A place in the mountain range.

Luo Jin suddenly opened his eyes and screamed!

I saw him suddenly raise his right hand and shoot out a big tree not far away.

Following Luo Jin's palm, suddenly a sharp sword qi was forced out of his hand, and then hit the distant tree trunk.


With the sound of the breaking wind, this sword qi with the thickness of a finger was instantly submerged in the trunk, and then the big tree that these few people could hug passed through a hole , And finally fell into the mountain wall leaving a deep hole.

The tree trunk and mountain wall passing through the hole only left a small hole, which shows the condensed degree of sword qi!

Be aware,

This was not directly issued by Zhang Yi, but was forced out of the body after staying in Luo Jin’s palm for a while, but still able to maintain the sword qi shape.

The condensed level of true essence is simply terrifying!

At this time,

Luo Jin lifts the head looked towards Zhang Yi in the distance. He only glanced at it and then immediately looked away. He didn't dare to take another look.

He is a little scared,

I feel a deep fear from the bottom of my heart!

Casually forced himself to such an extent, the strength of this man far exceeds his imagination!

Even the big brother, who had already been the cultivation base of the late Earth Realm and also repaired the Fleshy body, did not give him such a big oppression. This is a complete crush!

The man in front of this is at least the strength of Earth Realm Great Perfection!

He felt that he didn't even have the qualifications to be a stepping stone in front of the opponent.

In other words, the other party simply didn't put him in the eye. If the other party didn't think about the face of the younger sister and the big brother, it is estimated that the blow would have disappeared.

Luo Jin lowered his head and dared not show any disrespect.

The other three saw Luo Jin's state also relaxed.

Fortunately, it's okay.

At this time,

The gazes of Changzhou and another man looking towards Zhang Yi faintly brought a respect.

Maybe Yueling is the only one who has the same eyes on Zhang Yi. After all, from the very beginning, Yueling regards Zhang Yi as a life saving benefactor.


Zhang Yi took a casual look, he took the look of everyone on the squad in the entire scene. He understood that although he was already an outsider , But now dominates the squad.

Although Zhang Yi doesn't care, it's okay to understand some situations.

"What's the specific situation here?" Zhang Yi asked calmly.

"Young Master, a squad encountered this thunder giant beast in this mountain range before, and only one person escaped in the end. It is precisely because of this that news about this place will spread."

After Zhang Yi showed his strength, Changzhou also immediately changed his name.

It turned out to be like this, Zhang Yi nodded.

I found a chance, but my own strength is too weak.

As a result, I couldn't grasp the opportunity, but my life was lost for no reason.

"Is the thunder giant beast in the depths of this mountain range?"

Zhang Yi then asked.

"Yes, Young Master." Changzhou replied.

"Third Rank's top-level thunder giant beast, coupled with the Raikage Flower found in its territory, is the reason why so many Martial Artists are attracted, but it is also due to the strength of this demonic beast. It is because so many Martial Artists have gathered, but no one has started to act."

Zhang Yi knew it in his heart.

There are many Martial Artists and cultivation bases here, although they are all good, but there are too few Peak battle strengths.

If you go solo, no one can beat the thunder giant beast except Zhang Yi can win.

At least Zhang Yi hasn’t found it yet.

I am not sure I can eat this thunder giant beast, and I am afraid that the both sides suffer from being picked up by others, so there is a situation of siege but not attack.

Zhang Yi shook the head, "Siege and not attack, why waste time here?"

"After all, besides the thunder giant beast, there are also several Raikage flowers, Most of them are just the attention of the fish in troubled waters, as long as they can get a Raikage Flower is a great benefit."

Changzhou said.

Zhang Yi agrees in his heart. Most people here are just holding a fluke mentality. What if their good luck succeeds?


When Zhang Yi and the others were discussing, it seemed that there was no progress. At this time, someone stood in the front and started chanting.

On the east side of the mountain range, there are several silhouettes standing proudly. The strength of the one in the middle is not inferior to that of Changzhou. He is also a Martial Artist of the later period of Earth Realm, and the others are also the cultivation of Earth Realm. base.

The strength of this squad is at the upper level in Lei Ze area.

"Everyone, it’s our chance to meet this thunder giant beast here, but it’s useless to keep besieging and not attacking. When the real Peak’s Martial Artist arrives, at that time, we even I can’t do it with a mouthful of soup."

"And thunder giant beast is definitely not our family’s ability to cope. If it is intentional, Fellow Daoist, who has reached the mid-term of Earth Realm, can temporarily join our squad. What do you think? My name, Cao San, still has some weight."

Among the squads, the coarse and wild man with the highest cultivation base said.

Following Cao San's opening, it also triggered a lot of discussions.

Cao San,

A Sabrewielder.

A hand thunder knife magic cultivator trained Major Perfection, spent many years in the land of Lei Ze, and even killed the Martial Artist who was also the late Earth Realm in a life and death duel, which can be described as prestigious.

His speech at this time undoubtedly has a lot of weight.

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they all thought about it in their hearts.

It is a good method, Zhang Yi said in his heart.

The situation is deadlocked, and in the end they can only wait to come to Peak powerhouse. At that time, they can only return without success.

And Cao San was obviously unwilling to wait any longer, and chose to win over some of the Martial Artists present and join forces to encircle and suppress the thunder giant beast.

In this way, the risk is not only diversified, but also can be more sure to swallow this opportunity.

Earth Realm's mid-term is the lowest limit. If it is Earth Realm Early-Stage, facing a third-rank top thunder giant beast, I am afraid that it will be second, and it will not play a role in restraining it at all.

As Cao San's words fell, after a period of time, there were also some Martial Artist moves and chose to join it.

With the addition of a Martial Artist, the strength of this temporary squad is rapidly becoming stronger.

With the strength of such a lineup, maybe you can really touch the thunder giant beast.

"Young Master, what should I do."

Changzhou asked.

Zhang Yi has mysterious power flashing in his eyes, he looked towards the forest deep in the mountain range.

In that position, a purple electric arc flashed, and a tyrannical aura was dormant there.

After a while, Zhang Yi retracted his gaze and laughed, "If I were you, I would leave without the slightest hesitation."

Changzhou was taken aback and said, "Third Rank top Demonic beast, although the strength is strong, the Martial Artists here are also good, most of them are under the minority, even if the thunder giant beast is strong, it will be consumed."

Zhang Yi smiled, also He didn't answer, his body flashed, it was already disappeared, and there was only one sentence left in the air, "Go and stay, you decide."

However, Changzhou browses tightly knit, a little hesitant.


Soon, the team to attack the thunder giant beast was formed, one for the late Earth Realm and five for the mid-earth Realm.

This has occupied 40% of the high-level battle strength here.

These six Earth Realm Martial Artists gathered together, faintly, with a fierce imposing manner exuding, let The rest of the people around are a little in awe.

Cao San looked towards all around the remaining Martial Artists and said, "If someone fish in troubled waters while we are fighting with the thunder giant beast, if I find out, don’t blame Cao. You're polite."

After that, Cao San didn't procrastinate too much. His silhouette flashed to the thunder giant beast, and the five people followed him.

In this battle, Cao Sanding must be in front, and the five of them are holding back and looking for opportunities.


There is a huge valley ahead, and the purple arc observed by Zhang Yi is here.

And here is where the thunder giant beast is.

Cao San breathes deeply and looked towards the five people around all around, and didn't hesitate after seeing them ready.

Raised a hand with a wind blade and rushed into the valley, and then, as if it caused an earthquake, the roar of the beast came out.

The sound was like thunder, and the roar spread everywhere, shaking the entire valley violently.


A thunder rushed out and pointed directly at Cao San who launched the attack.

Thunder is tyrannical and extremely fast, just a flashing moment, and it appears in front of Cao San.

Cao San's face was solemn, his fists clenched fiercely, and there was also an arc jumping on it, and then he blasted out fiercely.


The deep voice resounded, Cao San in midair stepped back ten steps to stabilize his figure, and his arms vibrated.

"really strong!"

He was slightly surprised.

As Cao San blocked this blow, another beast roar came.

This time, the thunder giant beast rushed out of the valley.

At this time, it really appeared in front of everyone.

That is a great Great Demon beast about forty meters!

Its body is surrounded by purple lightning, forming a thunderstorm, and its scales appear deep purple, reflecting a faint luster that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome.

This thunder giant beast breathes out a gust of wind, and the thunder giant beast that Zhang Yi met is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

With this forty-meter-sized thunder giant beast appeared in the air.

The violent Power of Thunder radiated from its body, making the void tremble, making the sound of thunder, an astonishing power, permeating all around.

In the distance,

The Martial Artists who watched the battle changed their faces.

When they really saw this demonic beast and really felt the power, they knew how big the gap was!

Changzhou stared at the thunder giant beast, and muttered, "This thunder giant beast is forty meters long."

"It should be over Forty meters, but less than forty-three meters."

On the side, Luo Jin said calmly.

After Zhang Yi left, he also felt that the stone in his heart fell to the ground and relaxed a little.

"Forty meters or more!"

Changzhou's face is extremely embarrassing.

Be aware that the size of the Third Rank demonic beast has nothing common with each other, but for the thunder giant beast, the size is strength!

The bigger you grow, the stronger your strength!

At least, before the Saint Realm can transform, the size of the thunder giant beast represents its strength.

Fifty meters is the limit at which the thunder giant beast can grow in the Third Rank.

Forty meters is comparable to the Earth Realm Great Perfection,

More than forty meters, it is stronger than the average Earth Realm Great Perfection Martial Artist Up.


Changzhou sighed deeply, remembering Zhang Yi's message before he disappeared.

He didn't hesitate anymore, loudly shouts, "Let's go."

Luo Jin was taken aback and said, "Big brother, we won't mix up."

Changzhou glanced at him and said, "That Young Master has done everything, what else do you want."

As soon as this word came out, Luo Jin fell into silence.

That said, are they useful for blending?

"As the big brother said."


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