
The sunset is tilted, and the rays of light in the evening are sprinkled.

Between these four wilds, ravines are vertical and horizontal, ancient trees are dumped, and gravel is everywhere. Looking around, they are all traces of the battle between the two.

Zhang Yi and Li Wei stood opposite each other in the air.

Zhang Yi's hair is a little messy, his breathing is a little quick and a little embarrassed, but his eyes are very bright.

In this fight, Zhang Yi has a clear positioning of his own strength.

Because of Eye of Revelation's intelligence ability to anticipate the enemy, he can use the strength of Li Wei in front of him as a standard unit of measurement in the future to compare the enemies he encounters. Determine the strength gap between him and the opponent.

Although the strength of a Martial Artist is often affected by various factors, it can also be used as a reference data.

This is what Zhang Yi gained from this battle. He was very satisfied. The look in Li Wei's eyes changed from calm to mild.

This tool is so good!

Zhang Yi looked towards the other party, sorted out Li's clothes that were messy due to the fierce battle, and exclaimed, "Fellow Daoist Li deserves to be one of the Elders of the Rose Chamber of Commerce, so powerful I admire it."

On the opposite sky, Li Wei also had some fine beads of sweat overflowing from her forehead.

In this battle, although she kept Zhang Yi down from the beginning to the end, she still couldn't do it in a short time if she wanted to win.

After all, both of them are Heaven Realm Early-Stage.

The gap between each other has not reached the point where it can be broken at the touch of a touch.

As a swordsman, Zhang Yi has a good grasp of the rhythm of the battle, and her counterattack is exceptionally strong, so she has to pay more attention.

After all, although she is a Heaven Realm Martial Artist, her body is still a bit fragile, and if the attack is allowed to fall on her body, she will also be severely injured.

At this moment, Li Wei heard Zhang Yi’s admiration shook the head, and said with some shame, "Your true essence does not have any Attribute Power attached. It seems that you really just broke through Heaven Realm. I haven’t changed the Tier 4 cultivation technique. In this battle, I took advantage of it."

"Although your current strength is average, your combat experience is really good. Cultivation, I can’t beat you."

Li Wei said, looked towards Zhang Yi, laughed and said, "Congratulations, from now on, you will be my Rose Chamber of Commerce The Guest Elder is here."

Speaking, Li Wei stretched out her palm, and in a flash of rays of light, a token appeared in her hand, and then she threw it towards Zhang Yi on the other side.

Zhang Yi took it quickly.

He looked down and found that it was a small square-shaped token.

It has a palm-size, it feels heavy on the hand, like it is made of some kind of metal ore, one side is a rose flower, the other side is a pattern pattern.

Zhang Yi thoughts move is a Strands of Divine Sense pouring out a package token. After a few seconds, he felt a connection with this token.

On the other side, Li Wei’s voice came, "This is a token made of Heavenly Star Rock, and divine sense can be activated by integrating into it."

Heavenly Star Rock!

Zhang Yi's heart moved.

The legend is that this thing is a rock that fell from the sky. Although you don’t know true or false, it’s not cheap but it’s true.

This Heavenly Star Rock can be used as a material for forging Tier 4 weapons, but Rose Chamber of Commerce uses it as a token, which is luxurious enough.

However, a Heaven Realm Martial Artist is indeed worthy of this token created by Heavenly Star Rock.

Zhang Yi tossed the token in his hand, and after feeling it for a bit, he put it in the storage ring.

The test on battle strength has ended, and the two returned the same way.

After returning to the Rose Chamber of Commerce shop, Li Wei left.

Zhang Yi feels that the other party should have gone to take a bath. After all, a lot of physical strength has been exhausted...

Zhang Yi retracted his gaze and gave a few orders to the general manager here. After getting off, I went to rest in a comfortable room inside the shop.

After a while,

Guan Shi came here with the information.

and the others left, Zhang Yi took the information and looked at it slowly.

There is information about the land of Lei Ze, information about the hot issues of Star Realm, and an introduction to the Star Realm list, etc...

Zhang Yi I wouldn't directly say that I want a copy of Kuang Shan's intelligence, it would be too suspicious.

Zhang Yi flipped through the books page after page, and soon he saw his goal:

Kuang Shan

Extreme Yang Sect is the most Young Elder.

Current cultivation base Heaven Realm Early-Stage.

Because Zhang Yi's status has been upgraded from Golden Foreign Elder to Guest Elder, there is a detailed introduction to this piece of information.

To be precise, all the previous materials are more detailed.

Zhang Yi looked towards this detailed information.

Life history:

Kuang Shan was born as a direct line of the family in Ziluo City, Zhongyu, with a distinguished status and straightforward personality. Since childhood, he has shown amazing martial arts innate talent.

When he was twelve years old, his father Kuangyang brought him to Extreme Yang Sect cultivation. When he tested aptitude, he found that he actually had Martial Dao aptitude of Top Grade. Immediately, Kuang Shan was taken by an Elder. Received as dísciple.

Kuang Shan started cultivation at the age of twelve and reached Yellow Realm Great Perfection at the age of 18. He became Extreme Yang Sect Outer Sect First Disciple with Outer Sect Disciple ranking first and became Extreme Yang Sect Outer Sect First Disciple after a month of retreat From breakthrough to Profound Realm Early-Stage, it becomes Extreme Yang Sect inner sect disciple.

Twenty-eight years old breakthrough to the late Profound Realm, and comprehended the artistic conception of the soil. In the same year, he took a beheading mission, singlehanded broke into a bandit’s nest, and cut thirteen Profound Realm Martial Artists in a row, even Even the bandit leader of Profound Realm Great Perfection was smashed by a punch! That night, its blood stained the mountain!

The following year, Kuang Shan ranked among the top five of Inner Sect based on the later cultivation base of Profound Realm.

At the age of thirty-five, Kuang Shan reached the Profound Realm Great Perfection. In the same year, he challenged Qian Kun, the number one Inner Sect, and won!

Occupying the top of the inner sect disciple list for five full years, no one is its opponent, and then officially entered Earth Realm at the age of 40, becoming one of Extreme Yang Sect's Core Disciple.

Zhang Yi could not help but exclaimed as he watched this scene, "This resume is simply luxurious!"

In contrast, his cultivation years before Earth Realm were instantaneous It has been lowered several grades, and it is no longer a dimension at all.

Zhang Yi continue to look on.

Starting from Earth Realm, Kuang Shan's goal is to turn to the young Martial Artist of the same generation as the entire Star Realm, and start a life of Heaven's Chosen that is more surging forward with great momentum.

Countless times with the same generation of Martial Artist battles, and finally got the tenth place in the list, outsiders called it: Little Overlord.

This is Kuang Shan, the fierce man of true essence body refinement Dual Cultivation.

And he was in Earth Realm cultivation for eighty-six years!

At the age of 126, I made a breakthrough to Heaven Realm in one fell swoop! Become the new Elder of Extreme Yang Sect.

At this point, the Legendary of Kuang Shan Earth Realm has come to an end.

But countless people are still looking forward to it, looking forward to him making a new wave in Heaven Realm.

Zhang Yi rubbed his fingers against the thin paper, and the expression on his face was a little emotional.

Is this the legendary life that won at the starting line?

It's really enviable!

No wonder this guy acts so unscrupulously. It seems that he has been accustomed to a smooth journey and has not experienced the severe beatings of the society.

Of course, Kuang Shan is not that kind of muscular brain. Facing a Martial Artist whose background is similar to himself, he has converged a lot.

But unfortunately, there is a saying that goes well: I often walk by the river, and there are no wet shoes.

No, he overturned and hit Zhang Yi's arms.

Kuang Shan thought that Martial Artist in a remote place had no background and didn't care about it, so he did as one pleases.

But he did not expect that this random punch turned out to provoke a Death God, and the price he needed to pay was to pay it back with his life.


Zhang Yi stroked his chin.

"Since you have broken through to Heaven Realm Early-Stage, then count as your good luck, and keep you for a while."

"Boy, come on, the more dazzling you are , The more you regret it when you are desperate." Zhang Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes exuded a dangerous aura.

Immediately, Zhang Yi went on to look at the following information, but the action was indeed much faster.

For Zhang Yi, this information really increased his horizons.

And these news are not limited to younger generation, but also include Heaven Realm Martial Artist, which is the treatment Zhang Yi did not have when he was in Golden Foreign Elder.

Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling, what kind of Martial Artist he came into contact with at any level.

When he didn't come to Zhongyu, the Heaven Realm expert he knew was only Old Ye.

But as Zhang Yi came to Zhongyu, he suddenly discovered that Heaven Realm Martial Artists seemed not so rare anymore.


Finally, Zhang Yi closed all the information, and then got up and left the shop.

This is the end of the Rose Chamber of Commerce trip. The next step is to go to the land of Lei Ze to absorb a Thunder from Nine Heavens, and then you can transfer to Feng Lei sword art.

Of course, before setting off, Zhang Yi spent a day resting in the tavern in the city, soaked in the bath, and enjoyed the back rub.

On the second day, the morning sun has just risen, Zhang Yi has turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky, embarking on a journey back to the land of Lei Ze.


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