Fang Yuan's face at this time has long lost its lightness.

He stared at the flames swaying and extinguishing inside, lips slightly moving: "Now, the opportunity for breakthrough has arrived. It depends on whether you can grasp it or not."

. ....

On the arena, the battle lasted only a short while, and under Zhang Yi's full attack, Yan Shan fell into a disadvantage and was about to lose.

Yan Shan deserves to be Five Elements Sect's talented dísciple. Under such a strong enemy, instead of turning pressure into motivation, Zhang Yi’s offense helped him break through the last pass of Profound Realm. .

In the battle breakthrough, doing this is like dancing on the tip of a knife!

You need to have an extremely strong heart and incomparable confidence in yourself before you dare to try!

In some respects, Yan Shan is much better than Zhang Yi, but unfortunately, this world is not fair.


From the beginning of the battle, Zhang Yi used insight and discovered that Yan Shan was on the verge of a breakthrough. How could Zhang Yi, who was so careful, have a hint of care? .

So Zhang Yi soon discovered that Yan Shan was wrong, without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Yi used insight again!

Insight: Yan Shan, 45 years old, Profound Realm late Peak, good at martial skill: Blade Technique. (Warning! The target is trying to breakthrough Profound Realm Great Perfection.)

"Gan!" During the thoughts move, Zhang Yi has already understood that this guy is actually using his pressure to break the border forcibly.

Is it still worth it?

But Zhang Yi didn't make any moves. Instead, following the offensive just now, he showed an unknowing appearance.

The wave of rolling illusion swept the arena, the flame has been suppressed within one meter of Yan Shan's body, and the onlookers all shook their heads, believing that the defeat was set.

"It's not over yet!"

At a certain moment, when the flames were about to extinguish, Yan Shan shouted fiercely. In an instant, the true essence broke out in his body, and a wave far surpassed the previous fluctuations. From his body, he actually pushed the wave back several meters.

Profound Realm Great Perfection! With Zhang Yi's pressure, Yan Shan kicked in!

In the audience, Fang Yuan's solemn face finally showed a smile at this time, "This Junior Brother is really reckless, but he really did it!"

"The result of this battle has been determined." Fang Yuan came to a conclusion.


Just when everyone thought that Yan Shan was about to turn over Danger Land, one silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Yan Shan in a ghostly scene, pressing the thoughts that everyone had just raised into the coffin again.

Looking at Yan Shan in front of him, Zhang Yi also had to admire the opponent's boldness of execution stems from superb skill. He actually used him as a sharpening stone. The key is that he was successful.

He is undoubtedly the most difficult person ever encountered in Zhang Yi cultivation.

Unfortunately, even so, he will win this battle.

"Copper Skin & Iron Bones!"

Zhang Yi shouted, the true essence in his body was running at full force, and he blasted out with a punch.

Zhang Yi's skin in this brief moment turned into a brass color, a physical force hidden deep in the body burst out in this brief moment, and the air all around also faintly vibrated at this moment.

Strength flowed through the body, mixed with true essence, and hit Yan Shan with a punch.

this fist, martial skill is omitted.

Only a simple punch.

A powerful punch.

Speed ​​to the pinnacle punch!


Yan Shan was shocked. He just broke through to the Profound Realm Great Perfection. He was about to comeback. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi didn't know when he was close.

Yan Shan, who was beaten by a savvy Yan Shan, had lost his first opportunity, so he had to pull back and retreat, intending to adjust the distance.

But Zhang Yi finally found this opportunity, how could he give up in vain.

Stride out, the enemy retreats and I enter, Zhang Yi presses forward every step of the way, punches and strikes at the opponent, launching a stormy offensive, so that the opponent has no time to breathe.

"My body refinement martial skill is not inferior to my Sword Art!"


Offstage, Fang Yuan Having just said the words "The outcome of this battle has been determined." Yan Shan, who should have reversed the situation, instantly fell into a more passive situation.

"This! Really strong observation ability, brilliant movement method." Fang Yuan's eyes have blue waves flowing, and he has clearly seen Zhang Yi's thunder attack.

"I was able to accurately grasp the time of Yan Shan's breakthrough, leaving a phantom in place in advance to confuse his opponent, and his true body had already acted, and Yan Shan was not unjustly defeated." Fang Yuan shook his head.


In the arena, Zhang Yi won the power and did not forgive, punch after punch, not giving Yan Shan any chance.

"Damn it, when did he get close, a profound body refinement martial skill." Yan Shan missed the opportunity, even if he broke into the Profound Realm Great Perfection and fought hard to resist, he still fell into a disadvantage.

For a long time, you will lose. After a hundred moves, Yan Shan finally couldn't hold on, and was knocked out of the ring with a punch.

"Zhang Yi wins!" the referee roared in time.

In the arena, Zhang Yi panted heavily and exuded a rush of heat. Zhang Yi won this battle very hard.

If it hadn’t been for the insight skills to discover Yan Shan’s situation, he would really be challenged by skipping grades today and become a stepping stone for others.

How to suggest that the level of Profound Realm is so difficult for the later test, so supermodel? Zhang Yi complained.

[You fought an evenly matched battle, you feel that you have gained valuable combat experience, combat skills +1]

[The sixth round of the test has been completed, whether quit? 】

The system prompt came, and the complaints in Zhang Yi's heart disappeared instantly.

Um...It's so fragrant.

Because of the fact that he still needs to learn combat experience, Zhang Yi clicked [No].

system: (Note 1: Since the sixth round of trials has been completed, the host can choose to withdraw from Land of Trial at any time, or automatically leave after one year of Land of Trial.)

Close the system and Zhang Yi looked towards the arena. Now, in addition to Zhang Yi's arena, there are many other arenas that are undergoing fierce battles.

"en?" Zhang Yi brows slightly wrinkle, I felt someone came here, looked up, and found that it was the Martial Artist who was with Yan Shan.

In case of prior insight:

Fang Yuan, Profound Realm Great Perfection, seventh place in the Profound Level Ranking List, comprehend the Concept of Water.

Zhang Yi's heart is shaken, Ranked 7th? I don't know how strong it is.

Fang Yuan walked over and looked towards Zhang Yi with a careful look, saying, "Your good eyesight, you can see Yan Shan's state and defeat him."

"But It’s just luck." Zhang Yi said calmly, "Do you want to stand up for him?"

"Since I have entered the ring, I should be aware of it, and I will not do such a thing next time." Fang Yuan looked at it. Zhang Yi said.


Fang Yuan spoke slowly and said: "I am here to invite Brother Zhang to the tea ceremony."

"Not interested." Zhang Yi refused.

"Brother Zhang......"

"I have something to do, let's go first." Zhang Yi hugged the cup one fist in the other hand and got up and left. .

"This man really doesn't understand etiquette. Watch me consolidate the realm and defeat him." On the side, Yan Shan was aggrieved, obviously unwilling to lose to Zhang Yi.

"Forget it, it's just a handy invitation. One more is not more, one less is a lot." Fang Yuan said indifferently.


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