"No. 3 ring, Zhang Yi wins!"

After Old Li blocked the blow, he spoke calmly, declaring Zhang Yi's victory.

Under the ring, Xing Jue's fist suddenly clenched, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes.

Xuan Yinzi is defeated!

It was still defeated by Water Reflection Sect, which made him a little unacceptable.

And Xuan Yinzi walked down the ring blankly.


On the ring, Zhang Yi heard the announcement of the victory and defeat, and the corners of his mouth were slightly aroused.

By absorbing the Golden Spirit Fruit, his success rate has reached 50%, and when he accepts the baptism of the Immortal Spirit pool, his success rate will be further improved!

There are still four years!

In four years, the cool-down period can pass, and he can hit Heaven Realm again!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's heart could not help but be moved.

That is, Zhang Yi purifies the true essence to the third level, and has a variety of opportunities to push the success rate to such a high level.

General Martial Artists with high grade aptitude have a success rate of 10%. Even if the cultivation of the true essence is purified to the Second Layer, if there is no other chance, 20% of the breakthrough. The success rate is at the top.

20% success rate seems to be a lot, but you must know that the premise of breakthrough Heaven Realm is that it must meet the cultivation base of Earth Realm Great Perfection and the power of 50% artistic conception.

To meet the basic conditions of breakthrough Heaven Realm and just hit the success rate breakthrough, the combination of the two is the reason why most Martial Artists are stuck in the Earth Realm Great Perfection.

After all, for others, the first breakthrough Heaven Realm failed, and the chances afterwards are very small.

Zhang Yi looked at Xing Jue, then looked back.

This time is when the opponent's strength is closest to his own, and the gap between them will only get bigger and bigger in the future.

I haven't beaten Zhang Yi now, and there will be no chance in the future.

Zhang Yi turned to the square and stood with Nan Lian Elder, patiently waiting for the end of the other arenas.

"Boy, it's because I missed it. It's quite hidden."

From the side, a cold tone came, and Xing Jue said with embarrassment.

"However, even if you get the Immortal Spirit pool baptism, Heaven Realm, it’s not that good breakthrough."

Zhang Yi hearing this smiled and counterattacked, "This Don't worry about it."


With coldly snorted, Xing Jue left with Xuanyinzi.

And Zhang Yi also retracted his gaze.

The other party can still show off his prestige now.


In the distance,

Suddenly two people came over.

Zhang Yi looked at it, and one of them was the one he had traded in Lingxi jungle before.

"Here is the Old Song of Heavenly Star Sect. I have seen two of them. You must be the Nan Lian Elder of Water Reflection Sect."

middle-aged man cup one fist in the other hand said.

"I wonder what the two of you are doing?" Nan Lian was taken aback for a while, replied.

She doesn't know them.

"Hehe, actually these two juniors had a deal, I just followed it."


Nan Lian looked puzzled. towards Zhang Yi.

And Zhang Yi lips slightly moving, true essence sound transmission, Nan Lian understood.

She couldn't help but sigh immediately.

It's really good luck, to be able to meet such a chance.

She looked at Zhang Yi again, and an idea suddenly popped out of her mind-this guy, is it really going to break through Heaven Realm?

Zhang Yi didn't know what Nan Lian Elder thought.

Zhang Yi right hand stretched out, a jade box suddenly appeared in his hand, and Zhang Yi handed it over.

Song Wen Elder checked and confirmed that it was correct, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With this Golden Spirit Fruit, Zhao Yu's probability of breaking through Heaven Realm is much greater.

"I heard from Zhao Yu that what you want to trade is mainly the material containing Power of Five Elements, or exchange it with the corresponding Spirit Stone."

Song The text looked towards Zhang Yi and confirmed.


Zhang Yi nodded.

See Zhang Yi nodded, Song Wen no longer hesitated, took out a storage ring that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed it to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took the storage ring and swept the divine sense inside to know the various materials inside.

There are about 18,000 Spirit Stones in it, and apart from this is a lot of materials, such as water Spirit Crystal bodies, flaming rhyolites, etc., and the quantity is not a few.

Zhang Yi preliminary estimated that these materials can at least upgrade Spirit Pond from 5000 to 9000.

Zhang Yi laughed, "The deal."

The other party’s bid is already very good. Although it will be higher if it is taken to the auction house, it is also limited, so it’s better to just complete it. trade.

When I heard Zhang Yi say the word "deal", Zhao Yu's eyes were suddenly full of joy, and his breathing became a little hurried.

Song Wen is cupped the hands of the face shows a smile, and said, "Two people, if you have a chance in the future, you can come to my Heavenly Star Sect as a guest. This Song will definitely receive him personally."


Nan Lian cup one fist in the other hand replied.

Immediately, it was convenient to leave.

While Zhang Yi waited in place for a while, the battle of the remaining few arena was also decided.

Below is the Immortal Spirit pool baptism.

In the square, Old Li's voice came out. Although it was not loud, everyone heard it clearly.

"Well, everyone, since the quota of Immortal Spirit pool has been confirmed, then it will be baptism."

"Limitless Palace has prepared another courtyard, if you Elder are free You can stay in the Limitless Palace for a while, waiting for the end of baptism."

After these two sentences, he looked towards Zhang Yi and said, "Everyone, come with me."

Then, Old Li body moved to the building behind the square.

Zhang Yi looked towards Elder in Nanlian.

Just listen to her saying, "Go, I will stay at the Limitless Palace for a while, and I will leave together after your baptism is over."

Zhang Yi nodded, then no longer hesitate , The figure swept out to keep up.

Behind the mountain square, there is a beautiful and magnificent building standing, and there are arrays covering all around.

This place is where the Immortal Spirit Pool is located.

As it approached, Elder Li threw a token, and the token touched the barrier, forming a door immediately, and then everyone passed by.

For everyone to pass through.

The portal dissipated, and the token returned to Old Li's hands.

Zhang Yi passed through the barrier and immediately felt an extremely pure energy assaults the senses.

He looked forward, and then an extremely vast white lake appeared in his field of vision.

Vaguely, there is a terrifying sense of oppression exuding.

The white lake is as if it is filled with milk, it is extremely viscous, but the lake is not stagnant water, but constantly rolling in the water.

"Is this the Immortal Spirit Pool?"

Zhang Yi calmly looked at this precious white lake.

This is the result of the artificial transformation of Feng Shui Treasure Land.

Besides Zhang Yi and the others, there are already seven silhouettes around the Immortal Spirit Pool.

It is the person who participated in the Immortal Spirit pool baptism at Limitless Palace this time.

Zhang Yi looked back after taking a look.

The strength of the people inside is different. The strong people reach the Earth Realm Great Perfection, and the weakest one is only the mid-Earth Realm.

If it is placed in their group of people, it will definitely be eliminated, but because it is in the Limitless Palace, it has won the place of baptism.

Earth Realm accepted baptism in the mid-term, which is a luxury.

As everyone fell, everyone looked at the pure white lake exuding abundant energy with a little fiery eyes.

The Saint Realm is beyond reach.

Heaven Realm is the culmination of most of their cultivation.

Now this white lake has the power of baptism, which can increase the success rate of breaking the boundary.

For everyone, this is undoubtedly a fatal attraction.

"Immortal Spirit Pool is opened every 100 years."

"This time, you have to take advantage of this opportunity."

Old Li looked towards everyone , Reminded.

Everyone is nodded.

"Remember, the more you go down, the more pure the energy of the Immortal Spirit pool, and the better the effect of baptism."

"But correspondingly, That is, the pressure that needs to be endured will become greater and greater. The twelve of you can enter it and find your own limit. Don’t be too greedy, otherwise it will be dangerous."

"And baptism will continue altogether. A month’s time, when the time is up, the formation will start to exclude you."

"As for whether you can break through the Heaven Realm in the end, it depends on the destiny of your own opportunities."

Old Li talked about the rules of the Immortal Spirit pool again, and waved his hand one last time, saying

"Okay, you can go in."

Everyone is waiting It was this sentence. At this moment, following Old Li's order, many Martial Artists suddenly poured into this Immortal Spirit pool.


"Should you not take off your clothes first..."

Zhang Yi vomited, and then he didn't hesitate. With a little tiptoe, the body is transformed into a stream of light and projected into the Immortal Spirit inside the pool.

Zhang Yi's body rushed in, but the lake did not splash with the slightest spray, which shows the stickiness of the Immortal Spirit pool.

Just entering the Immortal Spirit pool, Zhang Yi felt a rush of pure energy coming from all directions, desperately squeezing his body, and with it, there was continuously The oppression.

In this squeeze, strands of pure energy continuously penetrated into his body from the surface of the body.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi felt a sense of hunger from his body, as if desperately eager for the energy in the Immortal Spirit pool.

Zhang Yi thoughts move, and suddenly changed from passive to active.

A warm and moisturizing energy into the body brings a refreshing feeling.

Under Zhang Yi's perception, the fleshy body swept by the white energy was covered with a faint white glow, and the true essence became gentle when it came into contact with the milk-white energy.

"What a magical place."

Zhang Yi was secretly sighed in his heart, and then looked towards the downward direction.

According to what the old man said, the more you go down, the more pure the energy of the Immortal Spirit pool, the more benefits you will get.

Of course, the pressure below that will get stronger and stronger. If you don't have the strength, you just dive down, it can only be an act of courting death.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi thought of the Martial Artist in the middle of the Earth Realm. With his cultivation base, I am afraid that it will not get much benefit.

Not right,

The other party can enjoy this opportunity in the mid-term of Earth Realm, even more how in the future.

Zhang Yi didn’t think too much. His thoughts move immediately mobilized the true essence to form a protective mask covering the body, and then the body moved, like a flying arrow, rushing towards the bottom of the Immortal Spirit pool. go with.


Zhang Yi's body swiftly swept across the thick white pool of water, and continuously dived down amidst the subtle sound of water.

As the dive deepened, Zhang Yi's speed gradually became slower, because the surrounding pressure became stronger and stronger.

His true essence barrier has been tightly attached to the surface of his body.

If stealth goes down again, his true essence barrier will be completely shattered.

It should have dived hundreds of meters.

Zhang Yi judged.

Earth Realm Great Perfection, which is purified three times by true essence, is this the limit?

Zhang Yi couldn't help thinking.

But he has not only one choice!

His Fleshly Body Realm also has the level of the late Earth Realm, and it is not weak.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi once again urged Agarwood Divine Physique.

Suddenly, a green wood pattern appeared on his chest and back, and an endless stream of thought flowed through his body.

Every piece of Zhang Yi's flesh and blood began to release strands of dark golden divine force, resisting the pressure of all directions with no opportunity.

The pressure on Zhang Yi's body was immediately reduced by more than half. Zhang Yi slightly smiled, and within a single thought, he dived quickly.

To combat pressure, Body Refinement Martial Artist is undoubtedly more advantageous than ordinary Martial Artist.

After diving another fifty meters, the total depth of Zhang Yi's dive came to one hundred and fifty meters.

I have to say that the pressure here is very high, much greater than the normal water level at the same depth.

The pressure Zhang Yi can withstand has reached the limit again, and his skin is now exuding bursts of tingling sensation.

At this time, the white pool water around Zhang Yi has become extremely white, with rays of light flashing in it, which is a manifestation of excessive concentration of energy.

Although diving into the Immortal Spirit pool as deep as a hundred meters, the underground is a dazzling bright color.

"It's the limit."

Zhang Yi thought.

Immediately he no longer insisted, but closed his eyes.

“bang bang! ”

With the operation of Zhang Yi cultivation technique, the white energy of this area is so thick that it is rushing towards Zhang Yi continuously, and finally by him Inhaled in the body, the constant baptism of the fleshy body.

As Zhang Yi absorbed, his body seemed to be covered with a faint white radiance.

At the depth of 150 meters in the Immortal Spirit Pool, Zhang Yi fell into a deep cultivation.

If you compare the dive depths of several other people, Zhang Yi will undoubtedly behave like a monster!

Except for Zhang Yi, the most powerhouse, the maximum dive depth is only 90 meters, and the pressure it bears is less than half of Zhang Yi!


Time is passing slowly.

On the outside, Nan Lian Elder is in a different courtyard of the Limitless Palace.

At this moment,

She looked at the situation in her hands with a slightly wrinkled expression-in a city in the Water Shadow Kingdom, a conflict occurred not long ago, with multiple losses of dísciple , An Elder from Earth Realm was also injured as a result.

It seems that because of the failure of the Immortal Spirit pool, the opponent has become more impatient.

Nan Lian couldn't help squeezing her fist, "It's bully intolerably!"



Immortal Spirit pool.

Zhang Yi's body is fair and white, and his face calmly absorbs the rich energy of all around.

At a certain moment, Zhang Yi, who was in deep retreat, suddenly woke up, only to feel a huge force acting on him.

It was as if the entire Immortal Spirit pool produced a repulsive force. In an instant, Zhang Yi's body shot upward.

"Is the one-month period here?"

Zhang Yi clear comprehension, then he moved his mind and took the opportunity to glance at the attribute panel:


Immortal Spirit pool bonus: 16%, the current total success rate (56%)

(high grade aptitude 10%, Heaven's Chosen destiny +5%, mood improvement +5 %, thunder quenching Yuan Jue +20%, blessed land +16%)



Zhang Yi's body Instantly rushed out of the Immortal Spirit pool, and then stood on the void.

At this time, he is wet, but his face is extremely excited!

More than half of the success rate!

Zhang Yi just wants to say that aloud now!

"Who else!"

But if you think about it, the other protagonists are 100% successful in every breakthrough realm. Compared with them, they are still far behind. Up.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi has calmed down again.

Don’t worry,

Still wait until the breakthrough succeeds and then cheer, otherwise, if it fails again, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face...

Zhang Yi looked towards all around and found that everyone's faces were as excited as him at this time, and they all seemed to have gained something.


As everyone rushed out, Old Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his slightly cloudy eyes.

He looked at everyone laughed and said, "I hope this opportunity from the Immortal Spirit pool can help you."

"Thanks Senior for giving the opportunity."

"Thanks to Limitless Palace for the opportunity."

Everyone responded.

"Okay, let's go. This mountain is going to be closed. When it opens next time, it must be a hundred years from now." Old Li said.

Hearing this, everyone left.

Finally, an array appeared in the air, covering the entire mountain.


Zhang Yi found the other courtyard where Nan Lian Elder was located after inquiring about it.

At this time,

He knocked on the door politely.

After the sound came from inside, he opened the door and entered.

Nan Lian's eyes lit up when she saw Zhang Yi who appeared in front of him. He felt a breath that was different from before. She laughed and said, "It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

Zhang Yi is humble and nodded, said in a tranquil voice, "It's just a little gain."

"Then you are ready to hit Heaven Realm? Or accumulate. For a while?"

Nan Lian asked.

"Junior realized something during the Immortal Spirit pool cultivation. It seemed that he had grasped something. I want to retreat directly when I return to the Water Reflection Sect."

Zhang Yi said without hesitation.

"Is the opportunity in the dark..."

Nan Lian pondered for a moment, and then made a decision. Without further ado, let's set off now," Nan Lian said.

"Just as Elder said."

At this point, the two left Limitless Sect and returned to Water Reflection Sect a few days later.

Until Zhang Yi stepped on the Water Reflection Sect, Zhang Yi's holding heart didn't relax.

To be honest, Zhang Yi was very nervous on the way back to Water Reflection Sect.

Zhang Yi is afraid that everyone in Extreme Yin Sect will attack them during the last section of the road, then he will not die.

Fortunately, everything goes well.

It seems that after he experienced a failure, it is indeed time to turn.

While returning to Water Reflection Sect, Zhang Yi no longer rested for a while before thinking about other things as usual. Instead, he immediately went into retreat in a mountain peak of Water Reflection Sect.

This is a retreat site chosen by Nan Lian Elder for Zhang Yi's breakthrough Heaven Realm. The safety factor is very high.

At this time, in the secret room.

Zhang Yi sit cross-legged in the center, below is a spring, which has a strong spiritual energy exuding.

Although the cooling-off period has not passed yet, Zhang Yi decided to cultivation here and wait until the final breakthrough moment.

"Supreme Taoist, Jade Emperor, Great Emperor, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is on top, bless me a successful breakthrough!"

Zhang Yi prayed sincerely, then closed his eyes and began to shut himself.


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