Martial Artist of Heaven Realm.

In addition to its true essence, the fourth-order cultivation technique can also give it true essence Attribute Power.

This Attribute Power is not the same as before, such as Water Element cultivation technique Fire Element Cultivation Art and other cultivation of true essence with certain characteristics.

It is to find all kinds of magical Attribute Power from the outside world and integrate it into the true essence lake, so that the true essence in the true essence lake will be transformed, with special effects, and become more powerful.

And this step has extremely high requirements for true essence lakes.

It must be tenacious enough to withstand the true essence with Attribute Power.

Only the true essence lake that has been tempered by the shocking force of the breakthrough Heaven Realm can withstand this attribute true essence, otherwise the cultivation will be very difficult.

Of course, even so, it is not without risk.

Although there is a corresponding cultivation technique as a guide, the true essence of itself is integrated with other Attribute Power, which is inherently exclusive.

If you can't grasp it, not only will it not be able to smoothly transform the true essence, but it will cause damage to the true essence lake.

But Zhang Yi doesn't have this trouble, he is fearless if he has a system.

Waiting for him to succeed in this Fenglei sword art cultivation success, so that its true essence has two attributes, then Zhang Yi faced his opponents in the same realm, and Innate was domineering by three points on true essence.

The current strength of Zhang Yi true essence is more than ten times that of Earth Realm Great Perfection, and when he succeeds in sword art cultivation, the strength of true essence will more than double.

And this is also a great help for the 1 month later engagement.

Of course,

It is not true that the more attributes contained in the true essence, the stronger the true essence. It is also a superior choice to specialize in an attribute cultivation to the extreme. Do not lose to the true essence of multiple attributes.

And whether it is stronger and weaker, it still depends on how it plays.

Zhang Yi looked at the thick dark clouds in the sky, gently put out a breath, and his eyes gradually calmed down.

Zhang Yi opened his palm forward, and a jade box appeared in his hand. Zhang Yi opened the jade box. Inside were three full-body purple plants, and the blooming petals A faint electric arc flashed, and the leaves were curled.

Raiking Flower,

Zhang Yi obtained it from the thunder giant beast's lair that he killed before.

Its function is to temporarily increase the affinity of Martial Artist to Thunder and Thunder, which is very helpful to the understanding of Thunder Element martial skill and artistic conception.

He kept it all the time.

Before getting Thunder from Nine Heavens, Zhang Yi intends to increase the level of Concept of Thunder by one level. This is also part of his coming to the land of Lei Ze, and after doing so, he will charge Thunder from Nine. Heavens will also be more secure.

Although he missed the time of thunderstorms, he was promoted to Heaven Realm, his divine sense greatly increased, and he was more sensitive to the outside world.

Under such circumstances, he would not be too bad for the comprehend effect of Concept of Thunder.

"These three Raikage flowers should be able to make my Concept of Thunder reach Small Success Realm."

Zhang Yi thought, and then took out a Raikage flower, Put it into the entrance of the swallow, and then close the jade box and put it into the storage ring.

"Come on."

"Let me increase my strength again."

At the entrance of Raikage Flower, there is a slight cool feeling. Zhang Yi's mouth broke out.

After that, a cool, pure energy rushed directly to the brain, which made Zhang Yi's thinking not help running fast, and had an unprecedented sense of transparency.

Zhang Yi's black eyes also have a little weird purple.

Zhang Yi knows that Raikage Flower is starting to work.


[You swallowed a thousand and eight hundred years of Raikage Flower]

[Within three days, your relatives to Thunder Element The degree of harmony is greatly improved! 】

Zhang Yi sit cross-legged on the red earth, and above the head is a continuous cloud of black clouds.

The strong wind blows his hair, and Zhang Yi has no time to take care of it.

His divine sense expands, as if it blends into between Heaven and Earth, cautiously observing the strength of Thunder dancing in the clouds.

Under such a bonus state, Zhang Yi's understanding of Concept of Thunder has improved rapidly!

Three days later.

Zhang Yi opened his eyes, and a thin thunder light flashed in his eyes.

A smile appeared on his face.

Concept of Thunder has increased from 10% to 20%.


Zhang Yi thoughts move, again took out a Raiking Flower to take, and then closed my eyes again comprehend.

Three days later, Zhang Yi went on to take the third Raikage Flower.

For the time of Nine Heavens, Zhang Yi was immersed in the understanding of Concept of Thunder, and his artistic conception has also been upgraded from 10% to 30%, which is Small Success Realm.

It's not much different from his initial guess.

If you talk more carefully, his Concept of Thunder is 30% of the realm.


"This cultivation speed is really enviable, if it can last forever."

"It doesn't take a hundred years Time, as long as you give me a year, I am afraid that I can dominate Star Realm."

Concluding the concept of Thunder's comprehend, Zhang Yi has some obsessive thoughts in his eyes.

After that, Zhang Yi looked up towards Gaokong, his eyes calmed.

The dessert is over,

Now we will start the course.


Zhang Yi thoughts move, and then the Concept of Thunder with Small Accomplishment surrounds the whole body.

Then he followed Fenglei sword art's instructions to urge the true essence in his body to go through several special routes, and finally form a faint light curtain around him.

Although Zhang Yi has not switched to Sword Art, but according to the above instructions, it is still no problem to charge Thunder from Nine Heavens.

Not only Thunder from Nine Heavens, but also the collection method of the natural wind is also recorded, but the distance is quite far, and it is a little troublesome. It can't be completed in three months. Zhang Yi decided to fill in the cultivation point. Full.

After finishing all the preparatory preparations, Zhang Yi immediately turned into a light and shadow and rushed towards the dark clouds in the sky.

With the sound of breaking wind, Zhang Yi is getting closer and closer to the dark cloud.

"Pu chi!"

With a sound, Zhang Yi's figure jumped into the clouds and disappeared.

As Zhang Yi passed through the clouds, the harsh thunder sound continued from all directions.

Because Zhang Yi's distance is very close, the sound has a direct shock.

Even if there is a true essence barrier to protect the body, his heart is still beating with thunder and thunder.

Zhang Yi looked all around, one after another lightning flashing through the clouds, Zhang Yi also had to be treated with caution.


"Fortunately, because the Concept of Thunder is all over the body, and the relationship between the movement route guided by Feng Lei sword art, it did not cause thunder's riots ."

Zhang Yi nodded.

So, he can use it with confidence.

Zhang Yi looked towards the top, body moved and then flew upwards.

Thunder from Nine Heavens, although it does not really exist on Nine Heavens, it is also at a very high level in the sky.

Among the thick clouds, Zhang Yi's silhouette shuttles through the thunder.

Although Zhang Yi uses the guidance of artistic conception and sword art to not cause fluctuations in the thunder, Zhang Yi has no choice but to follow through with some thunder who accidentally rushed to him.

But this occasional thunder obviously does not cause much trouble for Zhang Yi.


With the constant blast in his ears, Zhang Yi gradually approached the sky.


Flying in the clouds for a long time, Zhang Yi finally stopped.

At this time, the surrounding Power of Thunder became more and more violent. If you fly up again, I am afraid that Zhang Yi will soon be unable to hold on.

Fortunately, he has already arrived at his destination.

Zhang Yi looked up. At this time, the clouds above had changed color.

It is no longer a gray black cloud, but a white cloud.

Although this is the case, the power of the thunder that comes out of it far exceeds that of the thunder below.

Even Zhang Yi did not dare to enter it, because this is where Thunder from Nine Heavens exists.

The characteristic of Thunder from Nine Heavens is penetration. As soon as Zhang Yi enters it, the protection from the true essence will be pierced immediately. If he loses the protection of the true essence, he is set on fire by the thunder. Below, there is only dead end.

Although his fleshy body is good, he flies too high. The violent thunder all around has already exceeded the limit of the fleshy body.

Zhang Yi looked around and nodded.

"Just pick up a piece of Thunder from Nine Heavens here, and then seal it in the body, and when it returns to the ground, it will merge into the true essence lake."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi sat cross-legged high in the air and proceeded according to the method of collecting Thunder from Nine Heavens.

Directing Thunder Technique.

This is described in Fenglei sword art. The secret technique of collecting Thunder from Nine Heavens is quite magical, but it can establish a connection with Thunder from Nine Heavens, thereby motivating Thunder from Nine Heavens. Down.

Zhang Yi closed his eyes, thinking of the Directing Thunder Technique in his mind.

Then his hands quickly fluttered in the air, forming one after another profound seal, and finally Zhang Yi folded his hands together and fell into a state of silence.

In this state, Zhang Yi's mind gradually became calm, and one of his Strands of Divine Sense quietly dispersed, and then slowly, cautiously, drifted towards The high-altitude silver lightning.

That Strands of Divine Sense exudes a strange wave, as if pretending to be a member of Thunder from Nine Heavens, so Zhang Yi’s Strands of Divine Sense is very smooth. Melt into them.

Soon, Zhang Yi aimed at a silver thunder and lightning.

Zhang Yi floated the divine sense and tried to establish it.

However, after a few seconds, his divine sense was swallowed.

A groan sounded in Zhang Yi's throat, Zhang Yi brows slightly wrinkle, and then separated a Strands of Divine Sense into the cloud above.

And this time, Zhang Yi's divine sense is a lot bigger.

The previous divine sense was too weakly scattered, even if Thunder from Nine Heavens has not rioted yet, just simply touching it will melt his divine sense.

The transparent divine sense stretched out slowly, surrounded by a Thunder from Nine Heavens, and an invisible wave spread out-he was establishing contact with this Thunder.

After some time, Zhang Yi frowned.

There is still no response.

He eagerly pleased the other party, but he didn't get any feedback. The other party was arrogantly like a Princess.

"I'm going, how do I feel like a licking dog."

Zhang Yi felt a little fluctuating in his heart.

He was so proactive, but in exchange for the other's love to answer.

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