xuancheng.

Zhang Yi spent a year in Leize area, and was struck by lightning every few days. Life is not that good.

At this time,

Zhang Yi finally had a breakthrough in the thunder quenching Yuan Jue, so he naturally had to take a good rest.

The combination of work and rest is the kingly way!

"Well, this time, I will rest in Lei Xuancheng for a month, and then think about other things."

Zhang Yi thought, subconsciously, the speed is fast again. Two points.

Under the vast sky, only a piercing wind can be heard, and then a dark shadow leaps from the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yi flew all the way, a dozen days later, Zhang Yi successfully left the land of Lei Ze and came to Lei Xuan City.

"Finally back!"

Zhang Yi looked at the Great City in front of him with tears in his eyes.

A whole year!

This year, know how he lived!

Zhang Yi thoughts move, his figure immediately fell to the ground, and then he arranged his clothes and walked to the city gate.

After paying some silver taels, Zhang Yi entered Lei Xuan City.

As soon as he entered Lei Xuan City, Zhang Yi walked to a restaurant in the center of the city.


This is the best restaurant in this city!

This month, what is Zhang Yi's goal?


Good food!

When Zhang Yi came to Chunhonglou, it was in the evening, and there were still a lot of Martial Artists.

Zhang Yi casually found a place to sit down, then ordered seven or eight dishes, waited for a while, and then ate.

While eating, the conversation of all around leaped into his ears, making his heart move.

"Qin Family is too overbearing. Yesterday I had a good time in the spring breeze. When the Qin Family Young Master came, he directly chartered me out."

Martial Artist is indignant.

"Ai, who would say no? I used to buy from other stores before, but now Qin Family is forcing me to buy from his store."

"If yes That’s all, the purchase price is still a bit more expensive than before. My shop was originally a small business, and I made a small profit. Now that Qin Family is doing this, it can’t make ends meet."

Someone agreed, with a sad face, but his clothes were gorgeous and satin, he was obviously a rich man.

"Hehe, why did the Qin Family swallow the Su Family a year ago? Now, the entire Lei Xuancheng Qin Family is the only one, and they naturally have the domineering capital!"

"I would advise you not to say a word, if someone from Qin Family hears it, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome."

Some people also spoke lightly.


Zhang Yi enjoys the food in front of him, and his appetite is greatly increased.

At this time,

He had a sense of the voice of all around.

One year ago, before he came to this Thunder Profound City, he took a mission, which was to escort a jade box to a family.

At that time, in the other courtyard of the family, he once felt the traces of fighting at the door, and the middle-aged man who received him later also had a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

This family is what everyone calls the Su Family in the restaurant.

At that time,

Lei Xuancheng still had the existence of Two Great Families.

Only at that time, Qin Family is already in great shape, like the sun at high noon.

That day, it was a door-to-door provocation by Qin Family, and it happened to be met by Zhang Yi who was sent a jade box mission.

But Zhang Yi at that time chose to ignore this trouble, and thus he has the current situation.

It's not that Zhang Yi caused this situation, but Zhang Yi was able to change the ending, but because Zhang Yi left directly, Su Family's last chance also disappeared.

Zhang Yi shook the head, remain unmoved.

He is just an outsider. There is no need to join the fight between the two. He is not familiar with them again.

Although Zhang Yi sometimes helps others, that doesn't mean he has to help others every time.

If every time you encounter someone else, if you have any difficulties, you will help yourself. What is he, is he a good person?

Zhang Yi then ate some delicious food silently, and did not affect his mood because of the shocking events in Lei Xuancheng.


After drinking and eating, Zhang Yi left the restaurant and went to the Rose Chamber of Commerce.

When she rescued Na Yueling in Lei Ze region before, he also beheaded an Earth Realm Martial Artist.

At this time, returning to a large city, Zhang Yi naturally wants to share the gains he has gained.


In a house in Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Zhang Yi handed the storage ring to the other party, and then let the other party count the harvest.

As for himself, he took a look at the latest information from Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Looking at the information in his hand, Zhang Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


The third flame Sabrewielder broke through the mountain to Heaven Realm, becoming the famous Heaven Realm Martial Artist! Become the youngest Elder in Top Sect for thousands of years!

The first piece of the news made Zhang Yi a little sour.

Fire Top Sect, located in the middle domain, is one of Top Sect.

And can be called Top Sect in the domain, then look at the entire Star Realm, it is a top power.

"It's just breakthrough Heaven Realm, nothing great. Give me a while I can do it, I'm not envious of it."

Zhang Yi said quietly, Then look down.

Harmonious Bond Sect is resurrected!

Many male female disciple Elders have disappeared everywhere!

Various sects Sect Masters gathered together and are discussing countermeasures.

"Men and women are missing? This Harmonious Bond Sect is not picky."

Zhang Yi frowned.

Harmonious Bond Sect,

For the formidable sect countless years ago, because its cultivation technique is too fast, the whole sect is extremely powerful, surpassing other Top Sects by a large margin.

Because the cultivation technique must require the cooperation of men and women, many sects in the outside world had dísciple or elder tricks at that time. In the end, many sects finally couldn't stand it, and they worked together to level the gate of Harmonious Bond Sect. .

Harmonious Bond Sect has since disappeared in the long river of history. Even if there are occasional waves, it will be wiped out after a few tumblings.

Didn't expect Now, such a thing has spread.

"Could someone accidentally obtain the Harmonious Bond Sect cultivation technique?"

Zhang Yi guessed.

At the beginning, Harmonious Bond Sect was besieged by many sect forces. Although its core members were wiped out and completely cut off, after all, a small number of dísciples who were doing tasks outside or doing other things escaped by luck. Be incognito.

To be honest,

Zhang Yi is still looking forward to seeing this cultivation technique in person one day.

He is not good at the cultivation technique. After all, he is still a virgin. How could he use the exchange of his body to cultivate such a cultivation technique?

Isn't he a big loss?

But if Zhang Yi has the opportunity, I still want to see it.

It's one thing to be great or not, he is just a little curious.


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